You what?

You Broke Me

-Key's POV-

Oh god! I'm so freaking tired. Why can't mornings be in the afternoon? Come one Kibum! Be happy, don't be grumpy for Jonghyun again like last time we went out. Jonghyun is so sweet to me. Whenever I'm angry and take it out on him, he just sits there and listens to me. He never once has being angry back at me.

When I arrived at the place I was meeting him, there was just something about the atmosphere that made me anxious. What made me even more anxious was when I saw Jonghyun's face. It was filled with guilt and sadness. 

"Jonghyun, What's wrong? Did something happen?"

He nodded. Oh my gosh! What could've happened to put him is this state? 

"Tell me what's wrong." I was starting to get seriously worried.

"No. Not here. Let's go to your house and talk."

"Jonghyun, Tell me." He said nothing. He just grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the building and over to his car. He opened the door and gestured for me to get in. I did as he told me. 

The whole ride home he didn't say anything. It was so silent.

"Please tell me what happened." Still silence. He pulled up to the curb and got out. He came around and opened the door for me. I got out and I saw a tear come down his face. He quickly wiped the tear away and led me inside. 

Once we got inside I sat down on the couch and he stayed standing pacing the room. 

"Jonggie, tell me what's wrong!!!" He stopped pacing. 

"Key, I have to tell you something. You have every right to be mad at me."

-Jonghyun's POV-

Dammit! How was I going to tell him? No, how was he going to react? God, how do you tell someone you cheated on them. 

"Tell me what happened." How could I do this to him? He was everything to me. I just threw it all away.

Okay, I have to tell him now. No delays. No hesitations. Just come straight out with it.

"Key," I sat down next to him and grabbed his hand. "I-I-I cheated on you."

He didn't say anything for what seemed like forever. He just looked down at the floor and batted my hand off. I could see that he had started crying.

"Key, I'm so sorry."

"No, you can't just say sorry!" I've never seen him this angry before. I guess he had every right to be angry. "Who was it?"

"Taemin. Key I'm so sorry please...." He stood up and pointed to the door.


"No Key, please we can talk about this..."

"Leave!!" He pushed me away. I managed to gain back my balance.

I headed towards the door. 

"I'm so sorry." I said before leaving and shutting the door. What had I done?

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Sorry for not updating, but I don't have a complete idea of what I am going to do and I have had internet troubles and stuff so, I'm sorry.


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Sunny_Afternoon #1
Chapter 14: awww finally everything is resolved :)
Sunny_Afternoon #2
Chapter 11: Yay update! But omg what a cliffhanger! I don't know what I'm gonna do till the next chapter ^^
Chapter 11: update^^ wahhh it just kill me that they were in a big fight...
Sunny_Afternoon #4
Chapter 10: lollol it was only Jonghyun, you had me so worried! and that was so sad at the end, I can't wait till everything gets better ;~~~;
Sunny_Afternoon #5
Chapter 9: oh noooo whats gonna happen to him!? and to everyone else too!!
pyooping-unicorns #6
Chapter 8: dun dun duuuuuun. This is getting intense. WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN TO MY OTPS I JUST DON'T KNOW. The chapter was really good, i enjoyed it lots.
SohAnna #7
Chapter 7: What would become of jongkey???
SohAnna #8
Chapter 6: Minnie and i have the same ringtone!!!
And please write more!!!
Im loving it!!!
imoneofakind #9
Chapter 5: lol thanks for finishing it!!!! was a great story!!!! u must write another one!