
You Again ?! [EDITING]

Your POV


" Can you be my girlfriend again ? " Yongguk asked . I felt my head spinning . What am I supposed to do ? Should I say yes or no ?


" I , I'm sorry Yongguk oppa . Unfortunately , someone stole my heart . " I answered . I could see sadness in his face but that's reality .


You just have to accept reality once in a while . You can't just expect everything you want to come rolling to you . And when you get that something , you have to appreciate it . That's what I learnt and now , I want to appreciate my gift. I'm gonna confess . Confess to him , To Himchan .


I ran to my apartment , climbing up the stairs with a big smile on my face . My heart was thumping fast , nervous .


Finally , after felt like hours , I reached my floor . I knocked his door .


Silence .


I knocked again , maybe he didn't hear me .


Still no response .


I knocked louder and faster . My fingers were turning the silver door knob when the door flew open . 


I lost my balance and fell . I looked around his house . Nothing were there except for walls and windows and a door . 


I looked at the house in disbelief . I turned to the  entrance door , 303 . His house . I'm not wrong .


I stood on my legs , speechless . I panted heavily .


I ran to my house , unlocking it . I entered and accidentally stepped on a letter . I lifted up my foot and a letter was under it .


I picked it up and tore it openl. 


Dear Reena ;

You must be really happy now , I guess . Of course you're happy , what am I thinking ? Yongguk hyung is here . He'll take care of you . He'll give you the love I didn't give you . Truth is , I like you from the very start when I see you . Even though you're eyes were like ice , I didn't care . To me , you have a heart of gold . We spent really good time together , didn't we ? I won't forget those precious moments of us . Still remember our polaroid together ? I'll keep it forever and ever . I like you best when you were drunk . You confessed to me while calling me oppa . I will cherish that moment until I'm no longer here . I bet this letter is nothing but a piece of crap to you . I'm sorry I made you angry sometimes . I just wanted you to be happy . That's all . I can't make you happy . That's why I called Yongguk to present in your life once again . I know your heart just opens for him . 

But that's not the main reason why I left you . I got an offer to be trainee in TS Ent in Seoul . I say , why don't just accept it ? That way , you're life will not be distracted by me . So I gave it a try . I'm sorry for not telling you but if you want to see me for the last time , come to the station bus at 7 . I'll pray for your happiness .


Your friend ,



Without thinking , I took my wallet and stopped a taxi . I asked the taxi driver to go to the station bas as soon as possible . 


I rubbed my wet hands .Wet with sweat .


Our memories together kept on replaying in my mind . His voice kept buzzing in my ear . 


When we reached there , I ran inside . I looked at the board . The bus he'll be riding is going to leave soon .


I search that particular bus and found it but it started the engine and soon itstarted to sped up.  I ran faster like there was no tomorrow but luck was not on my side .


" Himchan !! " I shouted as if he was going to listen .


" Himchan ! Don't leave me ! Don't ! " I shouted at the top of my lungs .


I tripped and fell on the tar .


He left me . Left me alone . Left me with sweet memories of us.  .


Tears after tears escaped my eyes . I can't stop those tears that wanted to break free for a long time .


That's when I realised I want him by my side everyday . Annoying me from day to night . Brings me to places I've never been and buying me things that I want .  I need him . I love him .


But now , I lost him . Lost him . 





Annyeong , so long didn't update .

Anyway , subsribe , comment and upvote .

That will make me more diligent to update :)


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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 14: Thanks for telling and take your time.
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 13: Omo! I have a feeling it's him...Himchan?

Intresting~ ^^
Banghimlo #3
Chapter 12: Why himchan? Why?? T.T
Chapter 13: OMG OMG WHO IS IT???? Continue soon please <3

P.S I always feel really happy when I see your story is updated :)
Chapter 11: OMG
but i still prefer the byg and hyojin couple
Banghimlo #8
Chapter 11: Poor Himchan :/ Luggage? Is he leaving?

I will,update soon ;)
banababy97 #9
I like it . Update soon ! Hwaiting ^^
Banghimlo #10
Chapter 10: Yongguk what have you done?!

Update soon ;D