The Season Of Giving

We Tied the Author Up

Amber quickly exited to the main screen of her phone and looked up to see her very pissed off scary girlfriend...Hellsica.

"Babe, it wasn't what it looked like. It was Yubin's fault" Amber said blaming Yubin who was still chatting with the shackled author.

"If she never sent me it I wouldn't have been looking" Amber said trying to get Hellsica's attention on Yubin.

"Haven't you heard its the season of giving? Or its better to give than receive" Yubin yelled at Amber, though that didn't help much in Yubin's case.

Jessica and Krystal walked over to Yubin who was now cowering behind Music.

"Gah you two leave me alone" said the better looking female rapper.

"Hold the Hellsica up" Amber said, "Did the mystery author say Yubin was better looking then me? Because if they did then they've got a screw loose. I have guys and girls lined up to have a piece of this" she said grumbling the last part..

Music looked at the Jung sisters then to Yubin and lastly Amber. "Jessica, Krystal could you turn around please. Amber get over here oh you to Aj" Music said, the Jung sisters confused at the odd request did, and both versions of Amber did as well. Music then put up Yubin's phone that still had the picture of Tiffany's on the screen outwards so that Amber, Yubin, and Aj could see it. The four of them were comparing the three asses!

"No" Yubin whispered.

"Yes look at it, its much more plump you see" Music whispered back.

"Hers is perfect look at it"Yubin whispered back.

"Aj and Amber what do you think?"Music asked.

"Them asses" Amber and Aj responded at the same time.

The Jung sisters turned when they heard Aj and Amber say that when they figured out what the four were doing. When they turned around they saw the four now looking at the phone in Music's hand, that was quickly changed to a video on youtube instead of the picture.

"Oppa gangam style!" the video played out.

The Jung sistes knew better and stalked their way up to the four preparing to teach these erts a lesson until.......

"Hey everyone" Tiffany said walking in and at that moment the video that was still playing, blared out "Eh~ y Lady"


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Chapter 7: violent Sica and Yubin XDD
Chapter 7: Wow its started getting outta hand here :D
Jason17 #3
Chapter 6: Victoria~!!!! OMG this is getting out of control (TT^TT) I'm thinking its wonder girl Sunye ??
Chapter 6: Who dare touch my Vic !!!!?????
Chapter 5: The horror~!!! LOL I wonder if its one of the member of wondergirls
Chapter 5: Hah i think i knew who the author is.....of course it wasnt me :D
Jason17 #8
Chapter 5: Woah.. ._. *speechless* But thanks for the update though ._.
Jason17 #9
Chapter 4: XD I just love you this is hilarious Hahahaha
Chapter 3: OMG this~!!! I honestly just found your fic today and thank you for the wonderful story :)