Glitter Jar

My Love You Are [The Trilogy Sequel to "I Think I'm Sick"]

Hello again! So thank you to those who have subscribed to this story! Do tell me what you think of the first chapter, and perhaps I'll shift the story towards whatever seems right. I guess. Anyway do check out the previous two fics (which are connected to this one of course)! links are in the first chapter, thank youuu! xx


This Chapter's in GD's POV!


I held onto her hand as we took our seats on the front car of the roller coaster.

"Are you ready Yuki?!" Daesung laughed from behind her. 

Obviously he was ready to pee in his pants. 

"Yeah!" Yuki said, trying to be as enthusiastic as she could. 

It must be hard for you to smile... 



"I'm afraid, Yuki might be suffering from and anxiety disorder known as Separation Anxiety Disorder or SepAD and is showing major signs of depression. Has anything traumatic happened to her recently?" the doctor said, looking aover at Yuki as he looked through her results. 

"She lost someone very important to her" Seungri answered immediately. 

"How recent was that?" the doctor asked.

I squeezed her hand, telling her that it would all be okay.

"About half a year ago.." I answered.

"She lost someone just as dear prior to that as well" Top added in. 

"It's okay Yuki, its okay" Seungri reassured her as she sat like a statue in her chair. 

"I'm here Yuki.." I whispered loud enough for only her to hear. 



"That was fun!!" Top smiled. 

"It was quite an experience!" Yuki said.

I sighed in relief inwardly as we got off the ride. Before I knew it, she was bringing me over to the gift shop, and apparently had her eyes on a beautiful snow globe. She stared longingly at it, and watched as the figurine in it turned. 

"Do you like that yuki?" I said, pointing at it after I caught up with her.

"Just watchingthe glitter.." She turned around and smiled gently before taking my hand and walking away. 



"How are we going to handle things when she starts school?" Top asked.

"We'll still be in the same compound.." Taeyang noted

"Yeah, but she's majoring in musical theatre.. that's a totally different block from us" I reminded. 

"But we can still have lunch with her" Daesung noted cheerfully. 

I sighed to myself.. Would she be okay in class alone?



As we were on the way home, Yuki had fallen asleep on my shoulder, so I took the chance to get Seungri in on a plan I had randomly thought of.

"Eh? Really?" Seungri said.

"Yeah, just make sure she's asleep and I'll be back in about 2 hours." I said.

"Alright. But why didn't you just buy it just now?!" Seungri snapped as we headed up to the apartment. 

"I wanted to make it myself.." I said quietly as I placed Yuki on her bed, taking her jacket off and covering her in the blanket and duvet. 

"hurry and get back then" Seungri said as he sat on the arm chair by her bedside. 

I ran down to the convenience store and got my hands on an empty jar and an assortment of glitter. I sped back to my apartment and began to empty the glitter into the bottle and filled the rest of it with water. I welded the tin cover shut so that the water wouldn't escape. Shaking it, I watched in satisfaction as the glitter glided around in the jar. 

I smiled at my creation, and finishing off with a small card. It wasn't an occasion, but it was the very first gift I've made for anyone.. Besides the cupcakes for Jaeri. But it was something I've created that wasn't perishable. 

"That's pretty" Seungri nodded in approval as he got off from the chair. 

"Do you think she'll like it?" I asked.

"Well it's pink glitter..." Seungri shrugged. 

"Doesn't she like pink?" I said, feeling a little uneasy.

"Even if she didn't she'd like whatever you make for her anyway" Seungri said casually before walking off.



"Will you be okay?" I asked as we walked hand in hand.

"I should be, plus this degree is going to be rather tiring." she nodded. "I won't have time to think about it"

So yeah, she was accepted into the musical theatre major. Of course, this came with a huge disadvantage; being in a completely different faculty from the rest of us. I looked at her and studied her expression as she clung onto the timetable she just recieved from the office. 

"I'll walk you to class everyday." I promised. 

"Oppa.. it's so far away from yuor classrooms!" she pouted, though her eyes were sparkling. 

I smiled to myself at how cute she was. 

"It's alright, I don't want you to get..." I paused, thinking of the right word. 

She looked at me for a while, her shoulders slumping a little. I sighed in defeat inwardly. 

"Komawo, oppa" she said, touching my arm. "You're worried that I'll get an anxiety attack, right?" she said. 

"Yeah but-" I didn't want her to think of it that way, there was more to it..

"I need to try getting better too.. I can't depend on you forever" she smiled weakly, her eyes a little shaken and sad. 



Yuki tossed and turned in her sleep. I watched, getting ready to soothe her the moment she woke up. It's almost a routine, and it was really worrying. How much more did my Yuki have to suffer? 

"Oppa.." I heard her mumble. Was she awake?

"Hmm?" I said, inching closer to her. 

No sound perhaps she was just sleep talking. I smiled, she only called me oppa, which made me feel really special. 



"I like how you call me oppa" I said casually as we walked hand in hand.

"Do you?" she smiled. "I like calling you oppa too"

As sad as she sounded, her attempts at being cute never failed to make my heard flutter.

"I feel special" I admitted.

"Well that's the whole point, is it not?" she said. "You're not like the rest, you're not like the oni-chans" she added. 

"As long as I'm special to you." I smiled, kissing the tip of her perfect nose.



"Oppa..." she mumbled again, but this time she had turned around to face me. 

"You're awake?" I said, stating the obvious.

"I just had a dream" she said, sitting up. I could vaguely see the worry in her expression.

"What was it about?" I asked. 

"Oppa, you're not going to let just anyone else care for me right?" she asked.

"Eh?" I said, not really understanding. 

"If someone cared for me too, you wouldn't let him right?" she asked. 

"If someone else liked you?" I confirmed.

She nodded and scooted over, giving me space. I got under the duvet with her and held her comfortably in my arms, she burried her face at my chest.

"Oppa won't let me go right? You'll fight for me right?" she said. 

"I'm not giving you up to anybody." I said firmly. 

Why on earth would I even think of giving you up to someone else?



"It's gonna be a challenge when she starts school next month.." Daesung sighed.

"Yeah, but I'm sure she can handle people herself." Top said. 

I felt a pair of eyes stare at me, I looked up and realised it was Seungri. 

"Hyung, I'm worried there'll be people who'd bully her" he admitted. 

Well you can't run from that now, can you?

"I think we ought to be more concerned about the guys running after her like she's a piece of delicious looking meat" Taeyang reminded. 

"I'm not letting anyone touch her" I said flatly. 

"Me neither, anyone who wants something to do with her has to go through me" Seungri nodded in agreement. 



"Oppa you really don't have to.." Yuki insisted. 

I refused to leave, keeping my pace with her. As we had predicted, guys were already staring at her, a few girls here and there, but there were definitely people staring at her. 

"I just don't want you to feel too lonely" I reasoned. 

She stopped in her tracks and her heel to face me, placing her soft hand on my cheek. She looked up at me lovingly and smiled, as if to tell me it's okay even though she herself knew it really wasn't.

"You can't be fighting both my battles and your own, oppa" she admitted with a sigh. 

"At least let me see you to class before school and after lunch" I said.

She nodded gratefully. 

"I'll pick you up for lunch" I told her, planting a kiss on her forehead. 

"I'll see you soon oppa." she said, hugging me tightly. 

For some reason it felt like there was so much desperation in that embrace..

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 6: I like this story. I wish yuki and jiyong got married and had a family. I don't really care for this guy she is partner with in class. Something just doesn't seem right. Please update soon.
chekumi #2
i miss your updates :((
hongjek #3
Chapter 4: kyaaa!!! nice chapter!
Chapter 3: The fluff and the plot are just UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! Update please!