Chapter Four

The Infinite Project - The Chaser

A motorcycle sped loudly in the rain throughout the city as a huge explosion appeared by the forest near the city. Sungyeol looked at the direction of the fire and decided that he was curious enough to check it out. Quickly, he sped up and entered the freeway to the bridge that would lead him there. As he crossed the bridge, Sungyeol looked out toward the large river that seperated the town from an outdoor scene.
The glittering rain looked like fire falling from the sky. Rays of sun touched the river, making it glow like an ocean of light. While he watched the river, he realized that his two eyes needed to be on the road otherwise he could be in a major accident, and that would be bad for his face and body. As the freeway cut off into a dirt road, Sungyeol drove right onto it. He sped even faster down the road since there were no cops along there.
Sungyeol neared the explosion site and looked around for signs of life. From his left, there was a man who wore an ashy looking sweater with his hood up, suspiciously. In front of him, there was a car that was burning to peices. Quickly, he got off of his motorcycle and ran over to the car to see if there was someone inside. As he neared the car, he could see someone hanging upside down in his seat. Sungyeol looked to see if anyone was around before he took his wings out.
As his wings flapped loudly, gusts of wind came from nowhere, blowing away the fire that once possessed this car. When the fire disappeared, Sungyeol climbed inside and dragged the man out of there before something else would happen. As he held the man in his hands, he realized that he was as cold as ice.
Sungyeol immediately released the man and looked at his hands. They were close to being frostbitten. This was very odd, Sungyeol thought. Why was this man freezing up in a burning car? Wouldn't a person normally burn in a fire?
Instead of sitting there all day figuring this out, Sungyeol grabbed a blanket that he kept inside of his seat and wrapped the man in it. The next part would be VERY difficult without another person, but Sungyeol didn't mind using his powers again.
He put his wings away and used the force of the wind to grab the man off of the ground. Sungyeol sat on his motorcycle as the wind placed the man behind him, making it look like he was a sleepy passenger. After grabbing him, Sungyeol drove off as fast as he could before the authorities came to the scene.

Myungsoo opened his eyes and realized that he was inside of a home. Quickly, he got up and looked around to see someone standing next to a stove. At first, he thought that it was a girl because of their thin figure, but realized only a little later, that it was a man after studying him some more.
The person standing beside the stove had light brown hair, although he didn't really agree with the length of it. He was very thin, almost bony. Probably a model, Myungsoo thought. His legs were also thin, but they were long. Myungsoo realized that his face was a little chubby compared to his body. Maybe that's where all of his fat had gone, Myungsoo joked in his head. Then again, why was he here?
He stood at the stove for a while, waiting for some water to boil, as he looked over to see that Myungsoo was staring at him. As fast as the wind, he walked over and stared into Myungsoo's eyes.
"You're awake." He said. "I was just boiling some tea for you."
"Yeah..." Myungsoo replied weakly. "Where am I, who are you, and why am I here?"
"Let's just ask one question at a time, alright?" He said with his hands up, telling Myungsoo to slow down with the curiosity. "First off, my name is Sungyeol, not YOU. And you're at my hotel suite."
Myungsoo stared at Sungyeol and scoffed. "Why am I here?"
"I don't know. All I remember is that my instincts told me to bring you back with me. You're not one for socializing, are you?" Sungyeol laughed. "That's okay. I'll just explain."
Sungyeol walked back over to the stove and poured the hot water into two different cups. One was for him, the other was for the guy sleeping on the couch. Before handing the drink to him, Sungyeol held it back and asked him a question.
"So, first of all, what's your name?"
"Why do you need to know? It's none of your business."
"It's a lot of my business. If I don't know, I'll just call you 'guy on my couch'."
He scoffed and looked down, then back up at Sungyeol. "Myungsoo. But I prefer that you just call me L."
"What's L stand for?"
"Exactly." Myungsoo pointed out.
"That didn't really describe it." Sungyeol said disappointedly. "But I'm guessing that that's the whole point of your single letter name."
"You're pretty nosy." Myungsoo snorted. "Are you a government spy or something?"
"What makes you think that THIS FACE is for Government use?" Sungyeol laughed as he handed Myungsoo his cup. As he drank from his cup, he held it up with one hand and sipped loudly. "And just so you know, I'm a model."
"I knew it." Myungsoo said.
"You've seen my magazines?" Sungyeol asked happily.
"No. But I just figured, since you're tall and thin."
"I'm not the only guy that's tall and thin, you know..."
"Anyways," Myungsoo sighed heavily. "I have to get going. I have a schedule to keep, you know. I guess I'll have to repay you soon..."
Myungsoo pointed at Sungyeol. "What's your name?"
"Kim Sungyeol." He replied.
"Kim Sungyeol..." Myungsoo repeated. "I shall repay you later."
"What? Are you leaving already? You just woke up." Sungyeol grabbed hold of Myungsoo's shoulder and turned him around to look at him. Even though he was just a stranger, Sungyeol felt that he should keep him around. "And it's safe here."
"Nowhere is safe for me." Myungsoo said with danger written all over his face. "And someone has something of mine that I need back. It's very important to me."
"Then I'll help you get it." Sungyeol smiled. "If it's that important to you, then I'll help you get it back."
Myungsoo smirked as Sungyeol reached for his helmet. "Let's get going."

"You have done well, Kim Sungkyu. But you haven't done all that I have asked." The Prophet said in a deadly tone. "Myungsoo is not dead."
"I'm sorry I failed you, Prophet." Sungkyu bowed down and offered the key to her. He put his hands out in front of him with the key shining in the light. "Am I going to recieve punishment?"
The Prophet rested her chin on her hand and thought for a moment. "No... Not today. There are things that must be done that are much more important than punishing you."
"And what would those things be?" Sungkyu asked cautiously. The Prophet didn't answer just ANY question.
"We must find this Pandora's Box before anyone else does. I have seen other eyes on it." The Prophet stood up from her enormous chair and walked down the steps in her throne room. She wasn't the owner of a major company for no reason. "Today, we shall put all else aside and find the location of the Pandora's Box. I do not know of it, but there is someone who does know and we must seek him."
Sungkyu stayed quiet as the Prophet spoke. He wasn't sure what to say, but he was annoyed that she always kept things to herself.
"His name is Lee Sungjong." She said aloud. "He is hidden deep within the city. Bring him to me. You will do well, Kim Sungkyu, or I will have your head."
"Always the same phrase, Prophet." He said offended. "But I will do as you wish."
Without another word, Sungkyu walked out of the hall and out of the company building that it had been built within. She was treated liked royalty, yet she was just a simple woman. Even though she was called the Prophet, she couldn't actually see the future. Her actual power was telekinesis, just like Sungkyu. She had just preferred not to use this power in front of anyone.
Sungkyu crossed a busy street and caught a taxi. As he got inside, the Prophet sent him a map to Lee Sungjong's home. His house was in the heart of Yongdong. While Sungkyu studied the map, the Prophet sent him a text, telling him about Sungjong's personal life. It read:

Lee Sungjong : 20 years old, single male, teen magazine model
Lives with two other roommates : Jang Dongwoo and Lee Howon
Get rid of everyone and return with Sungjong.

Sungkyu sighed heavily as he read the text. He looked up to see that the driver was looking at him expectantly, wanting to take him to his destination.
"Yongdong, please." He said blatantly. "And make it fast. There's some important business that I have going on there."
"I will try my best, sir." The taxi driver replied. Without another word, he turned around and drove Sungkyu all the way to Yongdong.
Along the ride, Sungkyu kept receiving texts from the Prophet. Whenever she was alone and bored, she would send him useless text messages, wasting time and money for no reason. Sungkyu bothered himself to look at all of them, though. Every text she sent was either a picture of her and a stuffed animal or a text asking where he was. Another minute of this and Sungkyu would have crushed something unconsciously.
He pursed his lips as he looked around Yongdong. There were many places full of life. The streets seemed very busy for such a small place. School students were spotted left and right, old people were seen dealing at the market, street thugs walked around pick-pocketing whoever they saw.
Sungkyu watched the street signs, looking for the name of the street that Sungjong lived on. There were many buildings that looked the same so it was hard to tell. Finally, Sungkyu arrived at his destination after making the taxi driver speed left and right just to find this exact spot. At first, when he stepped out of the car, Sungkyu's eyebrows slanted downward.
"THIS PLACE is what I've been looking for? It looks so..." His eyebrows lifted up again and then his lips pouted. "Normal... Hmph. For a teen magazine model, he sure doesn't live up to his name. Whatever. I'll just do as told."
He headed upstairs to the door with the apartment number 7. He looked at the number, feeling familiar with it. 7 was a good number. In fact, it seemed to be right. Sungkyu shrugged away his thoughts and unlocked the door with his telekinesis.
"Easy as taking candy from a baby." He said with a fearless smile. As the door opened, he saw a flash of light and was blinded momentarily. Quickly, someone ran out of the door and down the hall. Sungkyu was too busy rubbing his eyes to chase whoever had run out.
Right now, all he could focus on was restoring his eyes back to normal. But after a minute of rubbing his eyes and thinking, he finally concluded that it was probably Sungjong that ran out of the door. Another mission that he failed, he thought. The Prophet was SURELY going to have his head served on a platter.
"Now I have to chase him too!" Sungkyu said angrily. "Pft. That's why they call me the CHASER. I end up always having to go and catch my prey."
Another text came up onto Sungkyu's phone. The Prophet sent him a message saying :

You may need some sunglasses.
Sungjong can blind you very easily.

"Too late for that now. She should have sent me this instead of those dumb texts!" Sungkyu threw his phone on the ground and stepped on it. "I don't need this anymore anyways. She wants to talk to me, then she'll have to find me. I won't return until I have this mission finished. Damn her..."

Sungjong could sense someone coming up the steps of his apartment door. As expected, it was an unfamiliar presence. He lifted his hand and looked at the ball of light that formed quickly at his thought. The more he thought about it, the bigger it would get.
As the strange presence unlocked the door, Sungjong threw the ball of light at them. A huge flash of light shone and Sungjong took his chance to run. He shut the door behind him as he ran out and jolted his way down the stairs. For some reason, he knew that he was being chased by this man. It was as if he had read this man's mind.
Just as he reached the last floor, Sungjong bumped into Dongwoo. They both fell over, only to result in Dongwoo's snacks spilling all over the floor. His jaw dropped at the horror of what had just happened. "Sungjong? What's the rush?"
"Nothing. Just some urgent business had come up. Don't go upstairs, I burnt some cookies and it smells bad. Just stay down here in the lobby for a while." He looked back at the stairs and saw the man walking down. "Seeya!"
Dongwoo watched as Sungjong rushed out of the apartment doors. He sure seemed to be in a rush. Something REALLY important must have come up.
Sungjong ran down alleys and markets just to lose this guy, but he never gave up. The name CHASER seemed to fit him. As Sungjong ran down another alley, he bumped into Howon. Quickly, Howon grabbed Sungjong by his arm and they disappeared into the dark.
Sungkyu rounded the corner, only to realize that Sungjong had vanished from sight. Had he outrun him? Sungkyu WAS getting a little old... He shrugged and walked away from the alleyway and back to find a taxi home.
"You alright, Sungjong?" Howon asked as Sungjong sat down, relieved that the Chaser wasn't chasing him anymore. "You look pretty exhausted."
"I was just being tailed by that guy. You saw him." Sungjong was wheezing for some air and sweating like crazy. "He's hard to get rid of."
"I know." Howon said. "I've seen him around a lot lately."
"Really?" Sungjong looked up at Howon and scowled. "Why didn't you tell me you knew who he was?"
"Because if I did, then you would have used me against him." Howon stated. Sungjong shrugged and went back to catching his breath. "By the way, why do you think he was chasing you anyways?"
"I don't know... He must be looking for something. But whatever he's looking for, I don't have it. Or at least I don't THINK I have it... Sungjong looked at Howon and held his gaze for a moment. "Do YOU have what he's looking for?"
A sly smile grew across Howon's face. "He's not looking for SOMETHING. He's looking for SOMEONE."
Slowly, Sungjong lifted his hand and pointed at himself. "Me?"
"Yes, you." Howon pushed his hair back and looked at the ground. "From what I'm hearing, he wants you because you hold some valuable information for the Prophet."
"Prophet? You mean that big company that works under the government? Isn't that company supposed to only make jewelry or something?" Sungjong's understanding of the Prophet company was a little lacking, so Howon decided to explain.
"Well, first of all, they don't work under the government and they don't make jewelry. Prophet is a company of its own. They're all about the top maitenence and high quality when it comes to business and protective services." Howon looked at Sungjong who was still trying to process all of that information into his brain. "The Prophet company owns hotels, islands, government buildings, and even lands from overseas. They're one of the biggest companies in the whole entire world."
Sungjong nodded his head and stood up. "And what does any of that have to do with me? I didn't even do anything to offend them, and yet, they sent THAT GUY after me."
"It's not the company, it's the owner. She wants your head." Howon grabbed Sungjong's shoulder and sighed heavily. "Look, all I know is that they're searching for something and they want you because they think that you know where it's hidden. I can't do anything more to help you than this, Sungjong. The rest, you'll have to figure out on your own."
He nodded his head and then looked down. What did they need from him? Why did they need it from him? Was it something to do with business or government? Either way, Sungjong knew that he had to stay hidden away from the Chaser for a long time and he knew the perfect place to hide.

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