We have a Kryber Fan amongst us.

We Tied the Author Up
"Hey author, why do you hate me?" Krystal asked as she sat beside Amber, the loveseat now changed to a couch so the three could sit. The author looked at Krystal confused. "Yea the story YOU wrote well its still in process but it was supposed to be Kryber but you changed it to Jessber. Why?"Krystal explained to the author who understood what she meant now. "Well it was supposed to be Kryber but I guess I put to much Jessica and Amber bonding time and BAM the fans/readers were rooting for Jessber." replied Music honestly. "Why'd you make me a guy? Am I not good looking enough without a ?" Amber asked curiously. Guess what happened next. In walked in guy version of Amber he had a Icee and sat down on a recliner that was never there in the first place. "Amber meet your guy self we'll call him A.J so we don't get confused. Now I made you a guy cause shoot I don't even know myself but I don't regret it" the author said. "Look at him, he's to adorable gah! I could just huggle you to death!"Key said running to A.J, Key looked uncomfortable but ran to Aj and sat on his lap. "I'm sensing a Keyber fan is the one making you do this Key"Music said to a very tense Key. "Krystal beautiful, I want to show you this new dance I learned" Amber said huskily to Krystal who shivered in anticipation. Amber leaned in front of Krystal, their lips only centimeters away. Krystal quickly closed the space kissing Amber. Now where was Jessica she was in what seemed to be a jail cell. "Oooookay then, well I guess who ever put those two up to that is a Kryber fan. Now readers just know your dear author is tied up and has nothing to do with this strange plot. The mysterious writer is." Music said. " Amber" Krystal moaned. "Get out of here you ert writer. Skip the scene! You didn't rate it M!! Nooooooooooo" Music yelled at the lunatic writer who decided to have mercy on the readers and began to write chapter three.
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Chapter 7: violent Sica and Yubin XDD
Chapter 7: Wow its started getting outta hand here :D
Jason17 #3
Chapter 6: Victoria~!!!! OMG this is getting out of control (TT^TT) I'm thinking its wonder girl Sunye ??
Chapter 6: Who dare touch my Vic !!!!?????
Chapter 5: The horror~!!! LOL I wonder if its one of the member of wondergirls
Chapter 5: Hah i think i knew who the author is.....of course it wasnt me :D
Jason17 #8
Chapter 5: Woah.. ._. *speechless* But thanks for the update though ._.
Jason17 #9
Chapter 4: XD I just love you this is hilarious Hahahaha
Chapter 3: OMG this~!!! I honestly just found your fic today and thank you for the wonderful story :)