It was your choice

You Broke Me


-Taemin POV-

Ouch my nose really freaking hurts. Key can really throw a punch. Not that that’s a good thing since my nose feels like it’s going to fall off. At least it’s stopped bleeding, that’s a good thing because I thought that it would never stop bleeding and I would like die or something. Taemin you’re being ridiculous. You can’t die from a nose bleed. Or can you? I don’t think that I want to find out.

Ahh…my phone is ringing Nillili La La La Nillili La Nillili Mambo. God, my ringtone is awesome. I should probably pick up my phone.  I look at the caller ID to see that it’s Jonghyun

 “Hello Jjong?”

“Hello Taemin, how are you feeling? Is your nose okay? Oh god, I’m so sorry I…”

“Hey, calm down. I’m fine. My nose has stopped bleeding.  It just feels like it’s about to fall off. How are you feeling? Did Kibum lay any more punches on you?” Yeah right, because Kibum could take Jonghyun in a fight.  I’ll believe that when I see it.

“No. He left after you did. Um…Taemin we really need to talk can we meet up somewhere soon?” Oh no. He’s breaking up with me isn’t he? I should’ve seen this coming.

“Erm…yeah I guess. I don’t have anything else to do right now. Where do you want to meet up?”

“Is the park in 1 hour okay?” What a perfect place for a break-up. The park, it shall be ruined forever now.

“Yeah that’s fine. I’ll see you there. Oh and Jongh-…“  Yep, he hung up. Typical he would always hang up before I had finished talking. Oh well, I won’t call him back. I’ll just tell him later when he rips my heart out. Sigh.

-1 hour later-

-3rd person-

Taemin was at the park 15 minutes before he and Jonghyun were supposed to meet up. He wanted to prepare himself for the worst. Although he didn’t actually know that Jonghyun was breaking up with him, he knew it was a very high possibility that he would be. Taemin found a bench underneath a tree and decided to wait there for Jonghyun.

Jonghyun was still not there 10 minutes after they were supposed to meet and Taemin was starting to get impatient. He was never really one for patience. Finally Taemin stops Jonghyun making his way across the park heading straight towards Taemin. Taemin stands up and Jonghyun spots him and half smiles. Jonghyun finally reaches Taemin and sits down on the bench gesturing for Taemin to sit down too.

“Hey.” Jonghyun says half-heartedly. “You came. I’m sorry I’m late but, I had something I needed to do and it took longer than expected.”

“It’s okay. You’re not that late. Don’t worry.” Taemin looked at Jonghyun with worry. He knew what was coming. Not that it made it hurt any less.

“Taemin, um…I’m not really sure how to say this but…”

“You’re breaking up with me.” Taemin said before Jonghyun was able to finish.

“What? No. We were never together. That’s what I came here to talk about. We need to stop seeing each other. I need to build my relationship back with Key and that’s in not going to work if you keep coming to my house thinking that we were together. I guess you could call it breaking up but, we were never together Taemin.  I’m sorry.” Taemin’s eyes started filling up with tears. He knew it was coming so why did it hurt so much?  He heard Jonghyun say it over and over ‘we were never together’ but, why did it seem like they were? “Taemin I’m sorry I…”

“No Jonghyun. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for thinking that we were together. I’m sorry for thinking that we had something. I’m sorry that you and Key are in the right now, but you know what? That isn’t my fault. It’s your fault. Sure I was the one that you cheated on him with but, you didn’t have to sleep with me. It was all your choice and I thought that you made that choice because you wanted to be with me. Not because you just wanted a few hours away from Key. So don’t say that us hanging out together is keeping you and Key apart. It’s the fact that you chose to cheat on him. If it had have been with Minho or Jinki then it would be the same still. It isn’t me. It’s all you. It’s the choice that ruined everything.” Jonghyun was taken aback. He knew that everything that Taemin just said was true.  Taemin’s tears were flowing even faster now. He couldn’t hold them back and he didn’t want Jonghyun to see him crying. Without think any more he ran away from Jonghyun across the park and to the first place he thought of going to, Minho’s House.

A/N: Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuun!

So that’s it for Jongtae. Or is it? I guess you all will have to wait for the next update to find out. I should be updating again tomorrow, that’s if my internet doesn’t decide to just randomly drop out again, because it is so incredibly hot here that I will probably spend a lot of my time inside because I am basically a vampire.

Lol Sorry for the cliff-hanger but, I thought I should end it here. Oooooh…What’s going to happen when Taemin goes to Minho’s? I’m pretty sure I will add a lot of 2min into this story but then again I may not. Lol jokes, of course I will. 2min is too cute to resist writing about.

Do you guys think that Jjong and Key will work things out? I don’t know either. I’m sure that they will. It’s Jongkey after all and no-one can keep them apart for too long right?

Okay guys happy holidays xoxo <3

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Sorry for not updating, but I don't have a complete idea of what I am going to do and I have had internet troubles and stuff so, I'm sorry.


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Sunny_Afternoon #1
Chapter 14: awww finally everything is resolved :)
Sunny_Afternoon #2
Chapter 11: Yay update! But omg what a cliffhanger! I don't know what I'm gonna do till the next chapter ^^
Chapter 11: update^^ wahhh it just kill me that they were in a big fight...
Sunny_Afternoon #4
Chapter 10: lollol it was only Jonghyun, you had me so worried! and that was so sad at the end, I can't wait till everything gets better ;~~~;
Sunny_Afternoon #5
Chapter 9: oh noooo whats gonna happen to him!? and to everyone else too!!
pyooping-unicorns #6
Chapter 8: dun dun duuuuuun. This is getting intense. WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN TO MY OTPS I JUST DON'T KNOW. The chapter was really good, i enjoyed it lots.
SohAnna #7
Chapter 7: What would become of jongkey???
SohAnna #8
Chapter 6: Minnie and i have the same ringtone!!!
And please write more!!!
Im loving it!!!
imoneofakind #9
Chapter 5: lol thanks for finishing it!!!! was a great story!!!! u must write another one!