One-Shot Seven “Troll To The World”

❝ The Twelve Days of EXO ❞ ┋ exo one-shot collection
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One-Shot Seven “Troll To The World”

"Chen?" Heeyoung called out, pushing the door open. She stepped inside the apartment, carefully tossing her shoes before walking inside barefooted. It was a Saturday morning and usually, Chen wouldn't be awake so earlier but then again, it was he who told her to come over at ten sharp.

"Chen?" Heeyoung's voice echoed throughout the apparently empty apartment. Annoyance was building up within her as Heeyoung thought of how incredibly unfair of Chen to lead her along. However, her annoyance disappeared instantly as she heard a loud thud sound emitting from Chen's bedroom.

"Chen." Heeyoung gasped as she hastily hurried over to the closed bedroom. There wasn't a burglar inside, was it? Her heart sank at the thought of Chen being kept hostage or being tortured while the burglar search for things to take...

It was obvious that Heeyoung has a really fertile imagination.

Heeyoung approached the bedroom door warily before gently pushing the door open, fearing what she would see (a dead Chen? Chen in a state of torture?)...


"Crap!" Heeyoung spun around instantly, an expression of pure shock and fear on her lovely face. She was so afraid of Chen's situation that she has completely disregard the fact that there was no signs of break in or the fact that Chen had installed a high technology lock which was almost impossible to hack in.

Yes, Heeyoung had totally disregard all of those obvious facts since worry for Chen had took over her heart. And that idiotic bastard had actually pulled a fast one on her.

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Chapter 11: omg! KAI is so cute! kyaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~
hunhanisreal_ot12 #2
Chapter 12: The one shots are all awesome!! Hihihi ^^
icecreamcake-xo #3
Chapter 12: COOL! Or I might say.....AWESOME! This story is really awesome author nim! Every member got unique character of girls~ cant say any word~~
Chapter 11: choking because Jinae is my main character for my fanfic with Kai.
coincidence is questionable.
Chapter 1: LOL Xiumin is smart in the area of food XD
Chapter 12: Sehun's behavior at first was mighty familiar to me... Anyway, good oneshots. :))
Chapter 12: Sehun's so sweet <3
Chapter 12: LOL Sehunnie <3
Chapter 12: Haha sehun :)
eunkyung's a super junior fan?
Chapter 6: Can't stop laughing at Baek's chap. xD