Chapter 2

I hate you, but I love you


It was another busy day at the cafe. Minah was going from one place to another and couldn't stop for a minute. She was always smiling and greeting new customers. That's when she noticed Myungsoo entering the place. She pouted but soon shook her head and continued with her work. She could perfectly remember his words “I'm not coming back to this place. And if I come back, I don't see your face anymore, arraso?”


Minah.” She felt someone tapping her shoulder. She looked and saw one of her work mates.


This customer there said he wanted to be serve by you.” Minah's look followed where the other girl was pointing and her eyes widened.

Are you sure? The guy with all black outfit?” The other employee just nodded. She sighed and smiled a little, thanking her friend.


So, I thought you didn't want to see my face here again.” She mocked.

Tsc, just bring me coffee. And don't spill it.” Myungsoo didn't even look at her what made her even more angry.


Minah just go take the order and soon brought the coffee for her beloved customer.


Here, sir.” She smiled bitterly and soon looked away.

Yah, clumsy girl.” Myungsoo called her casually, making her take a deep breath trying to control herself. “Sunggyu-hyung said he wanted you to have dinner with us tonight.”

Really?” Her mood soon got better and she started smiling brightly.

Yah, why are you like this? Do you like him?!” He was angry again, and soon tried his coffee but almost spat it. “Aish, it's too hot!”

Of course, it's coffee.” She tsc-ed. “And no, I don't like Sunggyu-oppa in that way, I just think he's sweet and caring, and he has a lovely smile.”

You should call me oppa too.”

No, I don't like you.”


Without any other word, she left, going to serve others customers. And behind there was a dumbfounded Myungsoo. The guy just sighed and kept looking at Minah. She was always so smily and lovely to people. She's pretty... He thought but soon shook his head and focused on his coffee.




It was 8pm and Minah was almost reaching her house. But soon she remembered what Myungsoo said about Sunggyu inviting her for a dinner. She smiled and stopped in front of their house. She rang the bell and waited until the door was opened. She smiled even more when she saw Sungjong there.


Noona! You really came!” He smiled brightly.

Of course, I wouldn't miss a dinner with you guys.” Minah laughed a little and soon felt Sungjong hugging her by the waist.

Oh, the beautiful girl is here!” Sungyeol almost yelled showing his gummy smile. “Come in, the dinner is almost done.”


Soon they were all in the living room, sitting on the floor. The dinner was simple but really delicious.


Did you liked it?!” Dongwoo asked. “I was the one who did it, Myungsoo only helped me.”

You didn't put any poison, right?” Minah looked at Myungsoo, he just narrowed his eyes.

I should have put it.”

Aish, you guys are still like this.” Sunggyu made a small pout and Minah just smiled at him, making Myungsoo tsc-ed one more time.

So, you guys have a band?” Minah changed the subject, all of them nodded. “Oh, so that was the song I listened yesterday.”

Sorry for being so loud yesterday.” Dongwoo said.

It's ok. The song was cool.”

You said it's stupid.” Myungsoo retorted.

It was because of the guitar. The guitar in the song is not cool.” That time she narrowed her eyes and looked at Myungsoo.

You guys look like a old couple fighting like this.” Dongwoo laugh with his infectious laugh.

Eww” Both of them said at the same time looking away, even though their face were starting to get red.




Minah bowed one more time at the guys in front of her and smiled brightly.


Thank you again for the dinner, guys.”

Don't need to thank us.” Dongwoo laughed. “I hope you start to come often here, we really liked you.”

I really liked you too.” She smiled even more, making her eyes get smaller. “You guys have to come to my house someday too, and to the cafe too!” She waved at them and they did the same as she left their house.

Myungsoo-ah.” Sunggyu called his friend as soon as Minah left the house.

Yes, hyung?”

Why are you like this with Minah? You usually don't treat girls like this, even with this bad boy look.” Sunggyu narrowed even more his eyes, making he looks like he was sleeping. Myungsoo just laughed quietly because of it.

It's just because she fell and spilled coffee all over me.” Myungsoo made a face like he was getting angry again.

You're lying.” Sunggyu said just it and left the living room, going to their shared room. Their house was just like Minah's, so they had to share the only one bedroom from the house.


Myungsoo just rolled his eyes and decided to sleep too.






A/N: I'm posting all chapters, I think. I already finished so I don't have much patience to wait for other day to uptade the fic so...

Bye bye~

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Chapter 8: Ahhhhhh!!! Cheeeeeeeeeeeesy
Chapter 8: cho chweet~~~~
puppy_jjong #3
@e4ever Thank you~ ^^
e4ever #4
Chapter 8: awww nice story
puppy_jjong #5
@SJInfinite15 @kimdedol Thank you~ I'm happy you liked it ^^
kimdedol #6
Chapter 8: Awesome n luv myungsoo^^
Chapter 8: Awesome story done:) Cute ending too, good job authornim^^