Chapter One

The Infinite Project - The Chaser

The light that shone through the glass window was bothering Sungkyu. He tossed and turned in his bed as he tried to hide himself from this annoying sun. In the end, though, he just got up from his bed. He looked around the room and sighed heavily. He looked over at the desk which had stacks of papers all over. His work was killing him, literally.
He got up and grabbed an old coffee sitting on his nightstand and drank out of it, only to spit it out right away at the taste of something old and bitter. Sungkyu picked up a paper on top of a stack and looked at it carefully. The paper was some sort of a list of people he had to kill according to the Prophet that he worked under. The Prophet was a woman who had amazing powers. She looked like a normal human, but underneath the skin, she was nothing but a beating heart full of useful information.
Sungkyu checked his phone for any messages left from the Prophet. There were a few that said that there were jobs for him. As he deleted each message carelessly, he picked up the coffee again. Repeating the same action, Sungkyu spit out the coffee and crushed the cup into a small ball.
"Damn coffee..." He muttered angrily. He grabbed his jacket and headed out into  the world. His work called for him constantly, never letting him rest. The phone rang loudly as the song Shot came on. He looked at the number, seeing that the Prophet was calling.
He answered as fast as he could. "Yes."
The Prophet spoke back in a sort of playful tone. "You answered your phone faster than you normally do. Is today a special day?"
Sungkyu became annoyed. She was always toying with him. "No. Just tell me what you need and I'll get it done."
"Excellent." Sungkyu couldn't see it, but he knew that the Prophet was smiling. Her voice revealed it. "I have a great job for you today. But this is a secret mission that only you can do. And you might have to kill someone."
"Just tell me what I have to do."
"Kill the one they call Myungsoo. He has the key to the Pandora's Box. Bring me that key without any evidence left behind. But of course, you're very good at that since you have the wonderful power of Telekinesis." The Prophet laughed like a mad woman. "You will do well, Kim Sungkyu, or I will have your head."
"So you always tell me." It was the same thing she always said to him before hanging up. It was some sort of habit for her. He put his phone in his pocket and headed out to find Myungsoo. But before he even got to take a few steps, the Prophet sent him a text message.
He took his phone out of his pocket and looked at it. There was a picture of Myungsoo that the Prophet had sent him. Sungkyu studied it carefully, memorizing each and every aspect of the face on his phone. Afterward, smiling confidently.

The morning light was shining brightly on Woohyun as he awoke from his sleep. The greenhouse didn't provide much shelter, but it sure felt warm during the day time. Even though he had his own home and heating, he decided to stay with his plants. Besides, he loved them as if they were his own children. Quickly, he folded up the blankets and threw them into a box that was sitting in the corner. When he opened up the doors, a small group of women were standing in front of him. Each one had an angry face.
Woohyun smiled at them and closed the door immediately. They were all women that he was seeing. Even though he liked all of them, he couldn't choose one, so he chose them all. It was a simple choice, really.
As the women pounded on the door with their fists and purses, Woohyun sat quietly on a crate and drank herbal tea. The aroma was calming and the taste was bitter, but he still drank it with a big smile on his face. Today was going to be a beautiful day.
He hummed as he watered his plants carefully. Filling each one with the exact amount of water that it required. Every now and then he would look at the door to see that the women were still there. He sighed at them with a dreamy grin on his face. Even though they were mad, they were still in love with him. But they couldn't help it. He was handsome and he was theirs.
After a while, they all looked at each other and thought about it for a second. They were seeing a handsome young man and he was better looking than most of the men in the city. Maybe there was no reason to be mad. Even though it was the same man, why fight over it? They all got their chances to be alone with him and he even worked it out. Without another thought, the women all shrugged it off and went to work.
Once all of the women disappeared, Woohyun opened the doors and smelled the crispy morning air. It was definitely a beautiful day.

Sungyeol stretched as he got up from his hotel bed. Another day full of work for him. He brushed his hair and checked his face. Nothing seemed to be growing or sticking out that was noticeable. He headed to the bathroom and washed himself up for the day.
His modeling job was sure a pain sometimes, but it had many benefits that would make him become super rich. That was all he seemed to care about sometimes, earning money. Since when did he become this way? After a quick shower, Sungyeol walked into the living room with his robe on and poured himself some cereal. As he ate, a knock came at the door. It was probably Manager Park. He walked over to the door with his bowl of cereal and opened the door. Immediately, there was a gun in his face (although, he didn't really seem to care about it). He tilted his head to the side and looked at the man.
"Is there something I can help you with?" A bored look crossed his face. "If not, then please leave. This suite is private."
The man behind the gun was surprised. "Y-you're not scared of me...?"
"Well... Nope. And from what I see, YOU are scared of ME." Sungyeol said with a smirk.
"W-what are you t-talking about! Fool! I have a gun!"
Sungyeol laughed aloud. He looked at the man with an even bigger smile on his face. "A real man doesn't need a weapon to fight another man. That's considered a cowardly act."
With that, the man threw the gun to the ground and put his fists up. Sungyeol's face grew serious and he put his bowl of cereal on the table. He sighed and stared the man in the eyes. When he blinked, a rush of wind came rushing at the man, pushing him out of the door and into the wall. When the man fell to the floor, Sungyeol took action and ran over to the door.
"Security! Security! There's a man here that's trying to rob me!" He said in a cutesy tone. "Hurry! He has a gun!"
Immediately, a group of men dressed in black suits came running over to the room. The man looked at Sungyeol with fear written all over his face. Instead of shutting the door, Sungyeol looked at him with a coy smile. He lifted two fingers to his brow and mouthed "seeya!".
The guards dragged the man away from Sungyeol's room and into a cop car outside. From above, Sungyeol could see the man shiver in fear.
"Had your fun?" A voice said from behind him. Sungyeol turned around to see Manager Park. "Don't do it again. Next time just call for help or something. If you keep using that power of yours, you might get caught one day."
"At least say something decent. Whenever you greet me, you act as if I'm a troublemaker." Sungyeol said. "Then again, it's not like I say anything decent to you either."
"Exactly." Manager Park said. "Come on, let's get going. Your photo shoots await you."

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