I must do it

My Little Bride

Jonghun decided to go to the Hyomin’s apartment. He felt so upset. He hopes his feeling will be gone by meet Hyomin, his lover.

"Do you want a cup of coffee?"

"Yes please," replied Jonghun.

Hyomin was little worried about the current state of Jonghun. Jonghun did not say anything about the problems that he was facing at the moment. But Hyomin tried to wait, until Jonghun want to tell his feeling.

"Chagi, I need to talk with you,"

Hyomin nodded slowly and walked toward Jonghun. She sat right next to Jonghun. Jonghun sighed.

Jonhun confused about how he should start the conversation. He knew, if he could not say that Chae Rim loves him more than a brother. He could not do that.

Hyomin saw  Jonghun's eyes. Hyomin just smiled.

"What if ..  someone that you loves, is  going to leave you forever? "Jonghun ventured to ask. Originally Hyomin was little surprised to hear it, but then she began to understand. She smiled back.

"How if it happened to me?" asked Hyomin. She thought for a moment. Then Jonghun smiled.

"Maybe I'll stop the time for him, so I can be with him forever," said Hyomin. She tried to break the ice between them. But Jonghun was just silent.

"But that's impossible, right? Maybe I'll make him happy at the last moment, "added Hyomin. Jonghun looked Hyomin once again. Hyomin just smiled.

"The best way is to grant what he wants in his life. Maybe I'll do that, "

Jonghun surprised to hear it. He remembered the most desirable of Chae Rim. Yes, married. But ..

He could not do it. Yes, it's crazy. Jonghun loveS Chae Rim? Yes, he does. But he loves her as a sister.

"Are you okay?" Hyomin woke Jonghun up from his daydreaming. Jonghun just smiled. He could not tell this to his girlfriend. Yes, that's impossible.

"Chagi, let me sleep in here tonight. Can I? "

Hyomin nodded softly when she heard it.

# # #

Jonghun remembered what was said by Hyomin. Should he do that at this time Chae Rim?

No. That's not possible. He knew how he loved Chae Rim. Yes, just as a sister. Is it possible that he could do that?

Jonghun entered Chae Rim’s room slowly. He saw Chae Rim was sitting on her bed. Jonghun was a bit nervous to enter that room. But, he wanted to see how Chae Rim’s condition in these days.

Chae Rim was looking towards Jonghun for awhile. She stood up from her bed slowly and tried to walk out of the room toward a little difficult though.

"W-where are you going?" Jonghun walked towards Chae Rim with little worry. He helped Chae Rim to walk. But Chae Rim released Jonghun’S hand on her shoulder. She tried to walk again.

"Can not you stop to act like this? You're going to hurt yourself, "added Jonghun who was still silent in his place. Chae Rim stopped.

"Are not you sick of me?"

"What do you mean?" Jonghun surprised when Chae Rim said. Chae Rim turned and looked at Jonghun. Her lips are really dry. Her face was pale. Some sweat streaming down from her face.

"Tell me if you really hate me, oppa. You're just covering it from me, and it hurts, "added Chae Rim again. Jonghun surprised to hear it. He hates Chae Rim? No. He don’t not hate her. Instead, he is very fond of her.

"I'm the stupidest person ever. I told all my feelings for you. I made you sick because of this, "added Chae Rim. Her eyes were watery. She began to cry for the umpteenth time. Jonghun walked Chae Rim. He tried to hug Chae Rim, but Chae Rim deflected.

"Do not be stupid, oppa! Do not you show any sympathic to me, even though you hate me! "Chae Rim was sobbing again. Her body shook slightly. Her face grew pale. Several times she tried to wipe her tears, but failed.

"Chae Rim!" Jonghun captures Chae Rim’s body swiftly when Chae Rim lost her balance. She had a fever. Once again, her nose was bleeding. Chae Rim lost her consciousness.

Jonghun lifted Chae Rim’s body to her bed. She put Chae Rim there. Then she left the room to call the doctor.

# # #

Chae Rim was unconscious. Her condition worsened now. Chae Rim should be treated in the ICU.
Jonghun felt upset. Then hit the wall of the hospital. Chae Rim will actually leave him and also his parents. He is still not ready for this. Chae Rim, yes Chae Rim. He recently spent more than just a year ago.

Chae Rim, the little girl was. She always followed him every day. And always disturb him. How could he let that little girl?

Jonghun walked towards her mother who was sobbing. Jonghun hugged the old woman. Let her feel calmer.

"Chae Rim’s condition is getting worse. Each month, she will suffer because she have lost a lot of blood. Although we have given the best things for her, we do not know for sure  how long she will be survived,"

Jonghun remembered that.Thed Doctor told him. Why? Why the doctor can not lie on Jonghun also Jonghun’s parents. He hoped the doctor said that Chae Rim is good now, and she will recover soon. But ..

That's impossible.

Now what should he do. This girl is too suffered.

Jonghun wanted to make her happy. Although, only for once. But ..

How could he do that?

Marry her?

"I'm going insane," Jonghun said to himself. He loves Chae Rim just as his sister.

But now Chae Rim needs it.

# # #

Jonghun looked at the window facing toward Chae Rim as yet unconscious on her bed. It's very painful to see Chae Rim with this situation.

Now, what should he do.

"I-I must do it," Jonghun left the hospital corridor and walked away.

Now Jonghun was in his car. He drove to his house. The distance to hospital and his house was not too far away.

He placed on some nurses for Chae Rim. He also asked one of his closest friends to keep Chae Rim there.
Jonghun’s car was in front of his house. He got out from his car and walked toward the house.

"I-I must do it," said Jonghun to himself. He tried to find out where her father and mother are.

"Jonghun-ah? You left Chae Rim alone?, "asked Jonghun’s mom who was preparing a meal which he would bring to the hospital.

Jonghun’s father also looked Jonghun, he surprised. Jonghun looked so  serious. He cwalked towards to his parents.

"There's something that I want to tell," Jonghun said firmly.

# # #

Jonghun, Jonghun’s dad and also his Jonghun’s mom are in the living room in his house now. Jonghun was sitting with her mother. And Jonghun's father sat on the other couch.

"What do you want to say, Jonghun-ah?" Asked the father Jonghun began. Jonghun started staring at him.

His hands were sweaty. His body temperature increased  instantly. He was a little nervous to start the conversation.

"A-Appa, I will marry Chae Rim," said Jonghun. His mother and also his father looked at him with a face that does not believe. They were silent. It was so difficult to digest what Jonghun just said to them.

"A-are you kidding me?" asked Jonghun’s dad who still do not believe what Jonghun said. Jonghun shook his head slowly.

"Please Jonghun tell me that you just told a joke," added Jonghun’s mom who was not believe. Jonghun looked up. He looked at his parents one by one.

"I'm not. I-I love Chae Rim so much. And she loves me a lot. I do not want to lose him. I-I want to marry her now," said Jonghun. His dad's face was a little grimly when he heard it. Jonghun’s dad rose from the couch and walked away from the room.

Jonghun also rose from the couch and walked toward his father.

"Appa," Jonghun said while put his hand on his father's arm.

 Jonghun’s father slapped him hardly, it made a red mark on Jonghun’s cheek.

Jonghun’s mother ran toward them. She pulled Jonghun, trying to protect Jonghun. She sobbed.

"What are you thinking about, huh? You can not do that! Are you going insane? "





[To be Continued]







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Chapter 11: i was not satisfied with the ending. sorry author T.T uhm maybe i was not satisfied because it's an open ending for me
heart_chansung #2
Chapter 11: Aww..so sad :'(
Hello, your poster is ready for pick up ^_^
ButterflyShida #4
Chapter 11: So sad... i'm crying right now... Your story have finish but the poster doesn't finish... I don't know why... sorry.. unni. T_T
The true love will appear when we're unconscious.
ButterflyShida #5
Chapter 10: wah!!! Jonghun and Chaerim are meant to be together
Chapter 10: hahahaha a lovely story ^^
hope you can update regularly hihihi
SNSFlower #7
Chapter 9: At last they get married.
ButterflyShida #8
Chapter 9: Yay!!! Jonghun married to Chaerim... So romantic... Update soon unni!
Chapter 8: hahahaha so sweet...
please update soon^^
angel_melody #10
Chapter 8: Update soon^^