Chapter Seven

The Infinite Project - The Chaser

Dongwoo couldn't believe what he was hearing. Even though his stomach pleaded him to find something to eat, his brain wanted to stay behind and hear what the two of them had to say.
If that dream was to come true, Dongwoo wouldn't allow that to happen. Without a doubt, he would go in search of this 'Chaser'. He wanted to take that key and melt it so that there would be none of this conflict for power and the world's end. Quietly, Dongwoo sneaked down the stairs and into the lobby.
If he remembered correctly, the Chaser had a rusty hair color. Caught between orange and brown, it seemed.
The sky was beginning to get pretty dark, so instead of searching by foot, Dongwoo went to find his motorcycle. It was fast and light, easy to control.
Down the street from the tattered apartment, there was a small dumpster filled with old junk. Dongwoo wound around the piles of garbage and electronical junk to the very corner of the dump. There, a garage held his motorcycle captive.
Over on the left, Dongwoo pulled a lever, opening the garage. As it opened up, he couldn't help but to stare at its perfection. The slenderness of the seat and the added on dirtbike wheels.
Quickly, Dongwoo hopped on and hugged it tightly. "Oh... How I've missed you! Tonight, we're going out to find someone."
As he turned it on, he listened to the humming of the motor and how excited it sounded. "Let's get going" He said as he drove out of the garage, the junkyard, and into the lamp lit streets of Seoul.

Sungyeol's motorcycle stormed the city loudly as he traveled with Myungsoo in the back. Both of them, searching for the Chaser. To the right, another motorist was heading the same direction. The three of them drove around the city, unknowingly in search of the same person.
Myungsoo noticed that the other man had an odd looking motorcycle. On his back, he had strapped a crowbar. The three of them began to travel down a road less traveled and Sungyeol's motor roared loudly. He attempted to get the Chaser's attention.
Suddenly, Myungsoo flew off the back of Sungyeol's motorcycle, landing violently on the ground. He was finally here, trying to catch them. The Chaser that the three of them had been searching for.
Sungyeol turned his motorcycle around and took off his helment. He could sense the man, but he wasn't sure where to look. The other motorcyclist took out his crowbar and began to bust out the lights to make it harder for the Chaser to see. Shards of glass dropped everywhere to the ground as he did so.
"Watch out!" Myungsoo shouted from a distance. He got up and began to run to Sungyeol, but he couldn't reach him in time.
Behind Sungyeol, the Chaser plummeted from the shadows above. He took a hold of Sungyeol's neck and pulled him backwards with great strength. As Sungyeol crashed onto the ground, the Chaser pulled Myungsoo forward with his telekinesis power.
"I've been looking for you, Sir Pandora." He said as he held Myungsoo by the collar of his shirt. Confusion held the contortion of Myungsoo's face and a crooked smile twisted its way onto the face of the Chaser. "Once I take you to the prophet, all of this damned mess will be over."
"Not on my watch!" The other motorcyclist shouted as he took off his helment. He lifted his hand and pointed at the Chaser. "My name is Jang Dongwoo and I will stop you!"
The Chaser laughed at his remark, as if it were a good joke. Myungsoo took the advantage of Dongwoo's distraction and punched the his enemy with his cold, ice covered hand.
The harsh texture of the ice crushed the his left cheek, forcing him to fall to the ground in order to release Myungsoo from his hold. From behind, Sungyeol flew over to Myungsoo and picked him up, flying away into the night sky before any more trouble was caused. Sungyeol would rather not have the police around to investigate him. His model status would have been ruined from a scandal like this.
The two of the men fleeing the scene made Dongwoo speechless. The two other motorcyclists also had superpowers.
"Thanks to you, I lost my prey." The Chaser said angrily. He glared at the motorcyclist that distracted him. "You're going to pay for this." In a blink, the Chaser snuck up from behind, grabbing Dongwoo's jacket collar from behind and throwing him halfway down the empty road.
The Chaser watched as Dongwoo rose from the ground, bruises and bumps everywhere. He didn't know when to give up, but he didn't know when to give in either.
Suddenly, the Chaser sensed something strange about him. As if there was some sort of fire that had burnt to life from the ashes. Surprisingly, he was correct.
Dongwoo's body bursted into flames as he glared at his opponent. "You're going to regret this, Chaser." When Dongwoo's fire lighted up, he became stronger. "Let's dance!" Flames bursted from his mouth as he shouted loudly.
In a prepared battle stance, the Chaser motioned him and his flames to come forward and fight hand to hand. Fearless now, Dongwoo launched himself forward and sent a fireball towards his enemy.
Idiotically, the Chaser believed he could move it out of the way with his telekinesis, only to be proven wrong when he was engulfed in flames. Dongwoo smirked and gave him a flaming punch to the stomach with a large amount of strength. The Chaser kneeled down to the ground and spit out a few drops of blood.
Dongwoo put his hands together into a double fist and raised it into the air, ready to smash the Chaser to pieces and end this mindless confusion. As soon as he was about to crush his skull to pieces, everything suddenly became dark. Dongwoo's flames burnt out in an instant and he put his hands to his eyes. He had become blinded by something or someone. The darkness that had sunk itself into the crevices of his pupil had departed to reveal to Dongwoo that he was back home.
"Enough, Dongwoo," Howon said from the couch. He looked back at Dongwoo, who was frowning disappointedly. "You've done your part."
Howon bit the nail on his pointer finger and thought calmly to himself. Inside the inches of Howon's mind, he was glad that he had finally figured out who Pandora was. All along, he had been aiding Pandora, but he hadn't known it. But it completely made sense because he was Pandora's shadow.
"H-hyung," Dongwoo stuttered. "What's that?" Howon looked back at Dongwoo to see him pointing at the window in front. Quickly, he turned his head, following the direction of Dongwoo's pointer finger.
Outside the window, there was a strange ball of light forming from the distance. Howon squinted his eyes, trying to get a better view of whatever was going on out there. Unfortunately, the brightness was too blinding for his eyes, so he summoned Sungjong from the other room.
"Yah, Lee Sungjong!" Howon shouted his name loudly.
A bedroom door opened and Sungjong poked his head out. "You called?"
"What is that...?" Sungjong looked out to the window to which Howon was referring to. The bright ball of light seemed to attract him. As he stared into it, he could see something strange inside of it. Just like Howon had, Sungjong squinted his eyes for a better look.
Inside the sphere of light was the man he had seen in the mirror during his dreams. From underneath the light, the Chaser stood with his hand outreached. The key was shimmering in his hand.
Had they finally found Pandora's box?

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