Chapter 3~

If Only...


KyuHyun's POV:
Why did I have to stay up so late playing StarCraft?? Aish! I quickly get dressed and grab an apple to eat on the way.
I walk out my front door, putting on my glasses as I almost trip and fall on my face as I rush down the steps because I'm in such a hurry. If I'm late one more time, my parents will take away my laptop, phone, games... eveything! 
"Hey!" I hear someone say and I spin around to see Hangeng walking towards me and waving one hand, while putting on a hat with the other. 
Oh no, I think, he's coming to beat me into a pulp for yesterday.  He could, too.  I'm not the toughest guy ever, in case you haven't noticed already. 
I pause, debating about whether to run away like the scared little kid I am, or face him like a man, which I definetly am not. 
I don't even have enough time to take two steps before he's right next to me. Dang it... "So you're late, too?" Hangeng asks, and I nod. "What's your name again?" He asks.
He holds out his hand. "I'm Hangeng. Sorry about what happ-"
"It's fine. You don't have to fell bad. I wasn't watching where I was going, and I didn't get hurt, so you have nothing to feel sorry for." I say. I see the school in the distance now, and I'm about to bolt when he asks, "Why are you always alone Kyuhyun-ah?"
I shrug. "I'm just the geek that nobody likes to talk to. And when people do talk to me, it's always insults. It happens in every school. In this one, it's just... me. But I don't mind. I'm better by myself."
"Everybody wants friends." He says and smiles. Not me. "Come on, who do you talk to when you have issues?"
"I don't need to talk to anyone. I'm perfectly fine all by my-" I'm cut off as a girl with her hair in pigtails and a short, short skirt waltzes up to us. She's got a smirk on her face. Not better than mine. Kekekeke... "Hangeng-oppa! Where were you? You missed all first period!" She says, and jumps in between me and 'Hangeng-oppa', and pushes me away. I snicker. She clings to his arm and tries to act cute while pouting. 
Hangeng  looks embarassed and says, "Kyuhyun-ah, this is my girlfriend, Heechul. Heechul, this is my friend, Kyuhyun." He stresses the word friend. I narrow my eyes at him and say, "Haha. Funny." Sarcasticaly, in case you hadn't noticed. "It was nice to meet you, but I should be getting to class." I mumble and I rush off with my head down. I should really stop doing that, because that's what got me in this mess in the first place.  
As I leave, I can barely just hear the girl say, "Why are you hanging out with him?" It may sound rude, but she's right. Why is Hangeng hanging out with me? What does he want. Is it because of pity?
I rush to my second class of the day, since I missed the first. As I take my usual seat in the back, I notice Siwon glaring at me. I give him a weird look. What the heck, bro? I turn towards the windows and see that is has a perfect view of the front of the school. The same place where Hangeng and I came in... Ohh... I see... Siwon's jealous.... Of me!! I snicker to myself. I turn back towards Siwon and still see him glaring at me. I smile and give him a little wave. I pull out my notebook and sigh. It's going to be a long rest of the year.
Author's Note:
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Sorry for taking so long to update.... Thanks for still subscribing. More chapters coming up soon!!! ^_^


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sapphireblukyu #1
Chapter 9: oops sorry i havent updated but i kinda got out of kpop so yeah sorryy
Tardisbabe #2
Chapter 9: I agree! Depressed is a better option. Please update again soon!
followurdestiny #3
Chapter 9: Just mildly depressed or just a hardheaded cynic/pessimist due to his 'traumatic' experience...
sapphireblukyu #4
Chapter 9: Why are a lot of you guys leaving it up to me?? RAWR THAT REQUIRES ME TO THINK MORE!!! I WANT YOU GUYS TO DECIDE NOT ME!!!!
followurdestiny #5
Chapter 7: Looking fwd to more! Kyu's mother is cute! Xd
followurdestiny #6
Chapter 4: Sad that it is so short XD... but looking forward to more! XD
followurdestiny #7
Chapter 3: Things could get interesting! And Heechullie is a girl, it suits him at times haha... Hope Kyuhyun will open up more! Looking forward to more!
followurdestiny #8
Chapter 2: I like this format, now we can experience the story from two sides, though it makes me maybe a little more impatient to know what the other is doing/thinking when I'm reading one chapter...Looking forward to more! Fighting!
followurdestiny #9
Chapter 1: Oh to answer your questions, it's good! It could be a bit longer, because I think I already love this
story, and I love the potential kyuhan and the shihanchul (friendship or more?)...
mykyute #10
Chapter 1: This story is good!i love kyuhyun and hangeng in here