When Yoong met Seohyun

Taeny / Yoong's series Love Stories (One-shot story)

Hi All, this is the sequel from "my dreamlover is getting married"

Well, i am happy to attend the wedding dinner not only for the blissful couple as well as.... i met her.

I will use Seohyun as "her" for this story. XD


31.03.2013, Yoong is attending the wedding dinner of Shindong and Jessica held at the STABLES.

It was a laid-out wedding dinner, low profile, only relative and close friends are invited.

There's total five rows of long tables for the guest to be seated. 

Yoong is sitting at the fourth rows (under friends).

The one, sitting opposite me (He/She is late or didn't turn up)? Yoong mumbled.

Suddenly, it was a "young lady" who turned up and sitted infront of me. She smiled at me and i smiled back as polite.

When the MC announced the newly wedded couple, Shindong and Jessica to the stage for their speech.

After the couple speech, follow by their parents bleesing to the newly wedded.

There's blessing, cheering, best wishes..... from all the guest.

And then the newly wedded, came to our fourth row to chit-chatting and take photos.

Jessica introduce her schoolmates to Yoong, but the "young lady" didn't notice as others was talking to her.

Hey, why are you keep looking at Seohyun...? asked Jessica surprised.

Heh? W-who is Seohyun? asked Yoong gulped.

The one sitting infront of you and you are starring at. said Jessica whisper in Yoong's ear.

Heh? I-I am not.... just that, she bought my attention cause she was late. said Yoong defend.

Oh really? said Jessica smirked.

Later when the dinner started, everybody was enjoying their food.

Seohyun offered Yoong half of her share as she know that she can't finish.

Hi Yoong, would you like to have additional fish cod? asked Seohyun smiled.

Hmm..... (waved hand - with food in his mouth) no, thank you. I have my share and it's enough for me. said Yoong smiled.

Yoong's mind (How come she knows my name?)

Oh, i saw that you finished all your foods whenever it served. I thought i could give some to you. said Seohyun smiled.

Thank you for your offer. I had enough. said Yoong smiled back.

When the wedding was about to end. Jessica came over for chit-chatting again.

Hey Seohyun.... i missed you so much! said Jessica hugged her.

Yoong, let me introduce.... this is Seohyun, she is my high school classmate. said Jessica.

Hi nice to meet you, Seohyun. said Yoong waved his hand and smiled.

Seohyun, he is...... said Jessica but her words is being cutted.

Yoong right? said Seohyun smiled.

How you know his name, Seohyun? asked Jessica surprised.

I saw the postcard on his table indicated his name, Sica.... said Seohyun smiled.

Oh! How forgetful am i. said Jessica and laughed.

(Everybody has a postcard on the table indicated their name for their sitting location).

After dinner, all the guest was about to leave.

Both Yoong and Seohyun walked to Jessica and Shindong.

Hi guys, once again... congratulation for your wedding. said Yoong smiled.

Thanks for coming, Yoong! said Jessica and hugged him tightly.

Sica, congratulation! said Seohyun and hugged Jessica too.

Yoong signal to Jessica that he is leaving.

You leaving already, Yoong? asked Jessica.

Yeah, it's about time. said Yoong smiled.

Sica, me too. Leaving soon. said Seohyun.

We catch up soon, ok? said Jessica pouted.

Where are you staying, Seohyun? I can give you a lift. asked Yoong offered.

Ermm..... it's ok, Yoong. I can take a cab. said Seohyun smiled as she doesn't want to trouble Yoong.

Let him give you a lift, Seohyun. He is nice guy! Moreover, here is not easy to get a cab. said Jessica blinked her eyes and smiled.

O-ok... thank you, Yoong. said Seohyun smiled.

Both Yoong and Seohyun bidded goodbye to Jessica.

They talked alot in the car thru out the journey and get to know each other more.



That's it! That's the wedding dinner i attended on 31.01.2013

Got to know friend and that's good! *thumbs up*


Author: Taenyyoz

Updated: 04.03.2013





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mokimoki #1
Chapter 7: More yoonkrys
ImYoona_JessicaJung #2
Chapter 10: More YoonKrys And YoonSic :D <3
allayjadhule #3
Chapter 10: Yoonsic yoonkrys so sweet :)
gabiel #4
Chapter 5: it a good story of taeny but i cant understand the story of yoona!!!!
722DolDeer #5
Chapter 11: please update soon...
Chapter 11: it is a nice chapter
please update more
Chapter 11: I want u continue with hot moment *wink*wink
Chapter 9: it is a nice update
taeny is so sweet
please update
KM_3451 #9
Chapter 9: more yoonkrys.. and i love it if there also yoonfany.. hehehe