Chapter Nine

The Infinite Project - The Chaser

Everything went blank.

    Humans dissipated into the air.

    Clouds scattered into the sky.

    Buildings destroyed within a single second.

    Frost covered every part of the world.

    The world became dead.

    Where am I...? Myungsoo opened his eyes to a grey world. Snow was falling from the sky, touching the ground softly like leaves in the fall. Everything was in ruins. Not a single human being was seen around.
    This was his dream again. Myungsoo looked at his frosted hand, but the key was nowhere in sight. Finally, a change.
    Silence wandered throughout the wrecked scene. Not a single sound was heard anywhere. A blanket of ice quickly spread across the ground under his feet. Myungsoo looked down and saw his new reflection in the ice.
    Usually, he would be wearing his normal clothing, but this time - he woke up to a white suit, a new pair of shoes, and a fixed hairdo. This was definitely different from his dreams. Remembering back to his past experiences, there was always the building with mirrors that was right across from where he stood.
    Myungsoo looked up at the ruins of a lost building. Exactly what he was looking for. Quickly, he ran into the abandoned building and searched for the shadow moving around in the corner. There it was - against a frozen wall.
    It skittered across the room as he reached his hand forward. He was unsure of what it was, but he knew that it would be a clue as to how he got here.
    With his powers, Myungsoo froze the shadow into place.
    "Who are you?" He walked forward to have a better look.

    No way...

    The Prophet, whom was once a beautiful woman with mystical power, was now a madwoman with no sense of ability. Her scarlet hair was now a dried dark grey. Her brown eyes became blood red. And her once soft skin had become a wrinkled mess. Myungsoo couldn't help but to look away in disgust. The sight of her new appearance made him feel sick to his stomach.
    As he thought about how he arrived here, a boom was heard in the distance. Myungsoo looked up into the sky to see the formation of a tornado. The clouds twisted themselves into a circular motion and reached for the ground. But something about it seemed unnatural.
    He squinted his eyes to focus better.
    From afar, he saw a small figure come out of the tornado's tip. Winged and dressed in a long, black laced suit.
    This man seemed familiar, but he wasn't too sure of how to put it. Had he met him somewhere before? Surely if he had this feeling, in his past life, they had to have known each other well.
    More sounds were heard out where the winged man was landing. Curious about what was happening, Myungsoo rushed out of the abandoned city to find the source of the noise. He didn't pause to even think about what was going on.

    This is it. The end. The finale. The last time we will ever rule over each other.

    The seven kings - each with their unique power. All wanting to have complete power over each other. To rule the Earth.

    Whether there was existence or not.

The sky became filled with dark clouds and the sun was beginning to hide away beneath its covers. Even though there were spots of rays, the clouds began to cover those as well. Darkness was coming into the world well as the seven members of Infinite gathered together. A war was beginning in the heart of the Seven Kingdoms. Each member, gifted with power beyond the Human eye.
    The first and eldest member, Kim Sungkyu, squinted his eyes as he sensed the others beginning to arrive after him. Underneath his shadow, Lee Howon rose from the ground with a smirk on his face. Lee Sungyeol dropped from the sky like a meteor with wings as light as the clouds themselves. Jang Dongwoo arrived on his Fire Blades. Nam Woohyun came rising out of the ground like the living dead. Lee Sungjong appeared out of nowhere, his eyes serious as ever. Kim Myungsoo walked over to them as soon as he saw them arrive one by one.
Each member had some sort of a confident look on their faces. The race to rule over all began the instant each one of them stepped into the field. From afar, Myungsoo could see that each and every one of them were preparing themselves for battle. He laughed at the fact that each and every one of them were becoming mad men for power. As he began to think about it longer, the frost on his hands became spikes of ice. He was so cold that snow began to fall all around him. As he exhaled, he could see his breath. That meant that he was prepared for whatever would happen next in this horrible fight.
    Each one of them stood still, power flowing from their bodies like a waterfall. The first to make a move was Woohyun. A vine came spiraling out of the ground underneath Myungsoo's feet, grabbing his ankle and dragging him underneath. He didn't even scream for help nor did he fight back.
    As he was arrogantly dragged into the field, he grinned happily, though his eyes wore an emotion of anger. Sungyeol screamed and shot wind scythes from his hands like boomerangs. Everyone dodged and moved from side to side, attacking each other with their fastest and strongest moves until they tired out. Howon summoned Night Dragons amongst his midst like pets. He controlled their every move and their every action. His eyes were as dark as the shadows that lurked in every corner of the Kingdom.
Dongwoo put his hands to the ground and shouted aloud. A great fire rose from his back, presenting strength. As the ground burned furiously, Woohyun took the chance to toss those flaming bits at Sungjong.
    With sense and grace, Sungjong dodged every one of the flaming rocks. He was as fast as the speed of his light. Each and every second counted to becoming the strongest. Myungsoo threw shards of hot ice at Sungyeol continuously.
As they all fought amongst themselves, Sungkyu had been planning to attack them all at once. He had created a telekinetic barrier around them all, squeezing them closer together. He lightly put his hands together and pressed them together with all his might. All of them were pushed toward each other. Powers clashing and raging with each other.
Sungjong had escaped the clutches of Sungkyu's telekinesis and appeared above him. He stuck his left hand behind Sungkyu's head and a light began to eminate around it. Sungkyu looked behind him to see that Sungjong was about to attack him from behind.
In the air, a humongous explosion was seen from below. The first to rise from the rummage of power was Howon. He looked up at the sky and inhaled a sharp breath of air. His right eyebrow had a cut above it. He had almost lost his arm from being smashed into a wind scythe.
The second to bust through was Myungsoo. His head was covered in blood, but he didn't care. He sent a frost across his head to keep it from bleeding out more. The dirt on his clothes made him sigh heavily. They were brand new and yet they were already ruined. Pity that they didn't last longer.
    The last ones to dig themselves out used their powers. With the flame, Dongwoo had burned everything. He pushed away the ashes in his hair and on his body. The left side of Sungyeol's body was covered in an icy frost. He could barely move, but he pushed himself harder in order to create a ball of wind around him.
All the earth surrounding Woohyun moved away in waves, throwing everyone off of their feet on onto the ground. He looked at his burnt hand and neglected it. It was nothing but a simple warmth. Nothing important. Quickly he looked to the right to see that Howon was flying toward him with a hoard of Shadow Dogs. But from the left, Myungsoo was sending an ice wave at him.
    Before both attacks impacted, he covered himself with the rocks and sand of the earth and let himself fall underground. Howon crashed into the ice wave head first as his dogs traveled underneath each shadow and attacked Myungsoo from the rear.
Sungjong fell down from the explosion in the sky and landed on his back. Sungkyu had known Sungjong would attack him in the air. He had been prepared. Quickly, Sungjong got up from the ground and sent laser beams out toward the rest of the group. As each laser beam flew out toward them, they were distracted by Dongwoo's flame walls. The fire that came out of him burned intensely.
    Dongwoo flew over to Sungjong on his Flame Blades and gave him a fiery uppercut and a flaming jab into this ribs. Sungkyu appeared as Woohyun popped out of the ground, twisting his right arm into a demented shape.
Woohyun shouted as he was being crushed from bone to bone. Sungkyu was indeed a strong opponent. But as he yelled his lungs out, he summoned some vines to drag Sungkyu underneath. In a split second, Sungkyu lost his footing and began to sink into the ground as if being swallowed into quick sand. Above him, Sungyeol took the chance to attack. Stealthily, Sungyeol had flown right above the two and began to send some wind scythes toward Sungkyu and Woohyun.
    The wind scythes cut Woohyun's right leg, making it harder to be able to fight or move. Another scythe slashed a huge gash into Sungkyu's right abdomen. His blood began to spill out quickly as he was still being dragged underground. As this was happening, Howon's shadow was crawling inside of Sungkyu's gash. It wasn't dangerous, but it was a form of taking over one's body. When the shadows had completely seeped inside of his body, Sungkyu would become his puppet.
    One by one, everyone began to lose strength. Each and every one of the members of Infinite were slowly becoming less of what they had wanted to be - a powerful ruler.
Sungkyu had lost a lot of blood from the gash in his side, he could barely fight anymore with Howon throwing him around like a puppet. Woohyun had lost his left leg from Sungjong's laser beams. Myungsoo's back had been burned ferociously by Dongwoo's fire. Howon was missing his right hand and there were cuts all along his body from Sungyeol's continuous attacks. Dongwoo's left leg was frozen from Myungsoo's hot ice, another move and he could lose his leg. Sungyeol had lost a wing and was being strangled from Woohyun's vines. Sungjong could barely even move a muscle from Sungkyu's endless attacks. He had been attacked more times than anyone here by Sungkyu. He was relentless.
    As each and every member became weaker, they all began to fall onto the ground and their breathing became heavier. Sungkyu was barely breathing now. All that was left of him was whatever he was thinking. Quickly, Sungkyu used the last of his telekinesis to kill everyone. Grabbing the last bits of Myungsoo's shards and Woohyun's sharp rocks, he lifted them high above everyone and let go. Even Sungkyu himself was being involved in this tragic ending.
The seven members of Infinite could barely move now. Everyone was tired and dying from the severe injuries they were suffering. In the last seconds, everyone had become a little more peaceful. They were all looking toward the sky thinking about the end of their lives. As they all closed their eyes and accepted their final moments.

    The world, ruled by the seven kings of Infinite, became destroyed. Whatever was left of the Earth had perished, bursted into ashes, and became nothing.

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