Chap 1



Today is day where I off from my busy scheduled. I woke up early and headed to my kitchen. I look at my clock and it’s already 4.15 a.m. It’s already been my routine to wake up early, whether I have scheduled or not. I took a bottle from my refrigerator and drink it. It feels weird indeed. The loneliness strikes me, again. There only one thing I can do, jog. If I take a fresh air early this morning, the scientific show it’s really good for your body and for your mind. But not only that I want to jog. I want to leave the loneliness that I feel right now.

 Before this, whenever I wake up, it will be someone who already in kitchen prepare for the breakfast. Jaejoong hyung always wake up early just because want to make us breakfast.



“Owh you already up. Get nice sleep?”

Jaejoong hyung greet me with his warm smile.

“Ne~ you hyung?”

I drink my water as Jaejoong hyung just nodded and continue his working. I walk to our living room and sit there waiting for my evil maknae to come down from his room. Like always, whenever we have time both of us will jog around our area before eating our breakfast. Yoochun and Yunho hyung as always sleep at their comfy bed.

“Yo Junsu!”

I turn around and see Changmin already come out from his room with his blue shirt and black track suit.

“I’m your hyung. Don’t dare to call me without hyung word at end of my name.”

 I said with dissatisfaction in my voice. He just smirks.

“Haha whatever. We just different 2 years, nothing different.”

“We only different 2 years and you said nothing different??? It’s different you know. I’m your hyung!!”

I shout at his ear and he moves his head away because of that. I just smile in victory.

“Yah!!! Don’t shout at my ear, your dolphin!!”

“Yah!!! I not dolphin!!!”

“You are”

“No your freaking food monster!!”

“So what if I’m food monster. Any problem duck ??”

“Yah!!! You evil magnae!!”

I smack his head.

“Can both of you stop fight. Yunho and Yoochun still sleeping, you know.”

I can see that Jaejoong hyung really pissed with both of us.

“Well, he starts first umma.”

Changmin whined to Jaejoong.

“Mwo?? Me?? You’re the one who do that first.”

We continue bickering in front of Jaejoong hyung.

“Ok stop!!! Now, both of you already give me a headache. You want go to jogging right?? Go now because maybe people will start go out to work or school, and even worse maybe you ended up being chased by the fans. Did both of you want that?? So, go now and make sure back before 5.45 a.m arasso???”

Jaejoong hyung talk with speed but at least I still manage to catch what he wants to say.

“Arasso. Umma~ cook a delicious food ne~!!!”

Changmin said while he put his sneaker.

“Yah!! I not umma.”

“Whatever!!! Hyung~ I mean umma, make sure of that. Annyeong!!!”

He sticks out his tongue to Jaejoong hyung and let out his evil laugh. He can be more evil than that. I can see that Jaejoong hyung just shook his hand and waved his hand towards us. I smiled back and just let a small chuckle.

End of flashback.


It’s already been 2 years that we not contact each other. Not because we don’t want, we already did it, but other sides keep ignore it. Some other say, our previous company cut their connection, other sides say because they get too may prank call and others too. I don’t know who to listen now. But for sure they were doing very well. I just let out a deep sigh. I headed to my room back, and change my attire to exercise outfit. Before I go, I sneak to my ‘kids’ room. They are sleeping peacefully. I smile to them and not intend to wake up my lovely ‘kids’.

“I will go for a while ne~”

 I say with a low voice to my ‘kids’. I took my wallet and car keys in table and headed out. After I close my door, I drove my car to the park. I always go to our usual park to jogging because it’s have beautiful scenery and sometimes it can make me relax. After I park my car, I start to do my routine. Its feel so quiet since it’s was early. Fresh air that all I need to get rid my loneliness, my anger, my sadness, my frustration and... Arghh~ it’s too much. 


so how about this?? mianhae if it's turn out not too good but i can't say at all why i make this n all coz it will turn out to be a few chapters just to describe why i made this story, and bla.. bla.. ok stop blaberring.. now enjoy ne~ hehe :D 

p/s about years.. i made 2 yeards coz i want it to be like that... arasso n i know it's been 3 years they apart from each other.. so, not a problem right?? hehe :D 

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TVXQ. Congratulations too
Iminthezone #2
Chapter 7: Always Keep The Faith !! <3
just keep writing! xD