Chapter 1~

If Only...

Kyuhyun's POV:

I walked down the hallway, towards my math class with quick steps. No one bothered me on my way there, which was a relief. But then again, people usually ignore and don't hang out with me. No one will sit with me in class, at lunch, anywhere. I am utterly... alone.

I reach my classroom and sit in the front of the class, which in something I never do. I always sit in the back where no one will see me, no one will bother me, only silence. It's just that math is my favorite class and I'm kind of a genius in it. 

I'm the first to enter the room, but soon enough other students file in before the late bell rings. No one sits next to me. Like expected. Even if the seat next to me were the last one in class, still no one would sit next to me. They would rather stand. But I don't mind being alone. Most of the time. 

There are times when I wish I did have a friend to talk to. Like when I find out a new Starcraft cheat, or when something good actually happens to me. 

My mom, dad, and sister are always urging me to be the one to go out there and say hi, and talk to people. They say I never give anyone a chance. But that's not true. It's the opposite. These people wouldn't give me the time of day. 

But I did have a friend before. Once. Once I trusted someone. Once I had my heart broken, and that day I vowed I would never let that happen again, because it hurt too much. 

Ever since then, I've been the quiet kid, always sitting in the back, never muttering a peep. Except in Math class. That is the only time these people will actually here me speak. Mr. Lee is my favorite teacher. In his class, I always answer questions, take my time on work and get 100's. 

In actuality, I shouldn't be in this class. This is a senior level class. Even though I'm just a measly freashman, I'm was smart enough to take this class instead. 

When the class ends, I race out of my seat and head to the lunchroom. But I don't stay there. I take my lunch and head to the library, or computer lab, or somewhere I can get some peace. No one to bother me. No loud noise to disturb me. No rude comments directed at me. Pure silence. Bliss.

I eat my lunch quickly and start working on a book report due in 2 days. I work for awhile, then look at the clock. It was time to go. I throw away my lunch and head to my locker to grab my coat.

27....33....02.... CLICK!

I shove the books I don't need onto a shelf and slam the metal door shut. As I walk towards the exit, I keep my head down, not meeting anyone's eyes, afraid of attention. I stick my earbuds in my ear and start playing a song by Infinite. I have the music up so high I don't hear the people walking my way. I slam into one of them and fall to the floor. My back aches and I mutter "Ouch..." under my breath. I look up to the face of the person who I collided with.  "Oh no..." It's HanGeng.

Ohnohnohnoohnoohnoohnoohnoohno..... I'm dead.

HanGeng was the most popular guy in school. A basketball star, martial arts master, great cook, and overall pretty good-looking. "I'm so sorry." I say over and over. I hold out my hand to help him up off the ground. He reaches for it, and is about to grab it, when someone grabs my shoulders and throws me against a wall. "Who are you? What do you think you're doing?" Someone says and shoves me harder against the wall. They throw me around some more. "First you knock him over, then try to touch him?!? So you know who he is? Huh?"

One of the dudes raises his hand to punch me, but halts when HanGneg says, "Stop. He didn't mean it. Let him go." One of them still looks like he wants to kill me, and HanGeng says with more force,"Dude, chill. He didn't mean to do it SiWon." SiWon stops, but continues to glare at me. 

"Are you okay?" HanGeng asks me and I nod. I bow to him, mumble, "Sorry," Once more, and run off into the other direction, the oppostite way to my house. I just keep going in case one of them comes after me. What did I do?

Authour's Note:

So what did you guys think of the first chapter? Good?!

Are these chapters too long? Too short? Not descriptive enough?

Constructive critisism appreciated!

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Sorry for taking so long to update.... Thanks for still subscribing. More chapters coming up soon!!! ^_^


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sapphireblukyu #1
Chapter 9: oops sorry i havent updated but i kinda got out of kpop so yeah sorryy
Tardisbabe #2
Chapter 9: I agree! Depressed is a better option. Please update again soon!
followurdestiny #3
Chapter 9: Just mildly depressed or just a hardheaded cynic/pessimist due to his 'traumatic' experience...
sapphireblukyu #4
Chapter 9: Why are a lot of you guys leaving it up to me?? RAWR THAT REQUIRES ME TO THINK MORE!!! I WANT YOU GUYS TO DECIDE NOT ME!!!!
followurdestiny #5
Chapter 7: Looking fwd to more! Kyu's mother is cute! Xd
followurdestiny #6
Chapter 4: Sad that it is so short XD... but looking forward to more! XD
followurdestiny #7
Chapter 3: Things could get interesting! And Heechullie is a girl, it suits him at times haha... Hope Kyuhyun will open up more! Looking forward to more!
followurdestiny #8
Chapter 2: I like this format, now we can experience the story from two sides, though it makes me maybe a little more impatient to know what the other is doing/thinking when I'm reading one chapter...Looking forward to more! Fighting!
followurdestiny #9
Chapter 1: Oh to answer your questions, it's good! It could be a bit longer, because I think I already love this
story, and I love the potential kyuhan and the shihanchul (friendship or more?)...
mykyute #10
Chapter 1: This story is good!i love kyuhyun and hangeng in here