
Month by Month


“Beach!” I shouted happily, as our group filed out of the van. The sun was hot, the beach was empty, and I am sure that water was warm. It was sad that we were only here to film a music video, but I think I overheard our manager talking to the film crew about allowing us to stay afterward and have a beach day. Either way, I was in flip flops, a swim suit and I was at the beach, I didn't care. Bap our puppu ran out of the van, sprinting towards the water as fast as he could. We all laughed, and Luna chased after him to make sure that he was okay and didn't drown himself. He was still learning to swim so it was better not to take chances. After she got him back and on a leash we began filming. The cameras went up, and our instructions were simple, just have a fun day at the beach. It seemed simple enough. Sulli and Amber sprinted towards the water, while Victoria and I set up blankets and towels, before laying down and reading. It was the perfect beach weather.


“You're funny if you think you're not going in that water.” Amber said standing over me. I pouted. She was blocking my sun.


“I don't want to swim quite yet. Let me tan.” I said, sticking my tongue out. She rolled her eyes, and I just smirked, closing my eyes and enjoying the sun. Suddenly I felt her hands underneath me, and being lifted off the ground. My eyes flew open, and Amber as carrying me to the water. Cameras took note of our actions and began filming us.


“YAH! BABO! PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT.” I yell, smacking her arm lightly, by now she was waist deep in the water, and had an evil grin upon her lips.


“One.” She said, swinging me lightly, putting me over the water. My eyes went wide with realizing what was about to happen.


“Amber.” I stated with a glare. She smirked and ignored me. Luna and Sulli grinned in excitement.


“Twooooo.” She dragged out, swinging me farther. I gripped my hands onto her shoulders for dear life.


“DON'T YOU DARE.” I yelled angrily. She didn't stop though, not that I really expected her too.


“THREE!” She shouted, throwing me as high as she could, and I flew into the air. I flopped into the water, and everything was peaceful. I loved being underwater, everything was so calming. I swam up to the surface, popping my head back up, getting a breath of air, and looking around for Amber.


“You're dead meat.” I glared at her, splashing water into her face. She seemed surprised, and the war was on. She splashed me back, but I dodged it, and then launched myself towards her. I dunked her head underwater, and she grabbed my waist and started tickling me. I was laughing, trying to splash water at her, trying to get her to stop. She went back underwater, wrapping my legs around her shoulders and stood back up, carrying me on her shoulders.


“YAH! PUT ME DOWN!” I shouted angrily. She gripped onto my legs tighter.


“No can do sweetie.” She said walking around in the water. The other girls were giggling at me, and I gave them my ice princess glare to shut them up. It didn't really work though, and Amber looked up at me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes as she danced around, before dunking her head back underwater and releasing me. When she popped her head back up with a smile, and I turned around and looked away. She wrapped her arms around my waist, glancing at the two cameras filming Luna, Victoria, Sulli and Bap. She kissed me on the cheek lightly, and I smiled, she knew exactly how to make it so I wasn't angry anymore. It was like she knew me better than anyone else.


Awe, cute little secret Kryber. They're so happy together I love it haha  :3


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Chapter 12: Todo se soluciono para kryber ojala pasara lo mismo en la actualidad
Chapter 11: Krystal usted sabe que no puede resistirse al encanto de Amber ya perdone a su siervo adorado
Chapter 9: Septiembre: seguro que es un error Amber nunca engañaría a Krystal
Chapter 12: i think this is nice! good job!
zeuxel #5
Chapter 12: this fic is good tho. :)
Chapter 12: Yay! it's good rexxie. Simple, but good ^^
Eririn #7
Chapter 11: They got back together. Aww that was sweet :)
secretaccount23 #8
Chapter 12: ending is good rex. it's good kryber got together again
kryber1994 #9
Chapter 11: hehe.. i love your stories author. Update soon.. anticipating!!
Chapter 11: Soojung is a violent girl xD
Just one month left :(