
Month by Month


“That's the third girlfriend she's broken up with this month. What's up with her?” Sulli asked Luna. Luna seemed to shrug, she wasn't sure either. Nobody was. It hurt to know I was just another name to her collection of girls. She once told me there was never a girl that she liked that hasn't liked her back. It drove me insane, but I suppose there was nothing I could do about it now. Why did I still like her, I knew that she didn't feel the same way about me. Or if she did, she was showing it in a weird way.


“Maybe she just has something going on.” I stated softly, and Luna gave me a weird look.


“It's weird that you're defending her...” I just shrugged, we didn't know the full story, so we couldn't judge her. I stood up, making my way back my room. I flopped onto my bed, and I heard a small knock on my door. I sighed, not wanting some stupid lecture about how I should get over her and etc.


“Come in.” I shouted, rolling over onto my stomach and shoving my face into my pillow, trying not to scream. Why won't people just leave me alone.


“Thanks for defending me back there...” I heard, in her voice. My head snaps up and whips around, and she's standing relatively awkwardly in the doorway. I give her a small smile, and she walks up to me and gives me a hug. She seems upset, and I don't blame her, breakups were difficult, even if you weren't dating for that long.


“What happened with Nicole?” I asked her, and she looks away at the ground. Right when I'm about to tell her that she doesn't have to talk about it if she doesn't want to, but she mumbles something into the ground.


“She cheated on me.” I give her sympathetic eyes, so that's why she was upset. Who would ever cheat on Amber? She seemed so perfect of a girlfriend...


“Don't let her get to you. You're a great girl, and a great girlfriend, I'm sure you'll find the perfect girl for you one day.” I said, she nodded, giving me a small smile.


“Maybe I've already found her.”


My apologies for not updating the past couple of days. I hope everyone had a nice holiday! Also, my apologies for the cliffhanger. 

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Chapter 12: Todo se soluciono para kryber ojala pasara lo mismo en la actualidad
Chapter 11: Krystal usted sabe que no puede resistirse al encanto de Amber ya perdone a su siervo adorado
Chapter 9: Septiembre: seguro que es un error Amber nunca engañaría a Krystal
Chapter 12: i think this is nice! good job!
zeuxel #5
Chapter 12: this fic is good tho. :)
Chapter 12: Yay! it's good rexxie. Simple, but good ^^
Eririn #7
Chapter 11: They got back together. Aww that was sweet :)
secretaccount23 #8
Chapter 12: ending is good rex. it's good kryber got together again
kryber1994 #9
Chapter 11: hehe.. i love your stories author. Update soon.. anticipating!!
Chapter 11: Soojung is a violent girl xD
Just one month left :(