Chapter 6~

If Only...


HanGeng's POV:
Today was my first tutoring session with Kyuhyun-sshi. So far we haven't really talked much to each other, besides where to meet up. 
I was heading over to his house now. I had his address written on a small piece of crinkled old paper, and kept looking at it. Looking down at it, and looking up, and looking back down.
Over and over. 
Even though I sort of knew where he lived, from that morning many weeks ago (Chapter 3), I was still worried I'd go up to the wrong house.
It was an understatement to say I was a little nervous. 
I don't know why though...
I looked down...
Then up...
Then down again...
My feet stopped at the marble steps of a row house. Nothing fancy. Or spectacular. 
Except for one thing...
It had the same address as the one of the crinkled piece of paper I had.
Which meant only one thing.
This was Kyuhyun's house. 
I pulled open the screen door and slowly raised my hand to knock on the red wooden door in front of me. A deep sound echoed through my ears everytime my fist hit the wooden slab.
Three times...
I stopped knocking. I heard feet shuffle and approach the door. I person i could not see. But they could see me. i could tell that person - whoever it was - was looking through the peephole in the door. All of the sudden, the butterflies were back. And they were back with a vengeance. Thoughts raced through my head. 
What if they think I look messy?
What if they think I'm in a gang or something?
I was dressed in my street clothes. I plain white T-shirt, sneaks and jeans, with my beanie to top it off. Nothing fancy. 
The sound of the knob turning snapped me to attention. 
The big heavy door opened to reveal a short woman with a very sweet face appeared. There was something familiar about her though.... I just couldn't put my finger on it...
My eyes widened as I realized what it was.
She looked like an older, female version of Kyuhyun.
This had to be his mother.
Kyuhyun's mother smiled as soon as she saw me, and said,"Ahh... you must be Kyuhyun's friend. HanGeng, was it?"
I nodded, then realized that may be taken as disrespectful, so said, "Yes ma'am."
She giggled, a sweet old lady giggle, like the tinkling of bells. "And so polite as well."
I hope she wasn't being sarcastic. suddenly turned agape, as if in shock. "Oh dear! Here you are being so polite, and I haven't even invited you in yet! So rude! Come! Come!" She hurried away from the door and motioned for me to follow. I followed her through a small living room, and into another small room. The kitchen. Everything in this house seemed to be small. Not cramped. But small. It was cozy and very homey. I felt as if I could just go lie down on the couch and put my feet up like I do at home.  
"Would you like something to drink? Or maybe something to eat?"
"No. But thank you"
She got to fixing herself a cup of tea, and put water in a pot to boil. "I think you'll be good for Kyuhyun. Hasn't had a true friend in years. So anti-social, and occasionally hostile." She shook her head. 
All of the sudden, I heard thundering down the stairs. Feet tapped on the hard linoleum floor of the kitchen. "Mom, have you seen..." I looked over at whoever was talking, although I already knew who it was. I waved at Kyuhyun. He didn't wave back. "So, Mom, when were you planning on telling me my... 'friend' was here?" He said with venom in his voice. I looked over at his mom. She put on the most innocent face she could manage, and stated, "Oh Kyuhyun. I was just talking to him. Nothing to throw a fuss over."
Kyuhyun sighed and turned around, and mumbled, "Follow me."
I'm not dead!
(Althoug you probably wish I was)
Sorry I haven't been updating lately
nd I can't exactly say I've been busy.
Cause i can't
cause I haven't been
So yeah...
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Sorry for taking so long to update.... Thanks for still subscribing. More chapters coming up soon!!! ^_^


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sapphireblukyu #1
Chapter 9: oops sorry i havent updated but i kinda got out of kpop so yeah sorryy
Tardisbabe #2
Chapter 9: I agree! Depressed is a better option. Please update again soon!
followurdestiny #3
Chapter 9: Just mildly depressed or just a hardheaded cynic/pessimist due to his 'traumatic' experience...
sapphireblukyu #4
Chapter 9: Why are a lot of you guys leaving it up to me?? RAWR THAT REQUIRES ME TO THINK MORE!!! I WANT YOU GUYS TO DECIDE NOT ME!!!!
followurdestiny #5
Chapter 7: Looking fwd to more! Kyu's mother is cute! Xd
followurdestiny #6
Chapter 4: Sad that it is so short XD... but looking forward to more! XD
followurdestiny #7
Chapter 3: Things could get interesting! And Heechullie is a girl, it suits him at times haha... Hope Kyuhyun will open up more! Looking forward to more!
followurdestiny #8
Chapter 2: I like this format, now we can experience the story from two sides, though it makes me maybe a little more impatient to know what the other is doing/thinking when I'm reading one chapter...Looking forward to more! Fighting!
followurdestiny #9
Chapter 1: Oh to answer your questions, it's good! It could be a bit longer, because I think I already love this
story, and I love the potential kyuhan and the shihanchul (friendship or more?)...
mykyute #10
Chapter 1: This story is good!i love kyuhyun and hangeng in here