
Russian Roulette


Ken groans in frustration as he scrubs at the drying blood furiously with a large cleaning brush, his arms beginning to ache and throb with every movement. He pauses for a moment to wipe away a bead of sweat from his forehead and rubbing his sleep deprived eyes. He lets out an exasperated sigh before returning to the stain. After another 20 minutes of fierce scrubbing he pauses again, letting out a loud yawn.

“It’s not even coming out,” He mutters to himself as he throws the brush down angrily.

“Do you want a hand?” A voice behind him calls. He jumps abruptly in surprise before spinning around.

“N Hyung?” Ken replies softly, the dim lighting making it difficult to recognise his face.

He is greeted with a warm smile, “Well? Do you want any help?”

Ken nods shyly as N kneels beside him, picking up the brush the Ken had previously thrown. He begins to slowly scrub at the crimson stain, Ken simply watches him.

After a few minutes N turns his head, looking up at Ken, “Would you mind getting me a bowl of hot water and soap?”

Ken briskly nods before pushing himself up off the floor and walking towards the kitchen. He quickly returns carrying a large metal bowl; he carefully places it beside N who looks up, giving him a small smile. Ken lies down beside him, curling up into a ball as he watches N work. As he lays there he feels his eyelids becoming heavy and he slowly gives into the temptation of sleep.


N sighs in relief as he pushes himself back, inspecting the stain which is now non-existent. He turns his head, looking back at Ken who is curled up in a ball, lightly snoring.

He looks so peaceful, I hate to see him in pain. If only I could undo what happened. I’m the leader, I should have protected them; I failed. There’s nothing left to do, I have to prevent things from getting any worse. I will protect them till my last breath.

He gently smiles at him before bending down beside him, brushing a misplaced hair from Ken’s forehead. He gently places a hand under his knees and the other under his back. In one sudden movement he lifts Ken up, quickly placing him on the nearby couch. Ken remains fast asleep as N tosses a blanket over him before turning off the light and returning to his room.


“What was the name?”

“Lee Hongbin,” N replies into the receiver of the phone. The others gaze up at him from the couch, listening intently into the conversation.

“And how long has he been missing for?” His deep voice asks through the speakerphone, echoing through the room.

“A bit over 24 hours.”

Okay, we will be setting up a search for him in the next hour or so.”

“Okay, kamsamnida,” N replies politely before hanging up and putting the phone down beside him on the counter top.

He looks up at the others with a small smile, “See problem solved.”

“What if they find the body?” Hyuk asks softly.

“They won’t don’t worry,” Ravi said as he rubbed his back comfortingly but his hand is quickly slapped away. 

Hyuk stands up and begins to pace the room nervously, “They’re going to do a search! They’ll find him; they’ll know it was us!”

As Hyuk paces the room he walks past Ken who grabs onto his sleeve, “Calm down, we can fix this.”

Hyuk pulls his arm away violently; stumbling a little as he steps back. He bites back the tears that are threatening to spill, “How? We killed him! There’s nothing we can do! They’ll find us!”

“Stop Hyuk, it’ll be fine,” Ken replies with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

“How will it be fine Ken! Tell me! I’d love to hear it!” Hyuk cries out, his tears beginning to flow, he quickly wipes them away with his sleeve, “It’s never going to end until we’re caught and punished. We’re gon-“

“Hyuk, shut up!” N snaps sharply, interrupting his hysterical rant. N didn’t often yell, so when it happened the others couldn’t help but look at him in surprise.

“N?” Ravi asks looking up at him curiously, “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” he snaps again before leaving the room, entering his bedroom and slamming the door loudly behind him.

Ravi exhales loudly, burying his head into his hands. Leo looks around awkwardly, avoiding eye contact before slowly standing up and leaving for his own room. Ken lifts himself off the couch and walks closer to Hyuk. He grips onto his shirt tightly, pulling him closer until their noses are only inches apart, “You better not tell anyone, got it?” Ken growls angrily before releasing his grip and pushing Hyuk back.

Hyuk gives a quick, timid nod before running off into his room. Ravi slowly lifts his head up as Ken turns to him.

“You didn’t have to be so threatening. He isn’t going to tell anyone,” Ravi mutters.

“I know but things have changed, we need to be more careful.”

Ravi nods with a small grimace before he leaves the room, leaving Ken alone with his thoughts.

Yay! Chapter 2 is done! Thankyou for all the awesome comments! The more I write, the more the story strays from my original ideas haha. I should be posting the 3rd chapter in a day or two....if I don't have too much school work -_- stupid school work. Well anywho, thankyou! Please comment and subscribe!


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The last chapter should be up in an hour or so!


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vixxcha #1
Chapter 14: woahh...this is so amazing..everybody is insane especially hakyeon..and poor hongbin tho,
tq for the story authornim ^_^
Chapter 14: From the beginning up until the end....omg. I loved it.
I was like: oh no author-nim just don't kill them-oh god why?! and then at the end....
My heart is now completely broken....... TT____________TT

BUT STILL AUTHOR-NIM I LOVE YOUR STORY <3 N's character is just... woah. It really suits him xD
KimHanAh #3
I actually didn't get the ending XD poor myself :v
Angel-princess #4
Chapter 1: Did you just KILL HONGBINNIE. He is my bias. How dare you!!!!!!
Chapter 14: Gosh! I felt so helpless with all this situation! OMG! BUT THE END WAS PRICELESS! WHAT LEO DID WAS AWESOME! (I kinda like twisted stories, so I loved the end) And is soooo in awesome how all this match their last song "Voodoo Doll" LOOOVEEEED IT! (although may be a bit of other couples would be nice). AWEEEESOME!
hsh0795 #6
Chapter 14: Wow, I'm so happy to find a murder Vixx story, it was incredible and the final was unexpected but great, I'm not used to ship N and Ken but N was so mean and devil, a new side of him to me, and Leo in the end, wow just an odd dead, the poor Hyuk he can't stand the situation and Wonshik, Wonshik was just another victim like Hongbin, everything went wrong with them!!
Chapter 14: What did I just read? it made me go insane. So sad, yet so good. I cant describe my feeling right now. /sob/