
If there is the next life(hiatus)

Present time

AJ's pov

Being an orphan is not as bad as i think.

After spending of my past 15 year at orphanage,i had brothers.We are not biological brothers but our bonds are stronger than blood.

Let me introduce myself and My brothers

me, name - AJ liu,age-19.most handsome among the others although they don't accept that but i am right about myself, i know from my instint.i've got accepted from one of medical collage in Korea with full scholar and i will attend at next month.i am also the smartest one,hehe.

Taeng Kim-25,oldest despite his baby face.dorky,buny,already graduated as a chef.

Yul Kwon-24,dork,tan,already graduated.carrier-photographer

Soo Choi-24,shikshin,tallest,already graduated.carrier-director

Yoong Im-23,second shikshin,prankstar,already graduated.carrier-animation designer,blogger,story writter.

 We also own a small noodle and BBQ house.Today is my turn to deliver the orders.

 i am riding my scooter and going to the location of the order now and suddenly i heard a loud bam voices.As soon as i know there is the accident in front of me i stop my scooter but unfortunately i was hit by the bus which can't control it's acceleration.i flew and the next thing i know is fire everywhere and my vision black out.

My head hurt like hell and i woke up due to the brightness.

After i open my eyes and adjust the brightness, i saw unfamiliar place that looks alike a huge tent.

i look around and found yul sleeping with protruting tongue on the bed not far away from me.

As usual,my shikshin duo, soo and yoong are busy eating, not even notice that i am watching them.

Suddenly, the cloth sheet at the door open and taeng went in.

As soon as he see me awake,he said aloud "finally you are awake" to me and shift everyone attention to me including yul who awake due to taeng loud voice.

Wait a minute, why do they wear such clothes and why their hair style look alike ancient Korean man and what is this weird place.




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Chapter 10: new reader here~! the plot is great but grammatical mistakes throughout the fic makes it hard to enjoy the story. Keep up the good work :) You're writing skill is improving by the chapter~!
dede123 #2
Chapter 9: I like your story so far author~ :D
Your idea of the story is good
Please update soon~ :)
I agreedd. Practice make our writing skill better. I love your story though
dede123 #4
Chapter 6: So short~ :(
I hope you update more author!! :)
God Bless!!! :D
Chapter 4: pls update soon authir shi HWAITIING!!
Chapter 3: update soon
x_Eunjung #8
This seems interesting~ ^^