One-Shot Three “All I Want For Christmas”

❝ The Twelve Days of EXO ❞ ┋ exo one-shot collection
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One-Shot Three “All I Want For Christmas”

"Here." Kris off-handedly stated, hurling a nicely wrapped gift onto Heekyung's lap. She looked up from her book and lifted the gift with one slender finger. Staring at Kris in mild surprise, Heekyung questioned curiously, "What's this?"

"You know, if you actually open it, you'll find out." Kris pointedly spoke up, sitting down on the sofa beside his girlfriend. Heekyung pouted but nevertheless unwrapped the gift.

A single diamond pendant hung from the thin silver chain. A simple clasp held the diamond necklace together. It wasn't cheap, Heekyung could tell, judging from the size of the stone. It was at least four or five carat. It was a perfect gift and Heekyung would have loved it if she didn't wanted something else.

Heekyung stared at the necklace in silence for a moment. A minute passed before Heekyung finally asked, "Okay, I give up. You gave me another necklace?" She turned to face Kris for an explanation; it was common knowledge that the heiress had way too many necklaces from various other suitors that she had practically sworn off necklaces.

Kris was a tad surprised by her reaction; didn't she stared longingly at the necklace last night when they were window shopping? "Well, I saw you staring at it last night so I thought I'll give it to you." Kris explained as his probing eyes met Heekyung's intelligent pair. Was he wrong?

"Last night?" Heekyung echoed before realization dawned on her.

Last night, Heekyung had dragged Kris to the nearby shopping mall for some window shopping. Heekyung recalled stopping by a jewelry shop where a lovely proposal ring was. She had sighed wistfully then, dreaming to be married one day. But, of course, that day would never come if a certain Chinese boy won't propose to her.

Her cheeks colored slightly as she hastily kept the necklace. Kris wasn't amused though. He had expected exhilaration or happiness.

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Chapter 11: omg! KAI is so cute! kyaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~
hunhanisreal_ot12 #2
Chapter 12: The one shots are all awesome!! Hihihi ^^
icecreamcake-xo #3
Chapter 12: COOL! Or I might say.....AWESOME! This story is really awesome author nim! Every member got unique character of girls~ cant say any word~~
Chapter 11: choking because Jinae is my main character for my fanfic with Kai.
coincidence is questionable.
Chapter 1: LOL Xiumin is smart in the area of food XD
Chapter 12: Sehun's behavior at first was mighty familiar to me... Anyway, good oneshots. :))
Chapter 12: Sehun's so sweet <3
Chapter 12: LOL Sehunnie <3
Chapter 12: Haha sehun :)
eunkyung's a super junior fan?
Chapter 6: Can't stop laughing at Baek's chap. xD