
My Love You Are [The Trilogy Sequel to "I Think I'm Sick"]

Annyeong! *waves* well I haven't been updating too much, so do forgive me, I hope you've read the previous two fics that I've written and that you'll enjoy this one! ^^ Comments and vote ups would be great ^^ Don't forget to subscribe ;)


This Chapter's in your POV!


I stared at the building before me, clinging onto my books. I felt a warm presence beside me, and of course, I didn't need a second to think about who that was. I took comfort in his presence and in that moment, I didn't need to care about people shooting looks at us. I heard people whispering amongst themselves, but they fell silent when he shot them glances.

"I'll come to pick you up for lunch" he said, hugging me and planting a kiss on my forehead, making my cheeks burn. 

"Dae oppa" was the only response I could give him. 

"Take care my love" he said before walking off.

I walked in, only to be swallowed by even more students walking in cliques which really worried me. People stared at me, obviously I kept my gaze away. Eventually, I found my way to my classroom. Thankfully I wasn't late, but sadly, there was only one seat left.. Next to a milky faced boy. I observed him for a short while, he looked like a gentle white-furred puppy. His black curly hair and his sharp facial features.. He seemed harmless.

Then again, so did Zuuko..

I sulked inwardly at the realisation. But I didn't have a choice now, do I? up my courage, I sighed and made my way to him. He looked up from his scribbling and gave me a small smile. I felt eyes on me and him which made my stomach churn. He removed his bag from the chair and pulled it out for me, I bowed in response and sank myself onto the chair and decided that it was best that I kept my eyes on my notepad throughout the whole lesson. But I ended up spending the entire lesson wishing that Jiyong was next to me. 



I ran so fast it felt like I was flying. But he ran faster and I couldn't reach him. I screamed and reached out for him but the didn't turn around to look at me. He just kept running away into the white light. 

Oppa. Don't leave me please.. 

I felt myself collapse and my body felt frozen, like I couldn't move. I sobbed as I closed my eyes while the white light gradually disappeared with Jiyong.

"Yuki-ah" He soothed.

"Don't go.. Oppa don't leave.." I sobbed.

I felt my chest threaten to explode from my hyperventilating. I clung onto him, gripping at his sleeves but my sweaty hands kept making me slip. But his strong hands held me, hugging me close to him. 

"It's okay. Oppa's here.. I'm not going anywhere okay?" He said. Kissing my forehead.  

"Oppa.." I breathed, forcing my breath to steady.

"It's just a bad dream, yuki-ah." he reminded me, still holding me in his arms. 



"Excuse me, are you alright?" I heard a voice knock me from my thoughts. 

My head shot up in response, to see gentle boy looking at me worridly. Kind and gentle eyes indeed.

"You look a little pale, have you had breakfast?" he asked.

I nodded, still not absorbing that class had ended.

"Let's go to class together." He offered, getting out of his seat and standing next to the table as he waited for me. 

I felt a little pressured, even though his smile seemed kind and genuine. I knew Id naturally feel worried about it, but somehow I didn't. Perhaps I was thankful to have a friend. Hurridly packing my things, I slung my bag over my shoulder and got out of my seat, following him as he headed out the classroom. The walk to the lecture hall was pretty quiet and I felt a lot of people staring at me judgementally, which made me want to just sit on the floor and hope I turn invisible. 



"If anyone bullies you in school jsut scream and I will knock them over" Seungri reminded me. 

"Yeah and I'll zap them with lightning!" Taeyang added. 

"Tae-ni-chan that's a little extreme don't you think?" I smiled.

"Let's get you to class" Jiyong smiled and led me away, our fingers intertwined, the way I liked it. 

"See you at lunch!" I waved at the other four princes. 

"If anyone bother you, tell oppa who they are and I will personally deal with them!" Jiyong said casually as we headed to the arts faculty.



Gentle boy had sat beside me during lecture and strangely I didn't feel bothered by him at all, though it was a little awkward. I felt bad for him. Much to my dismay, we had ended the lecture early and I had to walk to Jiyong's classroom. I stared at the clock reluctantly and sulked at my table. 

"Aren't you going to meet that friend of yours for lunch?" he asked. 

I looked up, realising that I had zoned out again. I nodded and got up slowly in attempt to waste time. 

"I'll walk you over if you like" he offered. I nodded gratefully, accpeting his offer. 

People stared as we walked along the corridors. I lead the way this time, him trailing slightly behind me and in no time, we were in the philosophy faculty where the princes were. 

"You're pretty popular." the boy said casually.

I couldn't really respond, partially because I didn't know what to say. He didn't seem to mind that I was silent all the way, but I was secretly hoping he couldn't tell that I was cringing inside when people glanced at me as they walked past. 

"Do they bother you?" he asked, speeding up to walk next to me.

I looked at him and hesitated. If I said no, he'd think I'm arrogant and I'd be lying. If I said yes, he'd think I'm a weirdo. 

Great. Full-on panic mode. 



"I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I-"

"Yuki, are you alright?" Jiyong said, as he walked into my room, nearly causing me to fall off the bed. 

"D-dae. oppa" I said, composing myself.

"Yuki-ah, don't be so hard on yourself, no one can ever blame you for what happened back then and whats happening to you now." he said, holding my hands in his. 

"I don't want to be crazy." I said. The words the doctor said still ringing in my head. 

"You're not crazy. You're just hacing a hard time adapting to what has happened-"

"WAE OPPA. WAE?!" I screamed. 

He looked slightly taken aback at my outburst, I expected him to flare up, but surprisingly his expression remained unchanged and he pulled me into a warm hug. 

"Because so much has happened to you. It's impossible for just anyone to handle.."



I was about to open my mouth to say something, when a group of guys wolf whistled at me, making my skin crawl. I shuddered inwardly, I really hated people like that and I hated how they treated me like a piece of meat. Where were the princes when I needed them?

"Yah!" gentle boy yelled after the group of guys, who mocked him.

"Hey freshmen, watch it! Don't you know who you're dealing with?" one of them said.

"Don't think that we'll let you off because you're all pretty" another said. 

"YAH!" roared familiar voice, causing the group of boys to freeze. 

"Who the hell are you?" I heard Top growl.

"Uh.. uh.." they mumbled.

"GET LOST" Jiyong thundered, they bowed and scampered off. "I'll kill them if they bother you again" Jiyong snarled through gritted teeth.

"Who's this, Yuki?" Seungri asked, eyeing gentle boy.

"Song Joong Ki. I'm her classmate, sunbaenims" the boy said, bowing at the princes, he seemed pretty terrified himself.. 

"You walked her here?" Taeyang interrogated. 

Joongki nodded earnestly, making the princes exchange glances as they weighed their judements on whether he was friend of foe. 

"You can come along with us for lunch if you want" Jiyong said almost immediately, though not really looking at him directly. 

"Ah.. sunbaenim, s-she hasn't said a word to me all day," he stammered "And.. s-she doesn't seem too comfortable with me-"  

So he probably thought I was a weirdo from the start. I opened my mouth to interrupt him in mid sentence but Top cut in.

"Suit yourself." he said as Jiyong steered me away from him. 

"I'll walk her to class, so don't worry about her getting lost.." Jiyong called over his shoulder.

"Dae sunbaenim!" Joong Ki answered. 



"Ni-chan, do you think I'm weird?" I asked.

"Not really, you're just too shy sometimes" Seungri laughed as he wrapped me in my blanket. 

"Do you think Oppa will get tired of me?" I asked.

"Is that what you've been so worried about all the time?" he asked.

I nodded, sipping on my hot cocoa. He sighed.

"You're not boring afterall, I don't see why he would get bored of you. Plus he worried about you very often too" He said.

"Cheongmal?" was my immediate answer.

"Yeah" he nodded. "Ni-chan won't let you get hurt again.."



"That Joongki kid is quite something" Top nodded in approval. 

"Yeah he's pretty quirky." Daesung concluded.

"Probably got frightened by Jiyong's outburst" Taeyang laughed. 

"Was he nice to you, yuki-ah?" Seungri asked me. 

"Dae, ni-chan" I answered, eating my lunch. 

"Yeah, he better be" Jiyong nodded in approval. 

"Oppa, why did you invite him to come for lunch with us?" I asked.

"You don't like him?" Jiyong asked. 

"I think Jiyong hyung just wants to observe him a little more" Daesung laughed.

"Yeah, he walked her all the way from class" Jiyong nodded.

"Did you ask him to walk you over?" Seungri asked, I shook my head.

"He offered to walk me over." I answered.

"He probably saw Jiyong walk Yuki to class" Top reasoned, though he eyes the other princes, who exchanged glances. 


Jiyong walked me to class again after lunch, I felt much better after having some time with the princes. I felt less anxious and less worried about being left alone. 

"Yuki-ah, be honest with me" he began.

I looked up at him, feeling a little hurt that he thought that I would lie to him.

"Do you feel weird aroung Song Joong Ki?" he asked.

"I just feel awkward. But I don't feel especially weird or anything.." I answered. 

"Okay that's good." Jiyong nodded.

"Eh?" I asked, I was kinda hoping he'd be a tad bit possessive or something. Or perhaps I was too used to Zuuko's ways. 

"At least someone can look after you while I'm away.." he said softly, almost to himself. 

"Oppa.." I began. What the hell was he going on about?

"I'll tell you when I pick you up later, you'll be late for class" he smiled gently, pecking me on the lips, making my heart flutter.

I hugged him tight, wishing that he didn't have to go. I half expected him to push me away, but he held me tightly instead. His hand caressed my hair and I felt him kiss the top of my head. 

"Ahh, yuki-ah, why did you have to choose this faculty." he said, laughing slightly as he let go of the hug. "I love you."

"I love you too, oppa" I said before he walked away. 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 6: I like this story. I wish yuki and jiyong got married and had a family. I don't really care for this guy she is partner with in class. Something just doesn't seem right. Please update soon.
chekumi #2
i miss your updates :((
hongjek #3
Chapter 4: kyaaa!!! nice chapter!
Chapter 3: The fluff and the plot are just UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! Update please!