
My Love You Are [The Trilogy Sequel to "I Think I'm Sick"]

Hey y'all! so here's another chapter! Hope you like it ^^


This Chapter's in Miyuki's POV!

It's been about two weeks since the school term started and I've gotten the hang of school, not to mention the amount of attention I recieved despite trying my absolute hardest to keep a low profile. Obviously I couldn't run away from speaking to anyone or having to open my mouth. When I needed to, I would..
"MIyuki-ssi, I believe its your turn to deliver your monologue" the teacher said. 
The class fell silent and I felt all attention on me. I sighed inwardly as I looked at the teacher. 
"You'll be fine" Joong ki encouraged, giving me a reassuring smile. 
I was really thankful he was around, even though I didn't speak to him much, he remained so nice to me. Just like the princes did. I cleared my throat and got out of my seat, standing in front of the class.
"I knew you wouldn't be able to handle the truth. But its okay. It's really okay if you don't want to accept it. I understand. As long as you knew the truth, I could go in peace. It would have been better if you didn't react to it so harshly, but then again, how can anyone?" I began tearing up as I said this.
The class looked at me, and I felt eyes burn into my skin intently. 
"If I were you, I would probably feel betrayed and lied to as well. But it's all I could do to protect you, right? And even though I am going to leave this world, I know that I left loving you. And if I were to be born again, I'd definitely meet you once more." I ended, wiping my tears and giving a shy smile before walking back to my seat. 
Today was no different since we had to begin our script writing project. Apparently, the one with the best score would be chosen for our production at the end of the first academic year. 
I sighed as Joong Ki and I sat in the library during our free period. The princes had lessons at this time, so Joong Ki and I decided to cater that two hours to our project. The library was calming and I enjoyed the quietness, and the pile of books I had picked out a few minutes ago. Flipping through the pages of various literature books, I hoped for an idea to spring up. 
"How many characters should we include?" Joong Ki asked, breaking the silence suddenly. 
"I guess it depends. Do we create lovelines?" I asked. 
"Perhaps so." he smiled to himself as he said this. "I would like to use your monologue from yesterday" he added casually.
"Oh really?" I asked, feeling kinda touched that he liked it. 
"Yeah, I think it wouldcreate quite a nice storyline." he said, leaning back in his chair. "Perhaps the girl can say that.." he recommended.
"Why would she though?" I asked.
"How did you come up with that monologue?" he questioned thoughtfully.
"If I knew I had to leave someone for the sake of their safety, and I couldn't explain it to them, because I figured it would be too hard for them to understand.. Perhaps I'd say that, right?" I asked, thinking to myself. 
"Even in my next life, I'm sure I'll find Yuki-chan again" Syaoran said.
"Ni-chan don't talk that way" I said, feeling a little upset that he had brought up that topic again.
"I'm just saying.." he said dismissively. "I'll always be next to you" 
Perhaps that was what made me write it. Syaoran wasn't a lover of any sort, but he was definitely important to me. If I were to use that monologue, I decided that I'd want that poduction to be a dedication from me to Syaoran. 
"She would probably say that to her lover.." Joong Ki suggested.
"Do you think it's possible for her to say that to him if they haven't officially confessed their feelings for eachother? Even if they know their feelings for eachother?" I asked. 
Joong Ki blinked at me, a little taken aback by my suggestion.
"Is that a bad idea?" I asked, making him laugh to himself.
"Anniyo, I just didn't think of something like that." he said to himself, typing our ideas down into his laptop. 
I looked over his shoulder. We seemed to be making progress with a basic storyline which satisfied me since we had a few months to work on it along with other smaller projects and essays. 
"Looks like its time to get to class" Joong Ki said, looking at his watch. "I think we did quite well for a start!" he smiled.
"We did, didn't we?" I gave him a small smile. 
"Always answering me with a question.." I heard him mumble quietly to himself with a small smile on his face as we packed up. 
The walk to class was seemingly quiet without much tension (thankfully). Though mumbling amongst other students didn't seem to stop. 
"Sometimes I wished I knew what they were thinking" he said casually. 
"Would you really want to?" I asked.
"It would be interesting to know what they said about us." he laughed, opening the door for me.
I nodded greatfully and stepped into the lecture theatre, sitting at the usual corner that Joong Ki and I probably marked as our territory. No one else ever sat there, or near us. 
"It looks like Song Joong Ki is quite an effective repellent for unwanted attention" Jiyong said jokingly the moment Joong Ki was out of earshot.
Jiyong took my books from me as we headed to the cafeteria as usual.
"People still talk about us when he's around." I said. 
"Its the same when we're around, Yuki-ah" Top piped in, patting my head.
Why did it feel like they were constantly trying to push me away from them and towards Joong Ki? 
"Maybe its because Jiyong hyung's around so she doesn't pay attention." Daesung laughed, I gave him a greatful smile.
Perhaps I did..
After school had ended for the day, Joong Ki had walked me over to the philosophy faculty as usual, upon exchangnig bows with the princes, he asked the strangest question I could ever imagine him to say.
"Sunbaenims, is it alright if Yuki and I stayed back in school to finish up parts of our project?" he asked respectfully. 
My head snapped towards him. Why did he have to ask for their permission anyway?! The princes didn't look as surprised as I was, and Seungri's reply was just as shocking. 
"Yeah sure. Jiyong hyung and I will come pick her up after dinner." he nodded nonchalantly. 
I looked at Jiyong helplessly. I wanted them to be around and not too far away. Being in a different faculty was already making me feel uncomfortable, why were they trying to push me further and further away? 
"What about my dinner?" I blurted. 
"Why don't we all have dinner together?" Jiyong suggested. 
"Ah, dae.. that would be good since I would be able to get to know Sunbaenims more too." Joong Ki nodded politely. 
"Ni-chan!" I said in slight panic and protest. 
"Yeah let's do that, we should get to know you too since you're gonna spend loads of time with our Yuki" Jiyong nodded, probably sensing my dismay. 
Dinner seemed pretty awkward. For me at least, sandwiched between Jiyong and Joong Ki. The standard questions were already put aside.. of course, it was Top and Seungri asking the most questions..
"Why did you decide to chose this degree?" Top asked.
"Well I like acting, in fact, I really would like to become an actor.." Joong Ki answered humbly. 
"Ahh, whats your family like?" Seungri asked.
"I live with my grandmother. My parents didn't want me." he smiled. 
"I'm sorry to hear" Jiyong said. 
"Anniyo.. it's not like I knew who they were. So it doesn't feel like I actually lost anything" he said, seemingly a little downcasted. 
"Any siblings?" Seungri asked. 
"None" he smiled. 
"Don't you get lonely?" I asked. 
"Anniyo. I manage quite well alone." he said casually, followed by a long silence. 
"Since we got to know you on the way here, you can ask us anything" Jiyong offered. 
I shot him a small glance, he seemed pretty sincere about answering any question Joong Ki might have for us. 
"Its alright Sunbaenim, I think the gossip from the people in school invade your privacy enough" he smiled. 
"Surely there's something, afterall, gossip in school can't all be true." Taeyang laughed. 
Joong Ki paused for a while, his chopsticks resting on his lips. 
"In exception of Jiyong sunbae, is it true that sunbaenims don't date?" he asked. 
"Yeah" came the firm immediate and unified response from the princes. 
"I heard they never date" one girl said.
"They're probably waiting in line to court Miyuki-ssi" a guy said casually. "I know I am-"
"What did you say, punk?!" Jiyong growled darkly, making the guy shrivel up.
"N-nothing... Nothing..." he mumbled. 
"That's what I thought.. How dare you talk about my friends that way." Jiyong scoffed. "No one touches Yuki." he said. 
I kept close to him, feeling comforted that he looked out for me and his closest friends. 
"How dare you think of Yuki that way" Seungri glared. 
"Thank you for having me at dinner." Joong Ki bowed. The princes mirrored. 
"We'll pick you up in a few hours" Seungri said, ruffling my hair.
"Dae." I nodded, giving Jiyong a warm hug and kiss. 
"Call me if you need anything" he whispered into my ear.
With that, the princes headed back to the apartments while Joong Ki and I headed back to the campus library. 
"Your friends are really nice people" he complitmented.
"Are they?" I smiled. 
"Yeah, I don't mix around much." he explained.
"Why?" I asked. 
"What's your reason?" he responded.
"Do you think you can trust everyone?" I said, almost to myself. 
"You find it hard trusting people?" he responded.
"Don't you?" I replied.
He laughed for a little as we took our seats at the usual corner of the library.
"Wae?" I asked.
"It's just that.. you always reply me with another question." he said, seemingly frustrated, even if he was laughing dissmissivley to himself. 
"Do I?" I said, only to smack myself mentally. 
"It's alright." he laughed, patting my shoulder awkwardly. 
"Does it annoy you?" I asked. 
"It's a little scary." he said in between laughs. "Ahh perhaps I should have asked your friends why you talk like that.."
"Why didn't you?" I asked. 
"I thought it was just a one day thing or a coincidence but now I realised its a strange habit since you don't talk to them like that." he said quickly while stifling his laughter, though he seemed a little hurt. 
I began laughing a little, since I didn't actually realise that it had become a habit with people I was not comfortable with. 
"Wasn't the first thing I said to you not a question?" I reminded him. 
"Ah yeah but that was the only one!" he protested. 
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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 6: I like this story. I wish yuki and jiyong got married and had a family. I don't really care for this guy she is partner with in class. Something just doesn't seem right. Please update soon.
chekumi #2
i miss your updates :((
hongjek #3
Chapter 4: kyaaa!!! nice chapter!
Chapter 3: The fluff and the plot are just UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! Update please!