Chapter Eight

The Infinite Project - The Chaser
Strong gusts of wind trailed behind Sungyeol as he tried to get the Chaser off his back. After seeing the other idiot motorist reveal himself as Dongwoo, the distraction seemed like the perfect time to make an escape. Unfortunately, after him and Myungsoo fled the scene, the Chaser had only been held back for a matter of minutes, making it easy to find them again.
It seemed that Dongwoo had lost a battle before even trying to win.
Myungsoo looked around for places to hide as Sungyeol flapped his wings harder, forcing more wind to push the Chaser away. He had sent a few wind scythes and wrap tornadoes his way, but they had all been dodged or ended up heading a different direction.
Today, the wind was definitely not on his side.
"There!" Myungsoo shouted as quietly as he could to Sungyeol. He pointed to the hollowed edge of a trashed building, crashed in by a wrecking ball that was still stuck there. It was as if construction had been stopped midway to preserve it.
Sungyeol quickly created an escape route by flying right over connected buildings. The Chaser had been tailing the two by foot, but was at a disadvantage because of the tall buildings the two of them kept flying over.
After disappearing, the Chaser angrily spat on the ground. His main target had just disappeared from sight. The next choice he had was to find the other one- Lee Sungjong. The Chaser bit his lip and rounded the corner of the next building, only to be stopped in his tracks by the Prophet.
"You have failed me, Chaser Kim Sungkyu." She said with a glare. Her red hair, flipping around behind her as she summoned her immense power. With the wave of her hand, she pushed him into the wall of an abandoned building and retrieved the key from his pocket. "Looks like I will have to find the Pandora's box on my own."
Sungkyu blasted the rubble away and pushed himself off the ground. "That was quite the greeting." He said sarcastically as he dusted himself off. He thought to himself about the box, wondering what could be hidden inside. According to legend, the box was said to hold all the pain and sadness of the world. But with the right mind, opening the box could save the world or end it.
"Whatever you're planning, you're on your own now." Without another word, Sungkyu walked out of the scene like it was nothing. Although it may have seemed like nothing now, he still had plans in mind.
The Prophet was still suspicious, but she didn't bother to deal with the Chaser. He was nothing to her now. All the things that she had worked so hard to gain, it seemed, he just made things worse.
Good riddance, she thought. "Now, to continue to find this box..." The Prophet closed her eyes and searched for the presence of Sungjong. Every area of the city was searched until she finally found him.
Inside of an old trashy apartment, Sungjong slept quietly. Unfortunately for him, the Prophet was just about to disturb his peace and bring him out to search for the Pandora's box.
She opened her concentrated eyes and began to walk towards the direction of his apartment. With her power, it already seemed too easy to find him.
With a sudden jolt, Woohyun woke up from a strange dream he was having. Again, he had been sleeping in the greenhouse for the night. For a while after Sungjong left, Woohyun became too worried about his greenhouse plants to leave them alone for a night. He thought back to his dream. Somehow, he believed it was a prediction of the near future.
Woohyun was standing in the middle of a cold and forgotten city. Snow was falling from every part of the sky like feathers. In the short distance, there was a building with mirrors. The weirdest part was that he just walked over there without hesitation.
Inside the building, something in the corner was running back and forth. Scared to even think about it, Woohyun ignored the creature and kept walking towards the mirror. Wherever he was, he didn't like the feeling that came from it.
The air felt cold and dead. There were no other people around other than him and that creature. Also the fact that everything looked crushed.
As he walked up to the mirror, his reflection was not that of his own. It was a different man holding a key in his hand. A smirk ran across his face, but he didn't speak a single word. Woohyun studied every detail of him and then studied the key.
Suddenly, the reflection in the mirror lifted his hand. Tempted, Woohyun lifted his hand as well.
"Who am I?" The reflection said out loud. Woohyun was suddenly twisted back into reality, where he woke with the sudden jolt. He didn't like where it was leading him, but he was sure that the future would become like that soon if he was dreaming like this.
Woohyun ran his hand through his hair and looked down at the ground. He believed in what he saw, but he wasn't sure how to stop it.
He remembered back to the night when Sungkyu had come for a visit. He was in search of a Jang Dongwoo. That was Sungjong's playful friend who would come by for cookies and tea sometimes.
Maybe if he found Dongwoo, he would get an answer.
Quickly, he packed up the greenhouse and grabbed his shoulder bag. Woohyun had just finished tending to his flowers, so he had the time to do other things. Without any more distraction, Woohyun left the greenhouse and hopped into his yellow jeep.
He dialed Sungjong's cell number on his phone and waited to talk to him before going anywhere.
"Hello?" Sungjong's voice on the other side sounded calm.
"Jjong!" Woohyun started out. "I've got a few leftover cookies and I thought your friend would want some. He seemed to like them the last time I made it, so I just figured since I have leftovers, I could bring them over."
"Sure thing, hyung!" Sungjong piped over the phone. "I'm back at my old place now. The rusty apartment. A few things happened and I needed to hide for a while, so I came back here. You can drop by for a few minutes."
"Will do. I will see you in a few minutes." Woohyun said. He hung up the phone and started the jeep. "I need answers and if I'm correct, Sungjong may have some."
Myungsoo and Sungyeol stayed huddled on top of a large electrical building, wires slithering around their feet like snakes. The two of them wore a solid mask of silence, waiting for a certain presence to disappear from their senses.
It seemed like a long time, but the Chaser's power was still around them. In fact, his power felt stronger than before. Like an animal hunting its prey, Myungsoo and Sungyeol were ready to run at any second.
"Why is he after you?" Sungyeol whispered curiously. The whole time he was helping this guy out, he never knew the reason why. Although it didn't seem like a good time now, getting the story straight would at least help to clue Sungyeol in.
"I don't know myself." Myungsoo snickered quietly. "All I know is that he's been chasing me for a very long time."
Sungyeol himself was confused at the answer. Why would the Chaser tail a single man down? Had Myungsoo done something to him in the past that he could not forgive? Whatever the reason was, Sungyeol felt too nosy to read further into it.
"If he already has what he wants, why does he keep looking for you?"
Myungsoo was very quiet this time. He looked at his acquaintance with a cold stare. Cold enough to freeze him almost.
Just as he was about to say something, the sound of buzzing echoed throughout the wires underneath their feet. Lengths of snake-like cords circled itself into a spheric cage, trapping Myungsoo inside with no way out. Sungyeol became wrapped in wires from head to toe, unable to release his wings for an escape.
"Finally..." The Chaser sighed heavily. "Finally, I have the key. All I needed was the lock."
"Lock?" Myungsoo was confused himself, but he didn't bother himself with curiosity. His eyes traveled around the entire area as he searched for a way out. Unfortunately, there was hardly a flaw in the Chaser's trap. Giving up, Myungsoo scoffed and looked straignt into Sungkyu's eyes. "Tsk! Look, I don't know what you're up to or what you're even talking about, but I don't have time to deal with it. I'd rather be at home sleeping in my bed, knowing that this was just a silly dream."
Sungkyu threw his head backwards as he laughed loudly. "You still haven't figured it out?" With a wave of his hand, the wires carried him over to the cable cage that held Myungsoo captive. He leaned in and sneered at him. "You are the lock that can open Pandora's box. Can't you see? That's why the Prophet wanted you. I've tried to kill you so many times, but you still survive. Why? Because the power of the box was given to you to hold and use! So it's no wonder you're still alive."
Quietly, Sungyeol struggled to slip out of the tight grip of the cords which were vined around his body. Whatever way he wriggled, it seemed to get even tighter. Rather than getting squeezed to death, Sungyeol calmed himself down and focused on the energy eminating from his body.
He opened his eyes and wind scythes bursted out of his body, slicing the wires apart. As he was released, Sungyeol's wings revealed themselves. White feathers sprouted from his back as it kept growing outwards. Bones in his back formed itself into the shape of his wings.
"Let him go, fool!" Sungyeol shouted threateningly at Sungkyu. He waited for the Chaser to respond, only to get a complete moment of silence and eye contact.
Sungkyu moved his hand once again and a wave of wires dragged Sungyeol under the surface. He struggled to escape, but because he had snipped a few wires, he shocked himself nearly to death, fainting from the oversurge.
Myungsoo, as well, was getting zapped into a near-death state. His brain became too busy with trying to protect itself that he couldn't engage his icy power. As Myungsoo lost consciousness, the last thing he saw was the key floating into the hands of the Chaser once again.
Sungjong, Howon, and Dongwoo sprinted to the window to watch the ball of light grow even bigger. He could barely feel it, but Howon sensed a strange darkness coming upon them all. The powers that were kept hidden inside of him were beginning to churn with excitement.
"Let's go!" Howon grabbed Dongwoo and Sungjong by their hands and they dissipated into the shadows.
"Woah!" Sungjong could feel himself falling into an endless hole. A place where nothing existed but the shadows. Alongside him, Dongwoo and Howon were falling. He could feel the darkness crawling upon his skin and into his heart like his light was beginning to fade.
Howon fixed himself into an upward position and outreached his hands. Both palms facing outwards to find a perfect place to land.
Once a found he found a place, Howon's shadows receded quickly into his body and the three of them were plopped onto the bottom of the building that harbored the ball of light. Sungjong got up from the ground and ran to find an entrance. Quickly, Dongwoo and Howon followed along.
Finally at the entranceway, the three of them saw the havoc it was wrecking. Many people were running out of the building to find an escape. Screaming, driving recklessly, running for their lives from the disaster to come.
Dongwoo bit his lower lip and darted through the crowds of people and into the lobby, Howon and Sungjong speedily following behind.
"Hyung!" Sungjong shouted as he pointed to an elevator. This was most likely faster than having to run up thousands of stairs. The other two nodded their heads and sprinted into an open elevator.
As the doors closed, Howon caught his breath and began to tacticize a plan. "We need to climb out of his elevator so that we can avoid being pranced on by other people in case they decide to take the elevator." He pressed the button for the top floor so that the elevator would bring them all the way up before bringing them all the way back down.
Dongwoo walked to the back of the elevator and looked at the emergency door on the ceiling. It was small, but the three of them were small enough to fit. He lifted a fiery fist and punched through it with all his strength.
The emergency door immediately broke open, revealing the gear-grinding wired passageway. To their left, another elevator was falling faster than its normal speed. Sungjong gasped and looked at Howon to save them.
Thousands of shadows covered the passageway, giving him the advantage of his powers. With a smirk on his face, Howon tipped himself off the edge and bursted into a shadow.
He appeared on top of the capsule of screaming humans, his hands in tight fists. Two shadowy figures sifted out of his body with the simple thought of his mind. They slid down to the corners and slowed down the speed of the falling elevator.
Satisfied, Howon disappeared again and reappeared beside Sungjong, who was relieving himself after watching his hyung help the others.
The elevator came to a sudden stop. The three heroes looked down into the emergency escape hole to see about thirty people trying to fit themselves into the small box. Women and men were fighting for room to escape without being trampled on or squeezed to death.
Like an earthquake, the whole building was being shaken. Howon gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists. This was getting them nowhere. Even Dongwoo, who was completely confused, could figure that out.
Sungjong felt like it was time to try out his powers. Teleportation wasn't something he could do easily like Howon- but with effort, it could be done.
He gripped his hyungs' hands and thought really hard about the sphere of light that was growing over the building. Sungjong hoped with his whole heart to reach their destination as fast as possible.
After a few seconds, he opened his eyes to the rooftop. The three of them had successfully been transported into the sphere with Sungjong's power.
"There!" Dongwoo shouted loudly as he pointed at Sungkyu, who was forcefully injecting the key into Myungsoo's heart. A halo of electricity surrounded the key as it was being inserted into him. Howon, Sungjong, and Dongwoo sprinted toward the Chaser in efforts to stop him from creating chaos.
Howon sent out four shadow hounds at his command. The shadows slid smoothly off his skin like smoke and formed into their shapes as they sprawled into the air. Sungjong shot beams of light, trying to blind Sungkyu for a little while to create a distraction. Dongwoo sped toward Sungkyu with flaming fists, as hot as the Earth's core itself.
Aware of all their attacks, the Chaser tossed Myungsoo across the wide scape of the roof, avoiding them all without a problem. He smirked at Dongwoo, who was running recklessly toward him, and used the power of his mind.
Vining wires reached up to halt Dongwoo in his charging steps. The wires, entangling themselves with his legs, shocked him as he tried to melt them away with his touch.
"Hyung!" Sungjong shouted at Dongwoo. Sungkyu laughed at Sungjong with the thoughts that friendship was a petty excuse for someone to rely on another person they thought they could trust.
But he had no time to think about things that didn't need to be thought of.
As the Chaser became distracted with fighting off the shadow hounds, Sungjong looked around the ball of light and came up with a brilliant idea. Because he harbored the power of light, Sungjong could try to soak up the illuminating sphere into himself.
Without hesitation, he tried out his theory, unsure if he would survive such power or not.
He lifted his hands up and breathed it all in like the air itself. The surge of light that rushed through his blood lit him up like the sun, vanishing him in an instant.
"Sungjong!" Howon shouted for his young friend who had disappeared from sight. "Dammit!" Suddenly, Howon was pushed against the ground with a strong force. Stuck to the ground, he could harldy move. Calling back his hounds, Howon disappeared into the shadows.
With just a single step, the wires cleared the roof. "Fools!" The Prophet laughed as she held Myungsoo's body in her hands. The key, which was still in Sungkyu's hands, broke off its chain and flew into her hands.
Seconds after the light field disappeared from the top of the building, Woohyun arrived to the scene. Unfortunately, his power was useless in rural areas of the city where there were no plants growing anywhere.
He had ran up nearly a hundred flights of stairs to reach his destination. His legs were tired and he needed rest, but that was no excuse to finish what he started. Curiosity and a strange presence brought him here.
Woohyun busted the door to the roof open to a deadly surprise.
In front of him, the Prophet was kneeled with a man in her arms. She reached her hand outward for something Woohyun could not see.
Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the key that he remembered having in the strange dream. The man in the mirror was the on the Prophet had in her arms. This was what he had feared for so long. The end of the world.
Crazed with the lust for power, she forced the key into Myungsoo's heart.
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