A Walk in the Park

Parallel Paths


Back on the path I fall to my knees, overwhelmed as the anxiousness I felt in the doomsday world slips away with loss at leaving everyone replacing it, before slowly fading until happiness overtakes me, coming from the fact that "I" was able to be with "Woohyun."


As the emotions course through my body I end up curled on my side, in the middle of the lake, trying to process all that happened.


Everyone was clearly tightly bonded to each other, the shared tattoos were proof enough of that, yet the group was also clearly divided into three small groups. Furthermore, who exactly were them and why was everyone so freaked out that they were coming. What does it all mean?


Sitting up I realize there was a third thing that was relatively clear: "Woohyun" and "I" were together, in a romantic relationship, and we kissed.

I blush at the thought and I can feel my face getting even redder as I realize that we shared a bed! 

Clam down Sunggyu!


Eventually I pick myself up off the lake and look around for the bubble that is sure to be aglow.

This time as I stand in the middle of the finite path the glowing bubble is only about three steps ahead of me and not at the extremes of the path like the other two were.

Peaking inside I see a green park filled with flowers in full-bloom illuminated partly by the sun with the other half covered in shadows by clouds. Once done looking I reach my hand in, and close my eyes as a white light surrounds me before fading to reveal the green of the park.

I'm standing slightly off a path that's outlining the park with a field of grass stretching to my left side. There's a light breeze that makes all the leaves in the trees rustle and I can hear laughter ringing through the air even though there's no one is my line of sight. 
The clouds part and the sun comes out blanketing everything in a soft yellow as I head further into the field towards where I think the laughter is coming from.

As I begin walking I realize that the field has a slight incline as I struggle a bit before the land flattens out. 
Once over the hill the auras appear. 

Still quite a ways away sitting in the shade of an oak tree I can see Hoya, Dongwoo, Myungsoo, Sungyeol, Woohyun, and “I” gathered on a plaid blanket with three different picnic baskets abandoned along the blanket’s edges since all the food containers have already been taken out of them and arranged in the blanket.


Everyone looks as they do in my world only slightly older which makes me feel as if this is an alternate reality.

Walking closer I can see that everyone is decked out in summer clothes, all wearing shorts, t-shirts and tennis shoes or sandals, and I can't help but laugh at the fact that each couple seems lost in their own little world. 

Myungsoo and Sungyeol have laid out a small mat and are in the process of carving a watermelon. Sungyeol is cutting it while rambling on about something while Myungsoo is concentrated on the knife with a look of worry mixed with a bit of panic crossing over his face every time Sungyeol brings the knife a little to close to one of his fingers.

Dongwoo and Hoya are sitting next to each other with Hoya on the left and Dongwoo on the right, hanging onto Hoya's arm, playing with his fingers and bursting out laughing at random times. This seems to be making Hoya unable to keep a straight face as he’s talking and his ends up simply smiling as Dongwoo buries his head into his arm left below, right his shoulder. 

Then Woohyun and “I” are snuggling!! Gah!

I feel a blush creeping into my cheeks and focusing on the Sunggyu of this world I see that he’s deeply blushing as well.


“Sunggyu, I have something to tell you” Woohyun starts, only to be cut off by a shriek as a light drizzle starts.


Everyone turns to see Sungjong a few meters away, glowing pink as always and accompanied by someone who I don’t recognize. His hair is brown and he’s as tall as Sungjong, with a soft orange aura engulfing him.


I’m unable to take in more of his appearance though since as Sungjong panics about his hair the man besides him opens an umbrella, hiding both of their faces.


As the drizzle turns into actual rain Sungyeol runs out into the field and starts dancing in it, soon accompanied by Dongwoo who is now laughing hysterically.

Myungsoo and Hoya watch their boyfriends’ silly antics before Hoya runs out, picking up Dongwoo and wrestling him into the mud that has been created by his dancing.

Seeing this Sungyeol gathers as much mud as he can into his cupped hands and dumps most of it onto Myungsoo’s head, signaling only the start of the mud throwing war that soon follows


Meanwhile, Woohyun and Sunggyu have taken shelter under the oak tree, and Woohyun seems to be continuing what he was saying earlier.

As I edge closer to them I listen in on their conversation.


“Sunggyu, every one else is already together and we’ve been friends for some time now so I don’t think I’m rushing this. I love you a lot and I plan to be with for the rest of my life so please just accept my confession and finally say yes to becoming mine” Woohyun says, flicking his head so that the hair that is now damp and matted to his forehead is out of his eyes, since he’s currently holding both of Sunggyu’s hands in his while waiting for a reply.


Sunggyu is looking at the ground and as he raises his head Woohyun and I both realize that besides the rain, tears are also the reason Sunggyu’s face is wet.


“Gyugyu! It’s okay! You don’t have to date me if you don’t want to! We can be friends forev-”

Woohyun starts rambling in a panic before being cut off by Sunggyu’s lips.

Woohyun quietly gasps before pulling Sunggyu closer and quite passionately returning the kiss that Sunggyu initiated.


Once separated Sunggyu quickly says “I love you too” before burying his head into Woohyun’s chest as Woohyun chuckles and kisses the top of Sunggyu’s head.

“I didn’t think you’d ever say it”


With that everything starts to fade leaving me with the image of Woohyun holding a blushing Sunggyu in his arms as four severely muddy people along with two clean and dry people congratulate them on becoming a couple. 


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Lorenavargas #1
Chapter 9: Estuvo hermoso. Gracias. Sigue escribiendo lo haces espectacular. Te felicito.
Wahh this is a very good fic~ light and sweet! Thanks authornim~
shedding-dream #3
Chapter 9: /squealed like a seagulls
I like this :3

And merry Christmas too for you~
Chapter 7: hmmm, is this our Christmas present? ♥
So cute ;w; This is such a great fanfic! So many scenarios c:
Merry Christmas!
shedding-dream #5
Chapter 5: I like thisssssss
Angel ;A;
Chapter 5: YOU UPDATED!
Chapter 4: wow, what an interesting story you have here. It's different from what I've read, but in a good way C:
Props to you, I really like how you're writing!
And Happy Holidays to you~ ^^