Chapter 1

I hate you, but I love you


Goo Minah sighed one more time. The day was being a busy day in the cafe she worked. But she was happy, she liked so much the place, the other people who work their and the owner too, a cute old man with white hair. He was really sweet with her and treated her just like she was his granddaughter.


She was most of time smiling sweetly. She had bangs covering all her forehead and her hair was long brown with some waves in the tip. Minah was always wearing high heels saying she was too short, and she really liked cute dresses and skirts. She always treated the others right, she was polite and had many friends.


Welcome to Inspirit Cafe. Would you like to order something?” She said with a smile to the new customer.


The guys had black hair and was wearing an all black outfit. Even though it would like weird, he looked really handsome with the tight black jeans, black boots and black leather jacket. He was also wearing some eyeliner that made his eyes look even more cold, but still beautiful.


Only coffee.” He said quietly and Minah just bowed a little and went to ask his order.


He's weird... Minah pouted a little while thinking. But it's handsome... Even though his eyes kinda scare me. She just shook her head and stop thinking about the new customer.


Minah smiled again while walking to the new customer table. She was with his coffee in hands but what she didn't expect was that the floor was slippery and she couldn't control herself and fell. Her eyes widened, waiting for the impact, but she fell just soft arms around her.


She looked up and saw the handsome customer's face just a inch away from hers. She blushed and was even more embarrassed when she saw he was all dirty with the coffee that was previously in her hands.


I-I'm so sorry.” She said quietly still with her eyes wide.

Yah.” He said harshly. “Are you not looking where you are going? Look, my clothes are all dirty now, and I don't have coffee.” He tsc-ed and looked away.

Sorry...” She said again, moving away from his arms. She soon got up just like him and looked everyone staring at her. She blushed even more. “I-I'll help with your clothes and bring another cafe.”

Tsc, don't need it. Damn it, why are you so clumsy?” He laughed bitterly passing his hand through his hair.

Sorry, sir, but you don't need to be so rude.” She started getting angry. “I already said sorry for what I did, now I'm just trying to help you.”

Don't talk like that to me.” The guy were getting angry too. “Just forget, I'm not coming back to this place. And if I come back, I don't see your face anymore, arraso?”


The customer soon left the cafe and Minah took a deep breath. She looked around and everyone was still staring at her, she just bowed and mumbled a “sorry” and left for behind the counter. She put her hands on her head and messed a little her hand, and sighed. I never lose my temper like this... What did happen to me?


Minah.” She looked behind and saw the cafe's owner.

I'm so sorry for what happened.” She bowed 90 degrees, feeling really bad for what happened. “I promise it'll never happen again.”

It's ok, Minah.” The owner smiled a little. “You never bring me problems, but I don't want this to happen again, ok? And if he come back just don't go serve him, huh?” He smiled again and left.


The girl just felt her eyes begin to water but soon shook her head and decided to go back to work. She needed this worked to pay for her house, so she didn't have much choices. Plus, she really liked there.




It was already 9pm when Minah finally reached her home. The cafe was really full so they had to close it a little late. She took off her high heels and the lights. She lived in a small house. It was not something big, it was a cheap place after all. It was like a house with only a bedroom, a bathroom, a small kitchen (almost nothing) and a small living room. It was the only place she could keep. She was already in college and worked in a part-time job in the cafe.


Minah put the hot water in the pan to cook the ramen. It was one of the only things she ate at home, but she didn't mind. When was lunch time she usually eat at the college so the food was good and different from the ramen, so she didn't get tired of it.


The girl was finally eating. She smiled brightly, she was so hungry being all day working that she was really happy to finally eat. But her meal was interrupted by a loud music. She frowned. It's almost 10pm now... Why is it so loud? She got up and looked through her window. Apparently the sound was coming from the house next to hers.


But... I was empty... Maybe I'm having a new neighbor. A loud neighbor.” She pouted and decided to do something about it. She knew she couldn't be able to sleep later if the sound kept being loud.


Minah left her house and walked until the house right next to her. She rang the bell and after some minutes the music stopped. It was just one or two minutes after, the door in front of her was opened. The girl just widened her eyes looking at the guy in front of her.


You?!” They said at the same time.

Yah, what are you doing her, clumsy girl?” The arrogant customer from the cafe asked.

What are you doing here? I live next door and your stupid music is too loud!” Minah was already angry again, what was something you usually don't see on her.

Are you stalking me?!” He almost yelled. “I'm living here. And my music is not stupid.”

Yah, yah, what is all this commotion about?” A red headed guy appeared next to the other. “Oh, who are you?” He smiled sweetly, showing his eye smile. Minah just blushed a little, stopping being angry.

Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I live here next door and your song is too loud, and it's late already.” She smiled politely making the black hair man tsc.

Why are you sweet to him and is just angry at me? Stupid clumsy girl...”

Yah, don't call me that!” She got angry again. “I talk to you like this because you're stupid.”

Oh, why our Myungsoo is treating a beautiful girl like this?” A tall man appeared behind.

Please, come in, it's cold outside. We'll have dinner, so you can eat with us.” The red headed man said, but Minah just shook her head while smiling.

I don't want to interrupt you, I'm going back to my house.”

Please, I insist.” He said politely and she finally agreeded.

Yah, this house is mine too, why are you inviting her?” The Myungsoo-guy asked, still angry and kinda dumbfounded with the other man.

Shut up, Myungsoo, and respect your hyung decision.”




So, you are...” The red headed man asked.

I'm Goo Minah.” She bowed a little and smiled sweetly, making the guys (but not Myungsoo) make a quietly “aww”.

I'm Kim Sunggyu, I'm the older here.” He laughed a little. “This tall guy here is Lee Sungyeol.” The said man waved a little and smiled with his gummy smile. “This one is Sungjong, the youngest among all of us.” He pointed a cute boy and a sweet smile. “This is our silly dino, Dongwoo.” She laughed a little when she saw the all-smile guy with a face that reminded a dinosaur. “And this one you must already know, Kim Myungsoo.”


Minah smile faded when she stared at Myungsoo, just like he did. They stared at some time and soon looked always.


Noona...” The girl listened a cute voice calling her and soon saw it was Sungjong. “Why are you and Myungsoo-hyung like this?”

Oh...” She smiled sweetly, seeing she had a weak side for the cute boy. “We met today for the first time at the cafe I worked and I accidently slipped and spilled coffee on him.”

Myungsoo must had being rude.” Sungyeol said and tsc-ed. “Don't worry, he's always like this.”

Hyung.” Myungsoo whined like a kid, what made Minah giggle. “What?”

You're like a kid.” She stuck her tongue out at him and soon everybody, but Myungsoo, was laughing.

I'm older than you, you should call me oppa.” He crossed his arms.

Never!” She pouted and looked away.

Ok, stop bickering, guys.” Sunggyu finally said. “Let's go eat something, he have to wake up early tomorrow.”

Oh!” Minah widened her eyes. “Sorry, guys, I'll eat with you other day, I have to go home, I have college tomorrow morning!” She bowed and soon left the house before anyone could say a thing.






A/N: I already finished this story, so I'll be posting another chapter soon. I didn't separate into chapters, so I don't know how many will have.

In this story probably will have a little but of YeolJong (Sungyeol x Sungjong) but nothing much, ok? Just because I needed it for a part of the story haha

I hope you guys liked and, please, leave a comment with what you thought about this fic.

Bye bye~

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Chapter 8: Ahhhhhh!!! Cheeeeeeeeeeeesy
Chapter 8: cho chweet~~~~
puppy_jjong #3
@e4ever Thank you~ ^^
e4ever #4
Chapter 8: awww nice story
puppy_jjong #5
@SJInfinite15 @kimdedol Thank you~ I'm happy you liked it ^^
kimdedol #6
Chapter 8: Awesome n luv myungsoo^^
Chapter 8: Awesome story done:) Cute ending too, good job authornim^^