I'm Not Crazy

My Love You Are [The Trilogy Sequel to "I Think I'm Sick"]

Hello y'all! So I decided to go on with the sequel even though I guess I didn't hit five comments ): Boohoohoo but its okay! I don't really know how I'm going to put this story in place but.. I'll do my best! ^^

So to my new readers/subscribers, this is the third sequel to y other fan fics! I don't know if it will be hard to catch up in this sequel or not, but do check them out anyway ^^

1st Sequel (I Think I'm Sick): https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/225002/i-think-i-m-sick-bigbang-daesung-gdragon-seungri-taeyang-top-gdragonandyou

2nd Sequel (Want To See You): https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/286217/i-want-to-see-you-sequel-to-i-think-i-m-sick-bigbang-gdragon-seungri-gdragonandyou


This Chapter's in Miyuki's (Your) POV!


I sat by the balcony, my shamisen in my hands. Plucking the strings mindlessly, playing a song that my fingers memorised so well. I made it a point to memorise this song. Syaoran liked this song.. 




"I like this song" he laughed. "Why didn't you learn this sooner?" 

"I'll learn it well." I answered, concentrating on the scores in front of me. 

"Aww will you?" He laughed.

"Of course! It'll be a dedication to you!" I laughed.

It was the least I could do for you, ni-chan.. 



"Yuki-ah" A voice interrrupted my thoughts. 

I didn't mind, I felt comfort in that voice. 

"You're here." I said, not turning around as I placed my shamisen neatly on the floor. 

I felt his warm hand on mine, soon enough his face was in front of mine. 

My Kwon Jiyong. 

"You've been out here long enough, let's get breakfast with the rest, shall we?" he smiled. 

"The rest?" I asked. He nodded in response.

We never really had breakfast with the rest, it was always me and Jiyong, but occassionally Seungri would be awake early enough to join us. The only time when all of us were having breakfast together was when we were going somewhere.. 

"We're not going back there right?" I asked. 

He shook his head again and gave me a warm smile as he kissed my forehead. 

"Go get changed?" he promted, his voice gentle and clear. 



"I won't let anything happen to you ever again" he whispered.

He held my face in his warm hands, what was this feeling that overwhelmed me? He looked at me as if he was afraid to break me. 

"I'll never let anyone come in between us. I'll never let anyone hurt you." he continued. 

I began to cry.



I pulled on a blue longsleeved lace dress after a nice shower. I stepped out of the bathroom and caught a glimpse of Jiyong lounging on the sofa with a book in his hands. I didn't need to think about who was in my room. As expected, and much to my relief, Seungri was already waiting for me with my hair brush in his hands.

"Where are we heading to oppa?" I asked as he began to comb my hair gentl as well as drying it with gentle gusts of wind he created.

"You'll see" he smiled at me through the mirror. 

As strange as it sounds, I liked how Seungri brushed my hair. Apart from the fact that his presence and the gusts of wind he directed through my hair made me feel at ease, it was just nice to have a taste of what a real brother would be. Seungri had paid more attention to me ever since the incident a few months back though he usually made room for Jiyong to spend time with me. But the two of them were always around me, perhaps they knew that I needed them. 

Because they knew something that I didn't know then.



"Thought you may want some" Seungri smiled, placing a cup of hot chocolate in front of me. 

I looked up at him, his smile still on his face. 

"Komawo" I said, taking a grateful sip. 

He disappeared into the hallway and I felt myself sit upright, watching him as he went and appear a few seconds later with a blanket. He sat down beside me on the couch as he wrapped me in the blanket. 

"I know it's been very tough on you, Yuki-ah" he said. "Ni-chan will do his best to make everything better" he smiled. 



"Beautiful.." Jiyong smiled as I stepped out of my room. 

He my cheek with his lanky fingers, a perfect smile forming on his face. 

"Let's go before the rest get hungrier" Seungri suggested, grabbing his and Jiyong's coat from the hangers.

"Good morning Yuki!" the other three greeted.

Daesung, Taeyang, Top. It was always good to see them. I bowed in response, giving them the best smile I could manage. The insomnia was really getting to me. 

"Where are we going today then?" Taeyang asked. 

So they hadn't had any concrete plans today.. 

"I think we ought to head to the amusement park since we didn't get to explore much that night" Jiyong beamed.

"GOOD IDEA!" Daesung and taeyang said, pumping their fists in the air.

"Sounds great!" Seungri chimed in.

"I'm in!" Top smiled.

"How about it, Yuki?" Jiyong asked. 

"What harm could it be?" I answered, feeling a mixture of uneasiness and excitedness circulate through my system.



"You know, Yuki, you've been acting strange lately.." Seungri said with a sigh. 

Was he upset with me? 

"Wae?" I asked.

"It's like we're all back to square 1.." he sighed again, "Or at least, the way you talk to us is exactly how you talked to us when we all first met" 

Was it like this? Was I being distant again? Maybe I've had so much on my mind lately that I haven't really been able to differentiate who was in my head and who was really in front of me. 

"Don't you trust us?" he asked. 

"Of course, ni-chan" I answered.

He seemed to wear a puzzled yet worried look on his face. Like he was contemplating on something. Was he having second thoughts about me? What if he was beginning to misunderstand me like Zuuko did?



We're here again. I looked at the rides, but I didn't feel all too excited like I did the last time. I felt warm fingers lace themselves with mine, I didn't need to think twice about who it was. 

"I know you like the carousel" he smiled. 

"We'll all go with you this time!" Seungri's voice piped up on the other side of me. 

I nodded, walking hand in hand with Jiyong as he lead me to the carousel. He helped me up onto the golden horse that he picked out, the exact same horse I sat on the last time we came.. 



I sat myself on the golden horse. 

"Way to look authoritative yuki" Syaoran laughed.

"Well, I guess its nice to make myself feel like a princess" I answered

"You're making Jiyong-kun look like your servant" he snorted. 

JIyong did seem to look a tad bit bored. But hey, he was the one who said he'd go with me right? But I didn't feel the need to strike a conversation. Not now at least, I didn't want to get too close to him. 

At least not yet. 



Jiyong sat on the horse behind me, I could feel him looking at me. It wasn't an intense stare or anything, he was just looking. But the atmosphere was strange, I knew all 5 of them were taking glances at me, as if they were worried. They're always worried nowadays, not that it bothered me too much, but I was really beginning to feel like a major burden to them and I didn't like that one bit. 

Jiyong helped me off the horse again when the ride ended, never letting go of my hand, which I actually liked. 

"Would you give that a try, Yuki?" Taeyang asked, pointing at the roller coaster. 

"Alone?" I asked.

"OF COURSE NOT" All five of them exclaimed in unison. 

I blinked at their apparently strong reaction. But I quite liked that they wanted to go with me. 

"Looks fun" I shrugged. 

It wasn't a surprise that all of them were getting flustered over me. I knew why, but perhaps it hadn't sunk into my system just yet. But ever since we found out about my condition, all of them have been on their toes all the time, especially Seungri because I lived with him. 

But no one could beat the levels that Jiyong would go to.



"I'll sleep here tonight if you want me to" he said. "I'll drag a mattress here and sleep on the floor"

"Oppa.. you don't have to! Seungri's next door." I smiled, though something in me did want him to stay. 

But the thought of him staying here because of my condition..

"Fine.." he sighed. "If you need me, just call me and I'll come right over" he said, giving me a kiss on the forehead before covering me with my blankets. 



I didn't know that Jiyong had waited for me to fall asleep before dragging a pillow from the living room to make himself comfortable. 

It made me feel like a burden to them. Even though they said they ought to take care of me. 



I felt myself jolt awake. I was sitting up on my bed, my mouth wide open. 

Had I screamed in my sleep again? 

"It's okay.. Shhh..." I heard jiyong's voice coo. 

I realised he was holding me in his arms and that I was crying uncontrollably. My breath was so unstable I felt myself shake so hard against him. 

"Is everything alright?" Seungri asked as he came in a few seconds later.

"She's alright, don't worry." Jiyong said. 



"Are you alright?" Jiyong asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded and shook my head to clear out the dazedness that clogged my brain.

"If you don't want to, you really don't have to, we can just ride something else" he said. 

"Anniyo, I want to!" I reassured him, giving him a small smile. 

I can't let myself get in the way of your fun.. You're already sacrificing a lot for me..



"I'm afraid, Yuki might be suffering from and anxiety disorder known as Separation Anxiety Disorder or SepAD and is showing major signs of depression." he looked at me as I shrank in my seat. "Has anything traumatic happened to her recently?" the doctor asked, looking through my files. 

"She lost someone very important to her" Seungri answered for me immediately. 

"How recent was that?" the doctor asked.

"About half a year ago.." JIyong answered as he held my hand in his. 

"She lost someone just as dear prior to that as well" Top added in. 

I sat there in silence as the princes fended for me. I wasn't crazy right? I couldn't be. 

"It's okay Yuki, its okay" I heard Seungri say, as he squeezed my shoulder. 

I looked up at him and turned to Jiyong, both of them looked more worried than ever. 

"I'm here Yuki.." Jiyong whispered.

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 6: I like this story. I wish yuki and jiyong got married and had a family. I don't really care for this guy she is partner with in class. Something just doesn't seem right. Please update soon.
chekumi #2
i miss your updates :((
hongjek #3
Chapter 4: kyaaa!!! nice chapter!
Chapter 3: The fluff and the plot are just UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! Update please!