This has gone too far

You Broke Me


-Jinki POV-
Okay it's time for me to do something now. Kibum hasn't left his house for two weeks, won't answer his phone, can barely answer the door, and won't talk to anyone. Jonghyun is just plain crabby all the time, he yelled at Minho for no reason while Minho was just trying to talk sense into him, he won't even acknowledge that Kibum exists. This has gone too far. I am going to have a very serious talk with both of them. This is not fair on anyone. I'm going to talk to Kibum first. I walk out of the house and straight to the car. Turn the keys and back out. It only takes me five minutes to drive to Kibum's house. I could have walked, but if I'm gonna get Kibum over I'll need the car since he can hardly stand up, let alone walk. I pull up into his driveway and park the car. I storm over to his door and knock as loud as I can. No answer. I knock again. Still no answer. Alright Kibum, I don't have time for your today. I have a key. I pull the key out of my pocket and unlock the door. I storm in, I don't care if he's changing, it's not like I haven't seen him before. We used to live together before he and Jonghyun kicked things off. I walk over to the living room, that's most likely where he'll be. Yes, just as I thought, sitting on the couch, blanket wrapped around him staring into nothing. 
"Kibum, hey Kibum. Wakey wakey." He didn't say anything, just kept looking into space. 
"Kibum, I don't have time for your . You're coming with me right now." I don't even wait for an answer. I just grabbed his wrist and dragged him off the couch.
"Do you want to get changed? You look terrible." He just looks at me with that diva, oh-no-you-didn't look. God I hate that look so much. It scares me. 
"Jinki, where are we going? I'm not in the mood."
"Yeah, that's what you say everyday. You know what? I don't care. You're not going to get changed. We're going now. No don't say anything. I don't care. We're going to work all this out right now. Got it?" 
Before he had anymore time to protest, I dragged him outside to the car. Wrenched open the passenger door and put him inside. Half walked-half ran over to the drivers seat, and roared the car into life. I pulled out of Kibum's driveway and drove down the street towards my house again. When I pulled up to my house. I looked at Kibum. He was still. Not moving a muscle. Just looking out the window. Seeming to be lost in his own thoughts. 
"Jinki, why did you bring me here?"
"Because Kibum, I'm sick of all this . I don't want this anymore. I bought you here so you could work things out with Jonghyun and Taemin as well. I just..."
"Wait! Jonghyun is in there?! Oh hell no Jinki! Take me home right now! I never want to see him again! Jinki! Jinki take me home now!"
"No Kibum no! You're coming inside. No he is not inside. But Minho is bringing him over. Now come inside."
He didn't move. He didn't even take off his seatbelt. He latched his hands onto the seat and looked at me.
"Kibum, don't act like I couldn't take you by force because you know I will. You're not that heavy. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way you're coming inside. Now, are you coming?"
He still didn't move. So he wants to play it like that then? Okay sure. Whatever the diva wants. I undo my seatbelt and get out of the car. Slowly walk over to Kibum's side. And open the door. He just sits there staring at me. I lean over him and undo his seatbelt.
"Are you coming now? I'll give you one last chance to come by your own will. Otherwise things will get messy. So?"
He didn't move. Okay, I guess I have no choice. I slide my hands under him and lift him off the seat. I swing him over my shoulder so he is half upside down. It must have been quite an hilarious sight to see. He started kicking me and screaming to let him go. Kibum, that won't work on me, and you know it. I open the door with my free hand, almost dropping Kibum. I quickly latch my hand onto him again and use kick the door open. I drop him on the couch. He just looks up to me with that death stare he does so well.
"See now that wasn't so hard was it?"
He gave a sarcastic laugh. "Oh yeah! Jinki, I'm going to kill you."
"You'll thank me later." 
I hear a car pull up outside. I stride over to the window and peer out. Good, Minho and Taemin are here with what seems to be a very annoyed Jonghyun. I swear, I don't know how these two stood each other. Minho knocks on the door.
"It's open come in!" 
Minho opens the door and gestures Taemin and Jonghyun inside. As soon as Jonghyun steps inside he spots Kibum. He goes completley still and doesn't move. Minho grabs his arm and drags him over and sits him down on the arm chair opposite Kibum.
"Oh great, now everyone is here we can get started! So Kibum, Jonghyun. You both know why you're here?"
"Yeah because you picked me up and practically kidnapped me! I should tell the police about what you did! Taking me by force!"
"Oh shut up will you. Jonghyun, what about you?"
"I only know I'm here because Minho said it was really important."
"Okay good then. So, I bought you both here so we could work all this out. This group is falling apart. Come on guys, we have all been friends for years! And you're both going to throw it all away like that? When you're both together, I've never seen either of you so happy. You both need to have a serious talk. And that means no fist fighting, yes looking at you Kibum, no yelling and especially no blaming. Got that? We're all going to talk like adults."
"Well none of this would have happened if it wasn't for that !" Kibum snapped at Taemin. Tears started to form in Taemin's eyes. 
"Hey Kibum! Don't say stuff like that to Taemin! If you say that again..." 
Crap! Looks like none of us can talk for five seconds without fighting.
"Guys stop! Stop yelling! I'm trying to work this out! Kibum don't say stuff like that! Minho I know you care for Taemin a lot and everything but do you mind?"
"You know what Jinki? This isn't your to work out! Just accept that this will never work out! Ever again! Everything is ruined! Just give up!" Kibum was yelling again. He started to storm out before Jonghyun got up and wrenched his hand back.
"No Kibum...Please"
A/N: Yay another update! Woop woop! 
I will fix all the formatting and stuff up tomorrow on my computer.
Jinki you sassy ! Ahahahahah
Thanks everyone! Comments are always appreciated xx
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Sorry for not updating, but I don't have a complete idea of what I am going to do and I have had internet troubles and stuff so, I'm sorry.


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Sunny_Afternoon #1
Chapter 14: awww finally everything is resolved :)
Sunny_Afternoon #2
Chapter 11: Yay update! But omg what a cliffhanger! I don't know what I'm gonna do till the next chapter ^^
Chapter 11: update^^ wahhh it just kill me that they were in a big fight...
Sunny_Afternoon #4
Chapter 10: lollol it was only Jonghyun, you had me so worried! and that was so sad at the end, I can't wait till everything gets better ;~~~;
Sunny_Afternoon #5
Chapter 9: oh noooo whats gonna happen to him!? and to everyone else too!!
pyooping-unicorns #6
Chapter 8: dun dun duuuuuun. This is getting intense. WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN TO MY OTPS I JUST DON'T KNOW. The chapter was really good, i enjoyed it lots.
SohAnna #7
Chapter 7: What would become of jongkey???
SohAnna #8
Chapter 6: Minnie and i have the same ringtone!!!
And please write more!!!
Im loving it!!!
imoneofakind #9
Chapter 5: lol thanks for finishing it!!!! was a great story!!!! u must write another one!