
You're my light

"Hi, I'm Daehyun. Your dads new boyfriend." He said and stretched out his hand. I took it and shook it lightly. "You're Junhong right?" he continued. I couldn't let go of the fact that this person was beautiful and so handsome. Where did dad get him from anyway? 


"Yeah, I'm Junhong but please call me Zelo." I said and let go of his hand. Still completely staring at him. 


"Uhm... your dad wanted me to get some boxes and I didn't find them so I kind of got here. Do you mind telling me where they are?" he asked and scratched back of his head.


"Here, you can have this one." I said and gave him one who stood behind me. He accepted it with a smile.


"Thanks! I'll talk to you later then." he said and left the room. I followed him with my eyes and saw that Yongguk was standing there, staring at Daehyun with curious eyes and I saw that he was a bit curious why Daehyun was here. I walked towards him with a worried face, but I was still happy that he was here. Before he could hug me I kissed him and placing my arms around his neck. I broke the kiss needing air. He was smiling again.


"Thank you for coming." I said still having my arms having around his neck.


"My pleasure." He said and kissed me once. I put my arms down and walked back to my packing. He followed me with his eyes. I started to take out all my clothes and putting them in the box. It feels kind of weird to move from this house, this was the house that I lived in for my entire life. It's just weird to move now. But it's dad that got a better job in town so we are moving into town closer to his work and Daehyun probably. But the only thing that makes me happy is that it will only take me 15 minutes to make go to Yongguks apartment. Yongguk lived in the city and I lived an half hour out of the city, though the long trip between each other we meet up everyday. Dad wasn't the best dad you could have at that time so I spent a lot of time in Yongguks apartment, he picked me up from school and we went back to his apartment everyday. We had never been in my house because of the situation here. Yongguk didn't mind it at all. That was the thing I loved the most with him. That he didn't ask for much just that we could be together he would be happy. 


I packed all of my clothes and shoes but found out that Yongguk was staring at me from far. He pulled out my jacket that I forgot in his apartment, I was totally embarrassed about this. How could I forget it and then he had to come and leave it. I'm such a bother. 


"I'm sorry..." I said and walked to him accepting the jacket. 


"No, it's fine. This was my reason to see you again though." He said and smirked. I looked up and our lips connected. Yongguk slipped in his tongue and I accepted it right away. He lifted me up by my thighs not breaking the kiss and walked to the bed putting me down carefully. His hand trailed upwards to my waist. I slightly pushed him away.


"We can't do it know." I said.


"I know, I'll let you finish your stuff then we'll go back to my house." 


"But I'm moving today. I can't go to your house." I said.


"Your house is 15 minutes away from me. The moving trucks will take time to get there with all the stuff that still is left. We'll have time to take a quick one." He said and smirked at me.


"Why don't we just do it in the car or something?" I intentionally but I guess he thinks that I'm serious since he said okay. What have I done now?


I packed in the last things that could fit into the box and Yongguk helped me. If he didn't help me it would have been a lot of stuff left. We moved them out side the house were the trucks stood and waited for them. Dad came out with boxes and Daehyun after him with more boxes. 


"There are big furnitures in the house." Dad said and pointed in to the house. The men ran in the house and took out the furnitures without any complaints. When everything was in the trucks and the house was empty. We said good-bye one last time and moved in to the city. I never thought that it would be so hard to leave this house, this was the house I lived in since I was little with my mom and dad. And experienced a lot of both painful and happy stuff. Mom leaving us after finding out that dad was gay, I stayed with mom but moved back to dad when I saw her with a new guy, dad took me in again and I met Youngjae, dads last boyfriend. The accident happened a half year after and dad became depressed and we didn't have a good time under that era. And now we are moving from this house, getting a new fresh start as a family again. I felt happy and sad at the same time, but mostly happy to be able to find out that Himchan appa was starting to get better and he was dating again. I also have someone that I love. This was my day to forget and move on. And that is what I will do. With my light by my side, I can do what ever I want. 

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Chapter 7: Looks like Bang is in Love with him again...
Chapter 6: That's interesting. Just when Himchan said that everything will be okay, BYG lost his memory... Already curious what will Zelo do with YongGuk XD.
Will the accident happen soon? i am scared of Banglo will they fall apart?
I really like this fic!!
Update when u can :)
Your fic is really cool i can't wait for update ^_^