I don't know what to call this chapter so.....erm...CHANGMIN! WOO

You Broke Me


-3rd Person-

Again, Taemin ran all the way to Minho’s without stopping. This time, his lungs didn’t hurt; his legs didn’t feel like they were going to fall off. He felt perfect. Of course not, emotionally he felt like , but the thought of him and Minho together just made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Jinki was right; he needed to forget about Jonghyun. Jonghyun was never going to love him back. Why? Because he was in love with Kibum, and Taemin could never change that. Taemin stopped; he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He reached into his pocket and answered the phone.

“Hello?” He heard quiet sobbing and heavy breathing at the other end of the phone. “Hello?” Again he heard the sobbing, but then someone spoke.


“Yes…who is this?”

“It’s Changmin.”

“What Changmin? What’s happened?” Why was Changmin calling him? He never called him.

“It’s Minho. He’s locked himself in the bathroom. He won’t come out. I’m scared he might do something. I called you because I can hear him yelling out your name. Please Taemin come over, I’m scared.”

“Of course Hyung, I’m coming over now.” Taemin hung up his phone and bolted the rest of the way to Minho’s house. When he reached Minho’s house he tried to open the door but it was locked. He banged as hard as he could on the door but no-one answered. Then an ear piercing scream echoed from inside the house. Taemin banged harder on the door screaming for Changmin to answer. When no-one came he ran around to the back and tried the back door. No luck. Then he remembered the spare key Minho keeps under the mat. He ran back around to the front and wrenched the key from under the mat. He unlocked the door and ran inside not bothering to close the door.

“Changmin!? Changmin where are you?! What happened?!”

“Taemin, get up here quickly!” Taemin ran upstairs towards the bedroom. The bedroom door was broken down. What he saw was not a pretty sight. Minho was on the floor, blood coming out of his wrists, scissors lying on the floor next to him. Changmin was on the floor on his knees. Hands covered in Minho’s blood. Changmin looked up at Taemin, tears pouring out of his eyes.

“Taemin quickly call the ambulance! Now! Hurry, he’s losing too much blood!”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know, just call the ambulance.” Taemin pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled the ambulance (A/N: I’m not putting a number in because the numbers are different in every country so whatever country you’re in just imagine he is dialling that number)

-3 hours later-

Everything that happened after that was a blur. Taemin remembers calling the ambulance, the ambulance arriving, Minho being loaded into the back of the ambulance and that’s it. He can’t remember anything else.  Right now they were in the hospital waiting. Him and Changmin, just waiting. Taemin had already called the others to tell them; and by the others, he meant Jinki. He couldn’t talk to Jonghyun and Kibum. Not now. Jinki will probably call them for him. He had his arm around Changmin telling him Minho would be alright, but he wasn’t so sure. He’d never tell Changmin that. Not while he was crying.

“Taemin, Changmin!” Taemin looked up to see Jinki running towards him Jonghyun next to him. Taemin stood up and ran toward Jinki. Jinki pulled him into a hug and Taemin buried his head into Jinki’s shoulder. He couldn’t stop the tears anymore.

“It’s my fault he’s here.”

A/N: Hey guys,

I'm sorry that I haven't upated in forever, but I've just started school again.

Sorry for short chapter, I thought I'd update since I'm home with nothing to do but My brain hurts so only a short update. 

See you soon guys xoxoxo

Also I randomly added Changmin because I ran out off characters to use and he is my TVXQ bias so yeah.

lol random i know.

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Sorry for not updating, but I don't have a complete idea of what I am going to do and I have had internet troubles and stuff so, I'm sorry.


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Sunny_Afternoon #1
Chapter 14: awww finally everything is resolved :)
Sunny_Afternoon #2
Chapter 11: Yay update! But omg what a cliffhanger! I don't know what I'm gonna do till the next chapter ^^
Chapter 11: update^^ wahhh it just kill me that they were in a big fight...
Sunny_Afternoon #4
Chapter 10: lollol it was only Jonghyun, you had me so worried! and that was so sad at the end, I can't wait till everything gets better ;~~~;
Sunny_Afternoon #5
Chapter 9: oh noooo whats gonna happen to him!? and to everyone else too!!
pyooping-unicorns #6
Chapter 8: dun dun duuuuuun. This is getting intense. WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN TO MY OTPS I JUST DON'T KNOW. The chapter was really good, i enjoyed it lots.
SohAnna #7
Chapter 7: What would become of jongkey???
SohAnna #8
Chapter 6: Minnie and i have the same ringtone!!!
And please write more!!!
Im loving it!!!
imoneofakind #9
Chapter 5: lol thanks for finishing it!!!! was a great story!!!! u must write another one!