The waithing...

You're my light

Days went by without any signs of Yongguk waking up. He was still laying there on the hospital bed peacefully but still alive. Dad was out of the hospital and resting at home, with Daehyun as company. I was at the hospital everyday and checked on Yongguk even though that wasn't my duty, I had to go to school but since it's been hard for me to go there and know that Yongguk wasn't going to be there and pick me up I didn't want to go. I asked dad to let me stay home for at least a week or two, and he agreed.


When I was at the hospital, I usually stayed there all day, and when the sun was setting, Daehyun came and picked me up. And I woke up the next day coming back to the hospital. I just want to be there when he woke up. Even though that I didn't know when he was going to wake up, I came anyway. I wanted him to know that someone was there with him. 


I woke up another morning and felt that everything was going to be the same. But I got up, took a bath and ate breakfast with dad and Daehyun like always. It was nice and quiet but a bit depressing. 


"Do you want me to drive you?" Daehyun asked. He asked that everyday, but I didn't get annoyed. It was just his way of showing that he cared about me, and wanted to help as much as possible. 


"Yeah, that would be nice." I smiled at him and kept eating. When it was time to go, dad stopped me.


"Don't give up your hope just yet, Zelo." Dad said, holding my hand tightly. 


"Himchan..." Daehyun said quietly.


"I wont, I'm going to continue hoping and wishing dad. It's fine." I gave him a hug before walking out the door. Daehyun and I walked in silence, and on the way to the hospital, it was silent. The only thing he said was that he was going to pick me up at the same time as always. I walked inside the hospital, not expecting too much. But when I walked into Yongguks room, I saw a bunch of nurses and doctors around his bed. What was going on? What happened to him? My heart started to beat faster and I was getting nervous, did something bad happen? I walked towards one of the doctors and he smiled at me. I looked over at the bed and saw that Yongguk was awake. I felt warmth filling in my heart, and the tears started welling down my cheeks. I walked towards the bed and hugged him. He was finally awake. I was sniffing and sobbing, but felt a bit of awkwardness when Yongguk didn't hug me back. I let him go and looked at him confused. 


"Is there something wrong, Yongguk?" I asked him. I looked over the doctor and he just watched Yongguk closely, I turned my face once again and stared at him.


"I'm sorry... but who are you? And how do you know my name?" He said and smiled a bit, but it wasn't a sincere smile but an awkward one. My heart stopped for a second and the tears started to run down my cheeks once more. I looked back at the doctor, he was shaking his head. I didn't know what else I would do. I couldn't hug Yongguk, he didn't remember who I was. He didn't know me, I couldn't just go and hug him now. The doctor spoke.


"He did have an concussion, and this is the effect of it. Memory loss... I'm sorry but... it might be temporary, we'll just have to take more tests." he said and I just nodded. I looked back at Yongguk and he just stared. I sat down on the chair next to the bed, not knowing what I would do. The tears wouldn't stop, he doesn't remember me, what will I do know? The man that I love, doesn't remember me. Just now that I thought everything was going to be okay,  this happens... and takes away all my hope. Dad what should I do know?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

This chapter isn't like the other ones, I thinks it's shorter and even more dull. But I think I can make the next chapter better. 

Well, this is just my thought. What do you think? Comment? ^^

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Chapter 7: Looks like Bang is in Love with him again...
Chapter 6: That's interesting. Just when Himchan said that everything will be okay, BYG lost his memory... Already curious what will Zelo do with YongGuk XD.
Will the accident happen soon? i am scared of Banglo will they fall apart?
I really like this fic!!
Update when u can :)
Your fic is really cool i can't wait for update ^_^