
You Again ?! [EDITING]

Your POV

*Omo , we almost kissed just now * You remembered him leaning towards you . * Eysh , Kim Himchan ! *

You lie down flat on your bed . * Please go away Kim Himchan *


Himchan POV

* Should I or shouldn't I ? * I stood outside of your apartment . 

* I should * I  took out his hand ready to knock .

* I shouldn't * I turned away . * Eyshh decisions decisions *

I scratched my not-so itchy head . * Man up Himchan . Where's your braveness ? * I knocked her door .


" Nae ?! " she screamed from inside .

" Ah , Hyo-hyojin-ah , um ... ca-can I talk to you for a sec ? " I rubbed the back of my head as I stuttered .

" Wae ?! " she asked and opened her door .

" Hyojin , let's go to the park . Just for a sec " I doubt she would agree so I walked away .

" Kaja  . " she went inside and took her jacket .

" Ah , jinjja ? You want to go o- " 

" Shut up ! " she cut me before finishing my sentence .


Narrator's POV

The walking was totally quiet . Nobody spoke a word . Finally reaching the park after feels like an hour but it's just 5 minutes .

" So , what do you want to talk about " Hyojin avoided eye contact with him .

" Hyojin , I want to say I'm really sorry for .. umm .. you know .. that thing " Himchan blushed .

" Pfftt , HAHAHAHA . Did you just blush ? You're so cute " Hyojin laughed loudly and slapped Himchan's back .

" Uhh ? " Himchan looked at Hyojin as if she was possessed or something .

" Hyojin , are you feeling ok ? " Himchan placed his hand on Hyojin's forehead .

" I'm feeling fine , great to be exact ! " she beamed .

Himchan felt worried for her " Are you really ok ? " he raised on of his eyebrow .

" HAHA , nae . Op-pa ! " Hyojin flutters her eyelids .

Himchan got nearer to Hyojin and smell alcohol .

" Eysh , no wonder you're all happy and stuffs . You're drunk . " Himchan forced Hyojin to stand up and carried her bridal style .

" Ah , Oppa , don't be in a rush . Love needs time . " Himchan chuckled at Hyojin's silliness .

When they reached at Hyojin's apartment , Hyojin was covering her face beside Himchan's neck .

DUP DAP DUP DAP . * Hyojin-ah , why do you have to do this to me ? * Himchan thought and searched for her keys and went in .

He put Hyojin down on her bed . " Oppa , why did you put me on the bed ? You want to sleep with me ? " Hyojin crawled to the end of the bed face-to-face with Himchan . 

Himchan gulped and lifted her chin up . He stared into her eyes " You need to rest . You're drunk right now . " He pushed Hyojin onto the bed and sat at the corner of the bed . He looked at her .

She pulled up her blanket and accidentally punched herself on the nose . " AHHHH ..!! " 

" HAHAHA . Hyojin-ah , kyeopta ! " Himchan took a tissue box and handed it to her .

She wiped her blood away and laid down . " Hmm , oppa , are you gonna accompany me tonight ? " she kicked Himchan softly .

" Andwae ! You're a girl , I'm a boy . " Himchan protested and left for the door .

Hyojin burst into tears . 

" Bwoh ? Why are you crying ?! You were happy just now like a mad person " Himchan ran to her .

" This is all your fault . It's yours ! Yours ! " Hyojin punched Himchan on his chest .

" Ah , what's wrong ? Tell me ! " He hold her hands so she won't punch him again .

" Because of you .. I .. I .. Tsk tsk . Beacuse of you my life is ruined ! I'm happy with my old life but you came in " Hyojin cried .

" And so ? " he gripped her hand harder .

" I - I .. Saranghaeyo oppa . Saranghaeyo .. ! Because of love,  my life is ruined ! " Hyojin brought her knees onto her chest and hugged them . She burried her face between her knees .

Himchan widened his eyes .



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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 14: Thanks for telling and take your time.
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 13: Omo! I have a feeling it's him...Himchan?

Intresting~ ^^
Banghimlo #3
Chapter 12: Why himchan? Why?? T.T
Chapter 13: OMG OMG WHO IS IT???? Continue soon please <3

P.S I always feel really happy when I see your story is updated :)
Chapter 11: OMG
but i still prefer the byg and hyojin couple
Banghimlo #8
Chapter 11: Poor Himchan :/ Luggage? Is he leaving?

I will,update soon ;)
banababy97 #9
I like it . Update soon ! Hwaiting ^^
Banghimlo #10
Chapter 10: Yongguk what have you done?!

Update soon ;D