I'm working stuff out

You Broke Me


-Jinki POV-
Kibum please listen to Jonghyun. I know you still love him, just listen to him please.
"Please Kibum stay. I want to work things out. I can't go on like this and I know you don't want to either. Please, will you stay? If not to work things out, but to work things out with Taemin."
"You know what? No Jonghyun. No! You know why? Because this will never work out. Everything is ruined. Everything will be better if I just move away. No, even better, if I just die! Don't you all agree? I was the one who created this ! I'm the one who won't let it go! So just all of you off and leave me alone. Stop having hope!" 
Kibum started to storm out the door again. What's the point of stopping him now? He'll probably just hit me or something. I know he will do that. He's done it before, what's to stop him from doing it again. Well at least that's what I thought until I heard a cry from Kibum and some pretty intense sobs coming from Taemin. When I turned around, Taemin had his arms wrapped around Kibum's waist from behind and was holding him so tightly. Kibum, wasn't struggling or trying to get away. He just stood still while Taemin hugged him and sobbed into his back.
"Kibum please don't leave. Please don't move away. Please especially don't kill yourself. I couldn't live with myself if you killed yourself! If you left I would never forgive myself. Please stay Kibum! I love you so much Kibum hyung! I miss you so much as well! I can't live like this anymore! All of us fighting like this, I'm not sure I can handle it much longer. So please stay so we can work this out."
Oh crap. Now we are all crying. Taemin's speech made me so emotional, but Taemin is right. Okay, now is getting serious. Kibum slowly unlatched Taemin's hands and turned to face him. They stood there for a while, Kibum just looking deeply into Taemin's eyes. Before Kibum pulled Taemin into a hug. Kibum hugged Taemin so tightly I thought Taemin might suffocate or break something. Kibum just quietly sobbed into Taemin's shoulder, Taemin was sobbing as well. Jonghyun has tears forming in his eyes, I have no idea where Minho went and I'm pretty sure I was gonna cry too. It was ages before anyone said anything, but finally Kibum spoke. 
"I'm sorry Taemin. I shouldn't have blamed you so much. I especially shouldn't have punched you. If I slept with Minho, I would've wanted you to forgive me as well. I know I'm not the one who should be sorry, but I truly am. I just want everything to be the same again. It kills me as much as everyone else to have the group like this. Falling apart and everything. I just want everything to be better." Kibum said between sobs.
Wow, so he really does want everything to be better. I bet this whole thing was a stupid pride thing. God, he always was so stubborn. Ever since we were kids. So I guess it's time for me to say something.
"Alright now we still have one more problem to tackle. Jonghyun? Kibum? We all know where this is going so may as well get started. Minho where have you been?"
Minho walked through the kitchen door into the living room holding a plate.
"Getting cake. I hope you don't mind." He said with his mouth full. 
"Um...okay sure whatever. So, Jonghyun what do you want to say to Kibum?"
Jonghyun was slient. He didn't say anything. 
"Jonghyun say something, you're not a mute."
Still nothing. Good god they make this extremely difficult. Why can't this be easy? 
"Oh my god so I have to do this all myself? Fine then I will. Kibum, you still love Jonghyun." Kibum opened his mouth to protest. "No! No talking from both of you, I have had enough now. If you guys can't work this out for yourselves, I'll do it for you then. Guys, you both still love each other and I don't care about whatever either of you have to say right now. Either you work your out by yourselves, or I lock you both in that closet over there. It's a small closet okay. No personal space whatsoever. As I said before, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way you guys are becoming all lovey dovey and again. Got that? Have you got that? God, it isn't a hard question to answer."
"Jinki, don't you think you're being a little harsh on them? I mean..."
"Hush Taemin. Plus they know I'm serious, and you know as well. Would you like to go in the closet as well?" 
Taemin backed off and went back to trying to steal some on Minho's cake. Which he was doing very badly.  
"So how are we going to do this?"
Neither Kibum nor Jonghyun said anything. 
"Okay Minho come help me." 
We both walked over towards Kibum and Jonghyun and went to pick them up. I managed to successfully pick up Kibum, but he was hitting and kicking me. Minho was having a little bit of trouble with Jonghyun as well. 
"Okay okay! Fine! We'll talk! Just let me go Jinki!" 
I dropped Kibum and Minho stopped struggling with Jonghyun. Still no one said anything. I was so close to putting them both in the closet. Jonghyun didn't speak, he just walked closer to Kibum. He stopped in front of Kibum and looked him in the eyes. Before I knew it Jonghyun had put his lips against Kibum's and was kissing him. Kibum showed no sign of struggle. In fact I'm pretty sure he started to kiss back. Minho started clapping and saying "finally". Taemin smiled and then finally managed to steal Minho's cake. Wait a second. That's my cake! I was saving that!
"Yah! Minho, you stole my cake!"
"Relax Jinki at least it wasn't your chicken."
I shot Minho a death glare and went back to Kibum and Jonghyun who were now hugging and crying into eachothers shoulders. 
"See now don't you both feel better? Better than being locked in a closet together right?"
Kibum and Jonghyun smile at me through their tears and looked back at each other before kissing again. Ew, okay this is too much. Oh thank god, a knock at the door. I can leave the room. Before I can answer the door. The person comes in.
"Hey es."
"Hey Changmin what are you doing here?" Minho asked, mouth still full of my cake.
"I came here to congratulate you Minho. Almost killing yourself with glue and scissors. Clap, clap, clap. I have never been so proud of anyone in my entire life."
Minho threw his plate across the room towards Changmin who managed to swift fully dodge it.
"Wow rude much? Anyways, have you all worked your out? I can come here for free food again?"
"Yes we have, for your information. And I would give you some food, but Minho ate it!"
A/N: Guys, this is the second last chapter now.
I'm actually kinda sad to part with it. It was really fun to write, I enjoyed it a lot. I will be writing more fics. Maybe the next one will be a Super Junior one. I really love those couples.
Until next time fair readers xx
P.S: I modelled Changmin's character after myself and my friends. Lol that is me. Always thinking about food.
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Sorry for not updating, but I don't have a complete idea of what I am going to do and I have had internet troubles and stuff so, I'm sorry.


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Sunny_Afternoon #1
Chapter 14: awww finally everything is resolved :)
Sunny_Afternoon #2
Chapter 11: Yay update! But omg what a cliffhanger! I don't know what I'm gonna do till the next chapter ^^
Chapter 11: update^^ wahhh it just kill me that they were in a big fight...
Sunny_Afternoon #4
Chapter 10: lollol it was only Jonghyun, you had me so worried! and that was so sad at the end, I can't wait till everything gets better ;~~~;
Sunny_Afternoon #5
Chapter 9: oh noooo whats gonna happen to him!? and to everyone else too!!
pyooping-unicorns #6
Chapter 8: dun dun duuuuuun. This is getting intense. WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN TO MY OTPS I JUST DON'T KNOW. The chapter was really good, i enjoyed it lots.
SohAnna #7
Chapter 7: What would become of jongkey???
SohAnna #8
Chapter 6: Minnie and i have the same ringtone!!!
And please write more!!!
Im loving it!!!
imoneofakind #9
Chapter 5: lol thanks for finishing it!!!! was a great story!!!! u must write another one!