Chapter Three

The Infinite Project - The Chaser

It became late in the evening and Dongwoo became hungry. He was thinking of visiting Woohyun, but he knew that the only thing Woohyun would feed him was tea and cookies. Now that he thought about it, that seemed like that was ALL Woohyun ate. It seemed odd that he didn't really eat anything else.
But Dongwoo WAS hungry. Anything could have worked. Since he had no money and no place to go, Dongwoo headed over to Woohyun's greenhouse. He knew that Woohyun always slept there. For some reason, it made him feel comfortable. As if that wasn't weird enough for Dongwoo. Just the other day, some guys were trying to mug him for whatever he had, which was absolutely nothing. Surprisingly, they didn't even take his clothes. If a mugger got nothing out of the muggee, then wouldn't they at least take their clothes? This world was just too crazy to understand sometimes.
When Dongwoo arrived at his destination, he could smell the aroma of the tea and cookies again. Even though he desired something with more portions, his tummy rumbled like thunder. As he walked in, he saw Woohyun talking to someone. Most likely customer?
With a curious mind, Dongwoo walked all along the rows of plants that Woohyun grew. Each one was cared for and growing into something big. Foolishly, Dongwoo stuck his hand in one plant that had a mouth. As his hand sat there in front of it, the plant quickly snatched his hand inside and wouldn't let go. Dongwoo shouted aloud with excitement and surprise. This plant could eat humans?
"Dongwoo?" Woohyun looked over at him. "What are you doing?"
"Eh?" He turned around and saw Woohyun and the customer. The customer looked like a man around the age of 23 or so. "I was just uh... Just petting this plant...?"
"I'll be back, Sungkyu." Woohyun said as he ran over to help Dongwoo. "Just what are you thinking? You know that this plant bites. You always pet it everytime you come here."
"Really?" Dongwoo asked. "I don't remember."
"Of course you don't..." Woohyun said with a sigh. "Anyways, wait in that corner over there. I'm almost done with this customer."
As Woohyun ran back to the customer, he bowed and apologized for leaving in the middle of the conversation. Woohyun and that customer seemed to be close. Were they good friends? Dongwoo could only wonder. As he watched them talk, he studied the customer. He didn't know why, but he felt like he should remember that face.
The customer's hair was a reddish brown. His eyes were small, but that matched the almost bowl cut hair he had. The cheeks were kind of chubby and his jaw line shot straight out in a perfect line. There was nothing to recognize him by except for his face. The clothes he wore looked dirty and old. His jean jacket had nothing special but the patch that had been sewn on. The patch read HACKNET. Was it some sort of brand?
After a few minutes more, the customer left the greenhouse. Woohyun walked over to where Dongwoo was waiting and made a worried face. Sometimes, he wasn't even sure if Dongwoo was a normal person or just a plain idiot.
"What's up, Dongwoo? Wait, let me guess." Woohyun put up one finger and closed his eyes. "You're here because you're hungry, right?"
"How did you know?" Dongwoo said enthusiastically. He laughed and put his hands on his stomach. "My stomach told me to come and eat here."
"I'm not a restaraunt, you know." Woohyun said with a sigh. "But since you're here, I guess I'll have to feed you. Sometimes you need to learn how to take care of yourself. Don't you have some money on you?"
Dongwoo searched his own pockets, but there was absolutely nothing but a balled up candy wrapper. But he thought about it for a while, since when did he start having money? He didn't work but he lived in an apartment with two other roommates, though one didn't really tend to sleep. That one just liked to sit up in the nighttime. Dongwoo remembered asking him why, only to get this respnose- "The night life is MY life.". Weird.
"No money?" Woohyun said with a straight face. "Somehow, I'm not surprised. I think you need to get a job. And now that I think about it, do you even LIVE anywhere?"
"Yeah." Dongwoo said happily. "I live with my friends Lee Sungjong and Lee Howon."
Woohyun looked confused for a moment. At first, his face became happy but then it turned to speechless. "Um... Not to be rude, but are those two...?"
Dongwoo tilted his head to the side and lifted his eyebrows. He was confused. What was Woohyun trying to get at?
"Are they... Like, you know... A couple?" Woohyun whispered into Dongwoo's ear. He backed away and looked at Dongwoo for a reaction.
"Nope. What makes you think that?" Dongwoo asked.
"Well, I just kind of thought that maybe since they have the same last name..." Woohyun said. "Then again... They could have been brothers!"
He stared at Dongwoo who was bursting out in laughter again. He had such an innocent mind. Woohyun sat down on a crate and handed Dongwoo a couple of cookies that someone had gave him earlier this morning. They were freshly baked but he hadn't had time to eat them with customers coming in every second.
"Here. You can have these." The cookies were wrapped carefully in a goodie bag. Dongwoo's jaw dropped at the sight of them. They looked so good that his mouth was watering already.
"Where did you get these?" Dongwoo asked. "Did one of your girlfriends give it to you?"
"Ha! I guess you could say that." Woohyun laughed. Sungjong DID have a girly face. "Anyway, that's not important. What's important is that you're hungry. Go ahead. Dig in."
"Thank you so much, hyung!" Dongwoo took out a cookie and took a bite. "These are delicious! You should have one!"
Immediately, Dongwoo handed one to Woohyun. As Woohyun took a bite, his eyes grew wide with surprise. It WAS good. They were so delicious that it felt like they were eating the sweetest cookie in the world. Dongwoo and Woohyun each ate more cookies until they were finished.
"Ahh... I think I got fatter..." Woohyun said as he his fingers. "I hope not."
"I think I did too..." Dongwoo said with a chuckle. "They were too good."
"Well, I think you should go now. I have to close up shop for the day." Woohyun looked at Dongwoo. "Besides, it's getting late. I have other things to do too."
"Okay. Sorry for bothering you today, hyung. I was just hungry and I didn't know where to go so my stomach led me here." A grin came across Dongwoo's face. "I'll be off now!"
With a smile, Dongwoo ran off. Today was a delicious day, he thought. Quickly, he ran off into the street market by his apartment. They were selling a lot of good food today. As he walked by a vendor, he could smell the kimchi jigae. It smelled so aromatic that Dongwoo got hungry again. He looked everywhere for some small change. Instinctively, he put his hands in his pockets to look for money.
When he took his hands out, there was a couple of dollars hidden inside of the balled up candy wrapper. He had money!? Quickly, Dongwoo put his hands together, bowed his head, and apologized to Woohyun ahead of time. As he neared the kimchi jigae booth, a hand touched his shoulder. Dongwoo turned around and saw Sungjong with a plastic bag in hand.
"Let's go back now, Dongwoo." Sungjong smiled delightfully. His face really DID look like a girl's sometimes. "It's getting late. Bad things happen at night."
"Okay. After I buy some kimchi jigae." Sungjong nodded as Dongwoo walked over to the booth and bought a big portion. But it wasn't only for him, it was also for Sungjong and Howon. They both looked like they were hungry.
After purchasing the kimchi jigae, he was a little disappointed. The lady said that it was cold because no one had been wanting to buy any today. The market was a little empty. Instead of waiting to get home to heat it up, Dongwoo just used his hands. He DID have a special power after all.
As the kimchi jigae heated up in his hands, Sungjong could smell it from behind Dongwoo. It smelled delicious. Right when they got inside, Howon was sitting on the couch eating dried squid. When he smelled the jigae, he got up immediately.
"Where did you get kimchi jigae!?" Howon said enthusiastically. "It smells like we're in a fancy restaraunt!"
"We were down at the local market just before." Sungjong said with a little smile. "I had just seen Dongwoo when I was heading back from my cookie deliveries."
Dongwoo put the kimchi jigae into a large bowl and smelled it. The smell was hypnotizing him. Quickly, he brought it over to the table and placed it in the middle. Afterward, he looked at Sungjong. "You made cookies today?"
"Yeah. I got bored." Sungjong took out a small white take-out box filled with left over cookies. "These are whatever's left. I know you're always hungry Dongwoo, so here you go."
Sungjong handed Dongwoo the last cookies happily. Dongwoo almost cried as he accepted them. Howon came over and smelled the kimchi jigae.
"Are we going to eat or are we going to tell cute little stories all night?" Howon sat in a chair and grabbed his spoon. Dongwoo and Sungjong followed along. The three of them sat in the dining room, eating and talking, until they finished eating. Afterward, they did a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who was going to do the dishes. Unfortunately, Howon got stuck cleaning as Dongwoo and Sungjong talked about their day.
Dongwoo hopped on the couch and thought to himself. What did he do the whole day? Well, first, he went on a walk and got lost. Second, he found his way again. Third, he got really hungry and so he headed to Woohyun's greenhouse.
A thought suddenly popped in his head. "Hey, Sungjong? What's your job?"
Surprised, Sungjong looked at Dongwoo. "Well... I thought you always knew. I'm a model. I model for teens clothes and magazine covers."
"Why do I live here?" Dongwoo asked blankly. "Oh, sorry! That question just kind of dropped out of my mouth..."
"Well, you live here because you said that you needed a place to stay and I decided to help you out. Besides we're old friends. You taught me how to dance." Sungjong said with curiosty written all over his face. "Why do you ask...?"
"Sorry. It's just that... I feel like I'm taking everything for granted here." Dongwoo explained. "It just feels so weird that I live here rent free and all..."
Howon had just finished cleaning the dishes and walked over to join the conversation. "Don't worry, Dongwoo. Just let me and Sungjong worry about everything, okay?"
"If you say so..." Dongwoo looked a little disappointed as he said that. "But I would like to at least help contribute things here."
"Then get a job." Howon said bluntly. "That would help."
"Yeah! I'll get a job!" Sungjong's face showed regret. He didn't want to be in the conversation anymore. "Maybe I'll go and be a model too!"
Howon laughed aloud and looked at Dongwoo with humor all over his face. "You? A model? That's a good joke!"
"Joke? I was serious."
"Quiet already!" Sungjong exclaimed. "I'm going to sleep tomorrow. I have an early shoot in Busan and I need my sleep. Good night, you two."
Sungjong went inside of his room quietly as the two boys stared at him in surprise. Immediately, when he closed the door, he looked around for his book. Reading before sleeping really helped him fall asleep faster. And as he read, he slowly began to fall into a deeper dream.

The darkness was falling quickly and Myungsoo needed a new place to hide. The forest was the last place he wanted to be when it was dark out. A lot of animals wandered at night and he didn't have a good reputation with them. His clothes were dirty and he needed a place to sleep for the night.
As soon as he reached the edge of the forest, he looked around for any signs of life. At first he didn't sense anything but animals behind him, then, a human precense was coming quickly. Two small lights were headed in his direction.
Myungsoo quickly hid behind a tree and waited for that person to come even closer. The low humming of a car was coming closer to the forest edge and Myungsoo prepared himself to steal it. Frost grew all along Myungsoo's arm as he thought about how to take that car from the human. He bit his lip and figured out a way.
The person parked his car and came out with his friend. They were both boys, so Myungsoo felt no need to hold back on his plan. With a fast mind, Myungsoo stumbled out of the woods and onto the dirt road. Ice was coming out from every side of his body and he pretended to die of the coldness. The two boys saw him covered in ice and ran over to help.
"Oh my gosh! Are you all right!?" The first boy said. "Look! He's covered in ice!"
The second boy touched Myungsoo and froze in an instant. "He's an Ice Demon!"
"Oh no! I- I have to call for help!" The first boy backed away and tried to run for the car. Myungsoo smiled and grabbed his hand, freezing him slowly so that he could speak.
"You. Tell me, what are your names?" Myungsoo said in a kind tone.
"K-K-Kang Jae Hyuk a-and Heo S-Seung Gi!!!" He cried out as the rest of his body froze from Myungsoo's touch. He yelled out loud, trying to cry for help, but it was unheard. The city was miles away from here and there was nothing but a dirt road seperating it all.
"Kang Jae Hyuk and Heo Seung Gi..." Myungsoo repeated as he took the keys from Kang Jae Hyuk's backpack. "I won't forget your names. I'll repay you later on. For now, just let me borrow your car."
As Myungsoo walked over to the car, he realized how old it was. The maroon paint was brand new, but the car itself was pretty old. Myungsoo sighed and got into the car as fast as he could. When he the car lights, it shone on his ice sculptures. He thought to himself, they'll be okay by the morning.
He drove away from the scene as fast as possible. The dirt road didn't have a speed limit, so he sped to his heart's content. As he was driving, he could barely see ahead of the road. Instead of complaining, he just sped on to find a city road. The forest was almost near the city, so there shouldn't have been much of a time space between them.
Eventually, he reached a pavement road. It was smooth and there were no bumps, unlike the dirt road. Myungsoo was envious of all the people living in their homes, apartments, and hotels. He remembered how it used to be to live in a fancy place. His riches had become rags the second he heard that that Hunter was after him. This world wouldn't let him rest until he was dead.
Quickly, he pulled into a free parking ramp. He needed to rest and this seemed like a good place for it. As soon as he parked the car, he shut his eyes and rested his head on his hands. The Hunter could be anywhere.
"Tired?" The voice beside him nearly scared him to death. He looked to his side and saw Howon smiling as if he had always been sitting there. Then again, wasn't he ALWAYS here?
"Why are you here again?" Myungsoo said exhaustedly. He just wanted some alone time to himself. "Look, I'm tired as hell and I just want to sleep. Let me rest!"
"Sorry." Howon said. "Then again, it's not like I was going to bother you anyways. It just feels nice to be needed."
"I don't NEED you!" Myungsoo shouted. "I'm going to sleep!"
And with those last words, he knocked out immediately. Back into the dream world was where he went. Again with the building ruins and the mirror place. Nothing seemed to change. As he looked into the mirrror at himself, he realized that he was holding the key. He lifted his hand and looked at it, studying every detail and aspect of it. It looked pretty plain, though. Was it supposed to be some sort of magical key? He didn't even remember why he was looking for the Pandora's Box. All he remembered was that he needed it and that it was important for the future of the world.
Again, he woke up from the dream the same way he fell into it. Myungsoo opened his eyes and looked around. It was light out and cars were pulling into parking spaces everywhere. This seemed dangerous. He didn't want to have to run into the Hunter here. If he did, other people would get hurt. His mind went crazy as he tried to sense things. All he could sense was people, people, and more people. Myungsoo pulled out of his space and watched as two cars sped up and tried to get in there at the same time. Fools, he thought.
As fast as the road would let him drive, Myungsoo drove back down the dirt road and back by the woods. He looked out into the edge of the forest to realize that the two boys had disappeared. They were probably going to report to to the police. Myungsoo looked out and up into the sky to see that it was raining while the sun was out. It was beautiful, so he decided to go somewhere to enjoy it.
Just before driving away, Myungsoo sensed a strong presence. He looked into the rearview mirror and saw the Hunter standing right behind his car. How had he gotten there so fast? The Hunter was smiling and watching Myungsoo as he thought of a way to escape. There was absolutely no way to avoid him. The Hunter didn't have any emotions towards who he killed or why he killed them. He just did it according to the Prophet's words.
Myungsoo started the car and felt it as it roared to life. He shifted the gear to Reverse and stomped on the pedal as hard as he could. As the car backed up, Sungkyu lifted it without a touch, and tossed it all the way into an open field. The key to the Pandora's Box had flown out of the car while it was flipping around. Sungkyu picked it up and looked at it, inspecting it for any scratches or dents.
"Thanks for the key." Sungkyu said as he walked away from the scene. "I won't forget your kindess."
The car kept flipping around and dragging itself all along the edge of the forest. Even with the seatbelt on, Myungsoo was getting scratches, bumps, and bruises all around him. Things in the car were flying everywhere. Out the window, into his face, and even spilling all over his clothes. The car seemed like it was about to crush him with the last flip it would do. With whatever was left of his strength, Myungsoo pushed himself out of the car as his window faced the sky. His timing was perfect, but the car was about to blow up when it hit the ground. Quickly, Myungsoo sprinted into the forest and hid there until the car had stopped burning. He looked up into the sky and felt cool the raindrops on his skin.
"Damn..." He muttered disappointedly. "I won't be able to return that car."

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