One-Shot Nine “Away In The Kitchen”

❝ The Twelve Days of EXO ❞ ┋ exo one-shot collection
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One-Shot Nine “Away In The Kitchen”

The first thing D.O noticed the second he stepped inside his apartment was how clean it was. Not that it was usually messy (hell no, it would ever be) but there was a touch of feminine in it.

The next thing he noticed was his dining table; it was carefully set with the whole table setting, completed with both soup and dessert spoons. With his sensitive nose, D.O smelt mushroom soup and chocolate cake.

Speaking of which, the third and possibly the most alarming thing D.O noticed was the strong smell of something burning.

Wait. D.O's trademark big eyes widened (if that was even possible, considering how large they were originally) before he dumped his laundry onto the floor and dashed towards the kitchen.

Hyunae looked like a complete frenzied mess as she darted about, tending to all the stoves — all but the one which contained a burning fish. Hastily, D.O hurried to that particular stove and switched it off just as Hyunae realized the cause of the horrible smell. She rushed towards the stove and groaned, "My fish and chips!"

D.O stared at her, biting back a smile. Hyunae often shunned away from the kitchen which was D.O's fort so this particular incident was quite amusing, especially with sight of her being annoyed at the burnt fish which had decided to abandon her.

"And stop smiling and help me out, Kyungsoo." Hyunae demanded, quickly rushing to her mashed potatoes. His smile didn't disappear but D.O obeyed his girlfriend.

Thirty uneventful minutes later, dinner was ready. Mashed potatoes as the appetizer and the sadly destroyed fish and chips had been switched to ham and cheese sandwiches. Paired it of

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Chapter 11: omg! KAI is so cute! kyaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~
hunhanisreal_ot12 #2
Chapter 12: The one shots are all awesome!! Hihihi ^^
icecreamcake-xo #3
Chapter 12: COOL! Or I might say.....AWESOME! This story is really awesome author nim! Every member got unique character of girls~ cant say any word~~
Chapter 11: choking because Jinae is my main character for my fanfic with Kai.
coincidence is questionable.
Chapter 1: LOL Xiumin is smart in the area of food XD
Chapter 12: Sehun's behavior at first was mighty familiar to me... Anyway, good oneshots. :))
Chapter 12: Sehun's so sweet <3
Chapter 12: LOL Sehunnie <3
Chapter 12: Haha sehun :)
eunkyung's a super junior fan?
Chapter 6: Can't stop laughing at Baek's chap. xD