Chapter 4

I hate you, but I love you


It was already thursday and Minah was almost leaving her work. It was a calm day. The girl stretched and was really to leave when her phone started to ring. She looked for it in her bag and soon found it.



Is it Goo Minah?” A male voice asked and she just frowned.

Yes, it's me.”

Oh, I have a bad news for you. The owner of the cafe that you work, Lee Minsook, was really sick and decided to visit the doctor. He was hospitalized yesterday but couldn't survive. Sorry, miss, but he died.”


Minah widened her eyes and almost dropped her phone. D-died..? She couldn't believe what she just listened.


A-Are you sure?”

Sorry, but I am. I'm his doctor and before he passed away he asked me to call you saying you're almost his granddaughter. He said you didn't have to get worried because he already organized everything in the cafe and you could still work there. He said his grandson could be the new owner and he's really caring, so you didn't have to worry.”

O-Ok...” She didn't know what to say, her eyes were already full of tears, and her lips were trembling. “T-Thank you...”


The call ended and Minah almost fell, her legs were just too weak. But she couldn't fall like this in the middle of street, she couldn't cry in front of people. So she just started to walk slowly until her house. Her head was low and she was still holding tight her phone.


Minah?” The girl listened someone calling her and looked around, seeing Sunggyu and Myungsoo in front of their house. “Are you ok?” Sunggyu asked worried.

Y-Yes.” She gave them a fake smile, but they couldn't see it. “I'm just tired from today, so I'll rest a little.”

Oh, ok, rest well.” Sunggyu smiled, seeing nothing wrong with the girl.


But Myungsoo was different. He could see her red eyes, her hand closed in a fist, her trembling lips and her sad eyes. He also could say she was not smiling truly and it makes his heart hurt. But before he could say anything, Minah already waved for them and went to her house.


I'll be back, hyung.” Myungsoo said after two or three minutes after Minah enter her house.

Hm... Ok.” Sunggyu smiled a little and enter their house again.


Myungsoo knocked her door but nobody listened. Then he decided to rang the bell. After two times, the door was finally opening, reveling just a little bit of Minah.


What do you want her?” Her voice was angry, but sad at the same time.


The guy didn't say anything, he just opened even more and closed it when it was in his back. He looked at Minah but the girl just looked away, hoping he couldn't see the tears that were still rolling. Myungsoo tsc-ed and soon pulled the girl, involving his arms around her in a hug.


Don't need to be strong in front of me.” He said quietly and almost instantly Minah started crying away.


She couldn't control her crying and her sobs anymore. She just put her hands on his back, holding tight his shirt and putting her face on his chest. He kept his arms tightly around her, using one his hands to her hair.




It'd already passed almost 1 hour. Now Myungsoo and Minah were sitting on the floor in the living room but his arms were still around her and her head was still on his chest. She kept crying all this time and just now stopped a little bit. You still can see some tears on her cheeks, but there were no sobs anymore.


Why can I cry in front of you but I can't do it in front of anybody else?” Minah pouted a little, still don't looking at Myungsoo, with her cheeks bright red.

Because you like me?” He joked and she just slapped his chest.

Shut up.” They laughed a little.

But... What happened, huh?” Myungsoo asked still her hair what made Minah close her eyes.

My harabeoji passed away.” She stopped talking for a second but soon continued. “He's not my real grandpa, but... Five years ago both my parents died in a car accident and I was the only one who survived. I didn't have anywhere to go. But then I met harabeoji and he decided to take care of me. He gave me the job in the cafe, as he's the owner of there, and I started to work. With this work I could buy this house and start studying again at the college.”


Myungsoo didn't say anything neither did Minah. They just kept the silence while they were still hugging each other. After some minutes, Myungsoo looked at the girl and saw that she was already sleeping. He smiled a little while looking at her face, finally looking calm and peaceful. Soon he picked her bridal style and take her to her bed. He put her there carefully and gave her a little peck on her forehead.


Good night, Minah...” He said quietly and left her house. A small smile appeared on Minah's face even though she was sleeping.




The next morning, the sun were already invading Minah's house. She moved a little and opened her eyes slowly, trying to get used with the light. She looked at herself and saw she was still wearing the same clothes from the day before. And soon everything come back to her mind and she couldn't help but feel sad but, at the same time, she felt her cheeks getting warmer. We stayed like hours hugging each other and... But put her hands on her face getting even more embarrassed.


Ok, I have to go to college.” She shook her head and soon went to the bathroom.


After half an hour, Minah was finally read to go to college. She took her bag and left her house. But as soon as she turned around she faced Myungsoo. Her eyes widened and she blushed.


Y-Yah, you scared me.” She almost yelled, he just rolled his eyes.

What? Can't I walk anymore? I was going to my classes, not visiting you.” He looked aways, making a quietly “tsc”.

Aish, so go to your classes. I have to go to mine.”


She pouted angrily, turning around and started to walk. But after 10 minutes walking he felt someone following her, she looked back and stared at Myungsoo again.


Are you following me?” She was angry again.

Of course not, don't think so much about you. I'm going to my classes, as I said.” He put his hands in his pockets.

Tsc, whatever.” She continued walking, but this time with Myungsoo next to her. “What do you do at college?” She asked curiously, looking at the guy.

Modern music.” He said simply, but soon looked at her. “And you?”

Dance.” She smiled brightly. Dance was something she really loved to do, it was like a passion.

Dance? Clumsy the way you are?” He joked, laughing while Minah pouted.

I'm good at dancing, ok? One day I'll be famous and you'll see how good I am.” She said proudly, he just rolled his eyes.

Sure, sure...”


They soon arrived at the college. Surprisingly they studied in the same college, but as the buildings were far from one another they never met before. As soon as Minah got near her friends she could feel everybody staring at her.


W-What?” She looked away, getting embarrassed.

What? You were walking with Kim Myungsoo.” One of the girls, Lee Woori, talked first, all excited.

And...” Minah didn't look so excited at all.

He's the most handsome guy and most known from Modern Music.” She answered again. Minah's eyes widened.

What? He's, like, famous?”

Of course.” Woori tsc-ed. “But you just think about your dance and your work so you don't gossip so much, huh?” She laughed a little, twisting her arms in Minah's.

Oh, sorry.” She laughed a little. “I just don't care so much of this things.”




It was already 11am. Minah decided to practice a little more her dance so she stayed at the dance room. There will be a competition in a few days and she wanted to be prepared. For the first time she would dance alone on stage, so she had to work hard. She was wearing a simple short and shirt, but put high heels just because she was going to dance with them in the competition, so she had to get used to it.


Soon she turned the music on and started her practice.




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Chapter 8: Ahhhhhh!!! Cheeeeeeeeeeeesy
Chapter 8: cho chweet~~~~
puppy_jjong #3
@e4ever Thank you~ ^^
e4ever #4
Chapter 8: awww nice story
puppy_jjong #5
@SJInfinite15 @kimdedol Thank you~ I'm happy you liked it ^^
kimdedol #6
Chapter 8: Awesome n luv myungsoo^^
Chapter 8: Awesome story done:) Cute ending too, good job authornim^^