One Miss Perfect X Twelve Mr. Right

Number 43 was a cute guy, not like the others, he K.O all the mask men and passed round 2. Same as us, the MC also called him to go to the room where we’re sitting right now.

“Annyeonghasaeyo!” He greeted us with his cute smile when he saw us.

“Annyeonghasaeyo!” I smiled at him and said.

“I’m Shin Dong Ho! Nice to meet you all!”


***Dong Ho!!!! Too excited to see him in the story!!! LOL***

“Aish…He’s so cute…” Jae Hee whispered to me and said.

“…..” I rolled my eyes at Jae Hee and felt annoyed because she kept on fangirling at those boys.

“Hi! I’m Park Dong Hyun!” Hyo Jin waved at him and said.

“Nice to meet you!” Dong Ho smiled and sat on the seat in front of me.

“What’s your name?” Dong Ho turned back to me and asked.

“I’m Hyun Bi Hyul.”

“Oh….” After he knew my name, he turned back and concentrated on the battle.

Number 44 failed.

“What, I didn’t even saw him fight with the mask men and he already failed?!” even though Jae Hee was whispering to me, but since her voice were that loud, so the whole room can heard her voice.

“He fainted after the mask men gave him the kick…” Shin Won Ho turned back to Jae Hee and said with his charming smile.

“Oh….” Jae Hee faces turn red and after Shin Won Ho turned his head away, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it so hard that I felt my bones were going to break into pieces.

“Ahhhh…His smile…His smile….”

“Ahhhh…My hand…My hand….”

Number 45 failed.

Number 46 failed.

And now it is Number 47-Lee Taemin’s turn.

“Hey…It’s Taemin….” I saw Taemin’s head peeked through the door and slowly he walked inside to the hall.

Jae Hee finally let go of my hand and concentrated on the battle between Taemin and the mask men.

“Wow…Taemin is so great!” Hyo Jin mouth became ‘O’ when she saw Taemin gave the mask men a kick and the mask man hit the stage and fainted.

“Congratulations, you pass round 2, please go to the room on the left side.” The MC appeared on the stage and said to Taemin.

“Nae.” Taemin nodded his head and followed the MC instructions and when he saw me and Jae Hee, he waved at us happily.

“Wow…you guys pass too? Great!” Taemin took a seat beside Jae Hee and smiled at us.

“Yeah, but look, those mask men hit my face and there’s a red ink on my face! It’s horrible! I think I’m going to put do a facial…”

“Facial…” Taemin face had a surprise look when he heard Jae Hee said that she’s going to facial.

“Urm…Dong Hyun thinks that faces are very important…He always do facial…” I tried to explain but then scold myself inside my heart. *My explanation is making things worst!*

“It’s okay; I have many friends that do facial too. They always put those girls things like bb creams on their face. But I really feel a little surprise because Dong Hyun does facial too.”

“Do you do facial? Or do you apply bb cream too? Your skin is so soft…” Jae Hee poked Taemin cheeks and asked.

*Aish…This girl…* I rolled my eyes at her and ignored the two of them.

“I didn’t…but my skin is soft maybe it is because I eat apple?” Taemin made his cheeks like a puff and that makes Jae Hee blushed because of his cuteness.

“…..” I hit my forehead with my palm because of Jae Hee’s fangirling…

This girl wasn’t acting like a boy…but a crazy fangirl…

Number 48 failed.

Number 49 failed.

And now it was Number 50- Jung Yong Hwa’s turn.

“Hey, its Yong Hwa turns!” Taemin stopped playing with Jae Hee and sat properly and concentrated on his best friend’s battle.

“Ouch! That’s hurt you bull!” A mask man gave Yong Hwa a punch and it hit Yong Hwa’s face.

Yong Hwa shouted at the mask man because of the punch and lastly, the mask man that gave Yong Hwa faces a punch is on the other side of the hall…crying in pain…

“Wow…Yong Hwa is great…” Jae Hee’s eyes were going to poke out because she was so shocked with Yong Hwa.

“Of course, Yong Hwa is a black belt in Taekwondo.” Taemin nodded his head and said.

“Jinjja?! Hyun is also a black belt in Taekwondo and Karate.”

“Wow…Then you must be really good in fight!” Taemin turned his head and looked at me and gasped.

“Well…yeah….” I gave him a smile and said.

“Congratulations, you pass round 2; please go to the room on the left side.” The MC appeared on the stage again and said to Yong Hwa.

Yong Hwa nodded his head and followed the MC instructions and when he went into the room, he was quite shocked when he saw me, Jae Hee and Taemin were already sitting in the room.

“Great job! Buddy, I thought you failed. Keke!” Yong Hwa slightly punch Taemin’s arm and said.

“Ouch…” Taemin rubbed his arm and rolled his eye at Yong Hwa who was still had the energy to play around.

“By the way, you two are so great!” Yong Hwa gave us a big smile and said. “When I saw you two I nearly thought that you two are girls…”

Girls….I can feel that my heart pause a moment, what will happen if he really found out that we were girls?

Yong Hwa paused a moment, and he continued. “How come there are boys that are so little and skinny…”

“Haha…We…eat quite little food…so we’re skinny...” Jae Hee rubbed her neck nervously and said.

“Oh…” Yong Hwa gives out a -ok, I know right now- face and turned away.

Phew…Yong Hwa gave me a heart attack just now…

“Good that he doesn’t know anything…” Jae Hee whispered to me and I nodded my head as agreement.


Okay…This audition is quite long…. =. =

A/N: I’m trying my best to write this story, because I have another story and I’m planning another story…so I’m quite busy, oh and…I have homework, and tuition and I have an exam at March…OMG…2013 I’m so busy…oh and about April I have a concert….man…this is so…..busy busy busy…

But I’m really really trying my best to update this story!!!! And I guess the audition still have like about two chapter (maybe just one more chapter? I don’t know too…)…miannae for the long long long audition…>.< 


*Super Junior, Mr.Simple song played*

I'm really sorrrryyyyyy for the late update and short update and lame update and thanks for everyone who had subscribe my story...

But...can someone comment to make me more powerful to write my story??? PLEASE~~~~~




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Chapter 12: I love your story ^^ :D
Keep updating :)
happy-go-lucky_girl #2
Chapter 9: Wow....nice story ....continue to update:)))
Chapter 9: can i say something?
i'm kinda curious about their name in this chapter.
Ham SooJung - Hyun BiHyul, right?
so.. who is SungHyun?
and also, who is HyoJin?

anyways, your story is amazing! ^^
HWAITING Author-nim!
avisdawn #4
please update this story!!!! :D
Cutear-ar #5
Chapter 10: Very Good Story!!
Chapter 9: This is really good!
seojiyun #7
Chapter 2: hmm.. i think 50,000 won is a very little amount.... they can't afford anything with only 50,000 won a month. u should put it to 2 million won.. :)
Chapter 5: Fangirling....haha gud arnold no one mess with girls....