Chapter 3

I hate you, but I love you


It was already one week since their dinner together. The guys almost everyday appeared in the cafe where Minah worked and she was more than happy to serve them. Each day that passed they grew closer and started a friendship. The girl was really happy with her new friends. She discovered that even though they have a cool side when they were playing, even if she never saw them playing, they're really funny and easy to talk.


Minah decided to don't wear skirt today because it was pretty cold. So she just wore thigh black jeans, her loved high heels and a loose white sweater. She had her hair curled again in the pit too. The cafe was calm that day and she knew why: it was raining heavily outside. Minah bit her lip. I didn't bring my umbrella... Aish, I didn't know it was going to rain today... She thought but soon come back smiling when a new customer entered the cafe. She just hoped it stopped raining when she leave the cafe.


Minah-yah, are you busy today?” The owner of the cafe asked walking near her. “I mean, you have to be at home early?”

Not at all, harabeoji. Why? Do you need something?” She smiled sweetly and he nodded.

I wanted you to close the cafe today for me. I have to go to the doctor...”

Are you ok, harabeoji?” She looked worried and her eyes widened. He just laughed.

Of course I am. I'm a healthy man. I'll just do a check up.”

Oh, good.” She sighed in relief. “It's ok, I can do it.”

Oh, thank you, dear. I really trust you, you're like the granddaughter I never had.” He smiled even more, hugging the girl. She just smiled more and hugged him back.

You know I see as my real grandpa. You always took so much care of me. Thank you.”

Don't need to thank me, silly.” He stopped hugging her and gave her a smile. “I'm going now, I can't be late for the doctor.”




It was already more than 9pm. Minah was finally closing the cafe. Even though the employees left almost 1 hour before, she still had to organize some things. She stretched and look at the street. It was still raining heavily. She sighed. What do I do? I can't run with high heels... I'll be all wet when I get home. She pouted a little.


But soon her vision of the sky was blocked by an umbrella. She looked curiously at her side and saw who she expected the least: Kim Myungsoo.


What are you doing here?” She asked quietly, not in an angry tone.

You didn't bring your umbrella, huh? And it's late for a girl to walk alone.” He looked away embarrassed what made Minah giggle. “Yah, don't be like this, I'm not always this nice. Come on, I wanna sleep.”


Soon Minah and Myungsoo were walking side by side until their house. Myungsoo had an arm around her shoulders just to prevent you get wet, as he said. Both had their cheeks bright red and didn't want to look at each other.


Here.” Myungsoo said when they stopped in front of Minah's house.

Thank you...” She said quietly, not really wanting to thank him.

I already said, don't get used to it. I still don't like you.” Myungsoo said, making Minah tsc-ed.

I don't like you too, you rude boy.”

Yah.” He started to laugh. “Rude boy? It's that all you get?”

Shut up.” She said angrily, while pouting. Soon she turned around and entered her house.


Myungsoo was still laughing, but more quietly. You're interesting, Goo Minah.




It was finally saturday, the day when Minah didn't have to work. Even though the cafe was more crowded on weekend, she didn't work there this days as she worked all week. She sighed happily, finally being able to wake up late. She was still in her pink pajamas, preparing some hot chocolate to drink. The day was cold and she really wanted something sweet to eat. She smiled after trying her drink.


Soon she sat at her table. It was a small table with a calendar, a cute small pink rabbit, some books, some papers and her case. Even though it was her day off and it was weekend, she had some homework from college to do. But even before she could open her book the door bell rang.


She frowned. She was not expecting anyone to go to her house, even more at 10am. She got up and walked until the door, as soon as it was opened she saw a sad Sungjong. Her expression now was worried and she quickly let him enter her house.


Sungjong and Minah were the one who maybe become the closer. The girl always saw this little boy as the little brother she never had and treated him like this. They were always sharing secrets, talking about their likes and dislikes, and everything more.


What happened, Sungjong-ah?”

Sorry for disturbing you, noona.” He said with a sad face. Soon Minah put him sitting on her bed and she did the same, next to him.

You never disturb me. But you're worrying me. What happened, sweety?” She asked with a caring voice and then Sungjong didn't control anymore and started to sob a little.

I-I'm doing a wrong thing, noona.” He sobbed even more and Minah could only hug the younger boy, his hair to try to calm him down.

What are you doing that is wrong?”

I... I fell in love...” He said quietly, but she could hear perfectly. She frowned.

And why is it wrong? It's not wrong to love someone.”

But... I'm loving the wrong person. It's so wrong...” He sobbed even more.

And who is this wrong person?” She pulled away a little from the hug, just to look at Sungjong's teary eyes.

I-It's...” He bit his lip. “S-Sungyeol-hyung...”


There was a minute of silence in the house. Minah kept staring at Sungjong and he just started crying all over again.


Yah, Sungjong-ah.” Minah said suddenly, with an angry tone, what made Sungjong widened his eyes and look at her. “Why is it wrong, huh? What is wrong in loving him? I don't see anything wrong!”


But nothing.” She tsc-ed, and Sungjong was still with his eyes widened, she was never so angry at him before.

Noona, you're scaring me...” He said quietly and soon a small smile appeared in Minah's face.

Sorry, Jongie-ah. But, you know, love someone is not wrong. A boy or a girl, love is love, and you have to fight for it.”

Thank you, noona...” Sungjong smiled again, hugging Minah one more time. The girl one laughed a little and hugged him back.




It was already 4pm. Minah had just finished studying. Sungjong hadn't stay in her house much time more after his confession and soon she started her homework. The girl finally got up and decided to take the rubbish out. Usually the dustman passed their at 5pm, so she was on time.


She ignored the fact that she was still wearing her pajamas and left with the rubbish. It was still kinda cold outside, but her pajama were a pant and a long sleeved shirt, everything in a light pink. As soon as she put the rubbish on its place, she heard a laugh. When she looked around she saw anyone than Myungsoo. She blushed a little and looked away,



You really have no shame. Going outside in this outfit?” He laughed even more, starting to walk near her.

You have nothing to do with it!” She pouted, starting to get angry one more time. “I go out with whatever oufit I want.”

I see it.” He put one of his hand in front of his mouth, trying to stop laugh.

Stop laughing at me, you idiot.” She slapped his arm, and soon he stopped laugh and stared with his cold eyes to her.

Yah, don't do that.” She shivered and soon took a step backward.

S-Sorry...” She mumbled, he just tsc-ed.

And what if some ert come here, huh? You're here in your pajamas to everyone see. Try to be more careful, clumsy girl.”


Before Minah could say anything more, Myungsoo just turned aroung and walked back to his house. Minah widened her eyes, but soon a sweet smile appeared together with a small blush. Stupid... She thought and laughed, going back to her house.




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Chapter 8: Ahhhhhh!!! Cheeeeeeeeeeeesy
Chapter 8: cho chweet~~~~
puppy_jjong #3
@e4ever Thank you~ ^^
e4ever #4
Chapter 8: awww nice story
puppy_jjong #5
@SJInfinite15 @kimdedol Thank you~ I'm happy you liked it ^^
kimdedol #6
Chapter 8: Awesome n luv myungsoo^^
Chapter 8: Awesome story done:) Cute ending too, good job authornim^^