Chapter Five

The Infinite Project - The Chaser

The sun was just about to go down as Woohyun was closing shop. He heard footsteps coming from behind him and turned around to see Sungjong walking toward him. A big smile grew across Woohyun's face as Sungjong inched closer.
"Hey Sungjong. What brings you here this late? I was just about to close the shop up." Woohyun held Sungjong under his arm. "Did another photo shoot go wrong?"
"No..." Sungjong looked up at Woohyun with a hard stare. "Hyung, I need a place to stay for a while."
"Absolutely! You know that I'll always accept you. Besides, we're good friends. Why would I turn you down? Come on in." Woohyun led Sungjong inside of the greenhouse. When Sungjong stepped inside, he immediately saw the blanket on the ground.
"Hyung... Are you staying in the greenhouse AGAIN?" Woohyun looked at Sungjong surprised. "You know that this isn't healthy, right?"
"Jjong-ah, you don't remember what I told you last time?" Woohyun said with a pout. "I feel comfortable. I don't know why, but these plants make me feel more at home than my own house. I know it's an odd thing, but I got used to it after the first night."
"All this heat from staying inside the greenhouse is going to your head." Sungjong said bluntly. "Maybe if you went home for a little while, then you'll get comfortable again."
"I guess..." Woohyun said as he looked down in disappointment. "Come on, let's go. I'll prepare the guest room for you. And I should do some cleaning too. I haven't been home for almost two weeks."
"TWO WEEKS!?" Sungjong backed away from Woohyun immediately. "Have you been brushing your teeth and showering!?"
Woohyun's head arched up as he laughed aloud. "Ha ha ha ha! What makes you think that I haven't been taking care of myself? I go to the local bathhouse, you know."
Sungjong looked at Woohyun with disgust on his face, but it eventually went away after he sighed. He shrugged his shoulders and walked on as Woohyun followed behind. "Sometimes, I just can't believe we're friends."
"Oh, I know! Me too! Aren't I just amazing?" Woohyun laughed. "Just kidding. But don't worry! I know how to take care of myself when I'm away from home."
"That's not what I'm trying to say, dork." As the two joked with each other, they arrived at Woohyun's large home. It stood on the outskirts of town because it was so big. Vines covered almost every corner and aspect of the home. The door was barely visible underneath the tangled mess. Unsure of where to find the doorknob, Sungjong just placed his hand on whatever part looked like it. Unfortunately, it wasn't the doorknob.
"Oh, I'll do it, Jjong-ah." Woohyun scooted in front of the door and opened the door without a problem. In fact, when he placed his hand on the door, the vines unraveled themselves around the knob. Sungjong's jaw dropped in surprise as Woohyun turned around and made two little peace signs. When he saw Sungjong's face, Woohyun became confused. "What's wrong, Jjong-ah? Did something happen?"
"Yeah! Those vines just made way for you to open the doorknob!" Sungjong reached for the doorknob, but the messy branches wouldn't budge away like when Woohyun put his hand on it. "How did you do that!?"
"Hm..." Woohyun became even more confused. Why WERE the vines moving out of the way? Instead of worrying himself over it, he just shrugged and went inside his home with Sungjong following closely behind. "Sorry for the dust. I just haven't been here in a long time and everything was left all alone."
"Jeez... Maybe you should hire a housekeeper." Sungjong dragged one finger across a countertop and lifted it to see a big pile of dust. His mouth twitched with disgust as he looked at it. "This is pretty extreme. Now that I think about it, your fridge food must be really rotten."
"Well, I never thought about getting a housekeeper... Maybe I should. And my fridge is practically empty. I only had vegetables and fruits in there, but I ate them before leaving to the greenhouse two weeks ago." They both scurried over to the fridge and looked inside to see that it was completely empty except for some salad dressing, a juice carton that was practically empty, and bits of rotten vegetables. "Hm. I'm surprised I haven't gotten any bugs."
Sungjong's face turned sour as he looked at Woohyun. "I am too... Wouldn't there be bugs crawling all over the place if you have a bunch of rotten stuff in your fridge?"
"Maybe? But oh well. It's not that big of a problem." Woohyun closed the fridge and looked around. "I think I should get to dusting."
"Yeah... You should..." Sungjong said in disgust as he looked around at the dusty home. "And since I'm here, I'll help you clean this place spotless..."
Without another word, Woohyun scurried over to a web covered closet and pulled out two brooms, a bucket, a sponge, and two aprons.

Four hours had gone by since Sungjong and Woohyun started cleaning the dust away from everything. Even though it had been a long time, there was still three fourths of the house left. So far, the two had only gotten to clean the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, the closet, and the basement. Another second of this and Sungjong felt like he could kill himself.
"Oh my gosh... We've been cleaning for FOUR HOURS!" Sungjong yelled out. "And I'm really tired. And look, it's even really dark out now..."
Woohyun looked up from his cleaning and saw that the sun had just finished setting. He put down his broom immediately and ran into the basement without saying a word to Sungjong. A minute later, he returned with two blankets, two pillows, and a big teddy bear.
"Ta-dah!" Woohyun laughed as he put them all down on his leather couch. "Since we haven't cleaned upstairs yet, I suppose that we could sleep down here in the living room."
Sungjong got up and walked over to the couch, grabbing the blanket and pillow that looked cleanest. Within seconds, Sungjong had set up the couch for himself and fell asleep. Woohyun stared at him as he slept, surprised that he didn't hesitate. He probably WAS tired. Sungjong seemed to have a busy life.
Right as Woohyun sat down on the couch, his cell phone vibrated on the coffee table. He picked it up and touched the screen. The screen's bright light shone and a pop-up told Woohyun that he had one new text message. He opened it up with a single touch of his finger and read it. His friend Sungkyu had sent him a text message saying :

I need to talk to you.
Come outside.

Surprise and confusion ran across Woohyun's face. Sungkyu was standing right outside his house wanting to talk to him about something. Quickly, Woohyun put on a sweater and opened the door quietly, as to not wake Sungjong.
"Why so quiet?" Woohyun jumped at his voice and yelped like a little puppy. He put his hand over his heart and calmed himself down.
"Shh!" Woohyun whispered. "I have a sleeping guest."
"Huh... You've never had guests before." Sungkyu laughed. "Is it a girl?"
Sungkyu pushed his way past Woohyun and bursted into the door. Just before setting eyes on Sungjong, Woohyun grabbed Sungkyu's shoulder and turned him around. A smile grew wide across his face as he dragged Sungkyu back outside. "It's rude to bother a sleeping guest, you know? We should just talk out here."
"I was just kidding anyway." Sungkyu shrugged Woohyun away and walked out toward the open field in front of the house. He looked up to see that the stars were beautifully displayed in the sky and felt the moist air. Sungkyu turned back and looked at Woohyun. "Anyways, I need some information on a certain customer."
"Hm? This is the first time you've ever asked." Woohyun walked over and stood next to his fiery haired friend. "Who is it?"
"His name is Jang Dongwoo. I've heard that he's been around your greenhouse lately."
"Hm... Yeah. In fact, he came over the other day for a visit. Why?" Woohyun watched Sungkyu's face carefully underneath the dull light of the moon.
"Reasons that you don't need to know." Woohyun became suspicious of his hyung's behavior. "But don't worry. I assure you that it's nothing bad."
"You're the definition of bad." Woohyun laughed. It's the one thing you're good at!"
"Yeah, yeah. Very funny. Anyway, I have some other business to attend to. I'll let you get some rest. See you tomorrow." Sungkyu's eyes followed Woohyun until he closed the door to his home. He didn't seem to be acting differently. "Hmph. This kid is unbelievable."
Sungkyu took out the key and gazed at it. What did this have to do with the people that he had to kill? Had he wasted almost 10 years of his life just working under some government ruled company to get to where he was now? He sighed and walked away from Woohyun's home. Where had his life gone?

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