One-Shot Two “Winter Wonderland”

❝ The Twelve Days of EXO ❞ ┋ exo one-shot collection
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One-Shot two “Winter Wonderland”

A single snowflake drifted downwards, swirling and twirling in the air before finally dropping onto Luhan's glossy blond locks. He flashed a mischievous smile at the female's back before releasing the ball of snow he was clutching.

"Xi Luhan!" Minjung screeched in mock fury as she felt the cold wet substance hitting her exposed neck. Spinning around, the younger bend down and grabbed a handful of snow. Seeing what she intended to do, Luhan hastily hurried behind an oak tree but not before sticking a tongue out. In return, Luhan received a bunch of snow.

"Yah, you can't do that to me!" Luhan complained with a smile as he used the back of his hand to wipe the snow off his impossibly adorable face. Minjung smirked triumphantly at the older but her smirk faltered the moment she saw Luhan grabbed a handful of snow. Backing away slowly, Minjung tried to reasoned with her boyfriend, "It won't be good if we both end up sick, Luhan."

"Considering who's in charge now, I think you'll be the only one being sick." Luhan retorted, advancing on Minjung. She pouted at his words until the back of her knees bumped into someone else.

"I'm so sorry!" Minjung gasped, desperately clutching at the little boy whom she had bumped into. 'You're not hurt anywhere, are you?" She squatted down and begin doing a whole body check-up and Luhan resisted the urge to facepalm himself (there was the snow to consider) at Minjung's motherly instincts.

"I'm so, so sorry! You have to tell me where you're hurt." Minjung continued, her voice starting to sound panicked despite the small boy's vigorous shakes of his head. Worried, Minjung checked every inch of the boy while frantically demanding him to answer.

"Noona, I'm fine. I'm not hurt." The boy spoke up, sounding much, much more sensible than the over-protective noona.

By now, Luhan had reached the pair and he remarked sarcastically, "The boy's smarter than you, Minjung." Said girl shot the blond a dangerous glare before returning her attention to the unhurt child.

"You're sure you're fine?" Minjung inquired and the boy nodded his head.

"See, you were worried for nothing." Luhan teased, dumping the snow onto M

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Chapter 11: omg! KAI is so cute! kyaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~
hunhanisreal_ot12 #2
Chapter 12: The one shots are all awesome!! Hihihi ^^
icecreamcake-xo #3
Chapter 12: COOL! Or I might say.....AWESOME! This story is really awesome author nim! Every member got unique character of girls~ cant say any word~~
Chapter 11: choking because Jinae is my main character for my fanfic with Kai.
coincidence is questionable.
Chapter 1: LOL Xiumin is smart in the area of food XD
Chapter 12: Sehun's behavior at first was mighty familiar to me... Anyway, good oneshots. :))
Chapter 12: Sehun's so sweet <3
Chapter 12: LOL Sehunnie <3
Chapter 12: Haha sehun :)
eunkyung's a super junior fan?
Chapter 6: Can't stop laughing at Baek's chap. xD