Truly Heartless

Russian Roulette



Hyuk lies on his bed, curling up on his side, quietly sobbing. He is completely oblivious to the figure standing in the doorway. The figure watches him for a few minutes before moving closer, taking a seat next to him on the bed. Hyuk jumps as he feels a hand on his back.

“Leo Hyung?” Hyuk mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

“Are you okay?” Leo asks worryingly. He leans in to hug him but hesitates and leans back against the wall. Hyuk gives a small smile before wrapping his arms around Leo’s waist, burying his head into his chest. Leo wraps his arms around Hyuk’s shoulders, pulling him closer.

“It’ll be fine, there’s no evidence that it was us,” Leo whispers as he Hyuk’s shoulder.

“But they’ll find out eventually, no one ever gets away with things like this,” Hyuk cries softly, his tears beginning to saturate a part of Leo’s shirt.

“Don’t stress, nothing will happen. It will be okay.”

Hyuk doesn’t reply and just continues sobbing. Hyuk eventually falls asleep in Leo’s arms, Leo still his shoulder. Leo slowly releases his hold on him, and pushes him down on the bed, pulling the blanket over him. He lifts himself up off of the bed, leaving the room, gently closing the door behind him.


“They’ll be a whole investigation right?” Ravi asks cautiously.

He is met with nods from Ken and N. Ken slowly glances at the table where the gun still sits, he points at it before speaking “We really need to do something with that.”

“Huh?” N asks looking over in the direction of Ken’s point, quickly spotting the gun, “Hide it I guess.”


N pauses for a moment before standing up. He walks over to the table, picking up the gun.

“What are you doing?” Ravi asks, staring at him with intense curiosity.

N ignores him and walks into the living room, towards the window. Ravi begins following N, still watching him.

“You’re gonna just throw it out the window?” Ken asks following behind Ravi.

N shakes his head slightly and kneels down in one of the corners of the room. He pushes his fingers into the gap between the skirting board and the carpet, moving his finger under it. After a moment he pulls the carpet up a little, pulling a part of it back, revealing a small gap in the floor boards. N looks at the gun one last time before gently lowering it into the hole. He quickly pushes the carpet back, smoothing it over.

“See, problem solved,” N says energetically, flashing the other two a large smile.

“How did you know that was there?” Ravi asks, cocking his head to the side.

“It’s a secret,” N chuckles lightly before returning to his room.

Ravi and Ken exchange a worried look. Ravi smirks, shrugging his shoulder leaving the room. He is suddenly stopped by a tight grip on his forearm. He snaps his head around to see Ken staring at him with a fierce look. Ravi stares at him as Ken releases his grip, pushing past him entering his room. He reappears in the doorway, motioning for Ravi to follow him. Ravi lets out a small nervous laugh before following him into the room, shutting the door behind him.

“There’s something wrong with him,” Ken states frankly before Ravi has a chance to sit down.

“Huh?” Ravi asks as he takes a seat on an office chair beside the desk.

“He’s changed, there’s something wrong with him.”

“None of us are, death isn’t an easy thing.”

“I know but…” Ken pauses for a moment in search of the right words, “He isn’t taking it the way a normal person would.”

“What do you mean?”

“He seems a little to calm about it. I mean, Hyuk’s hysterical, you’re angry and Leo’s stressed as well, but N seems a little too comfortable with the situation.”

Ravi gives a small nod, “Yeah I guess you’re right but death affects people in different way. So what if his way of coping is a little…” He pauses, “Abnormal.”

Ken bites his cheek, trying to supress a chuckle, “I guess.”

“So what do you think happens now?”

“No idea, someone is going to end up losing it. I just hope that they’ll be no more drama.”

“I’m really worried about Hyuk, he doesn’t seem to be handling the whole situation so well.”

“I’m sure he’s fine, that’s a normal reaction to death,” Ken shrugs.

“’I’m not so sure”

“What’s done is done; all that we can do is minimise the damage.”

Ravi grimaces, “True.”

Somehow I know this is not the end, there is much more to come. This won’t simply die down as well as N says. This is murder, not something to be taken so lightly. Whatever future awaits us, I know that we deserve it for our sins. This is our final punishment.


 They are all gathered at the table, quietly picking at their food. Not a word spoken. The silence gave the dorm an eerie feel.  This silence is broken when Leo’s head instantly snaps up.

“Hold on…” Leo mumbles, “He was the one that pulled the trigger, technically it was suicide. We’re innocent!”

“Of course!” Hyuk pipes up, a large smile forming.

The other began to laugh and sigh in relief, all except for N who simply scoffs at their stupidity, “Yeah because hiding a body is definitely innocent.”

“And whose idea was that?” Ravi retorts angrily.

“Personally this outcome is more entertaining,” N smiles with a sickly sweetness.

Ken stares at him in disgust, “How could you be so heartless?”

N’s facial expression quickly changes at this remark; pain and hurt clearly evident in his eyes. N rises from his seat, fighting back his tears that are threatening to spill but he’s determined to not let the others see him in a state of weakness. 

“N!” Ken calls out as N leaves the dorm, slamming the door angrily behind him.

Ken sighs in frustration, “Well I definitely messed that one up.”

He is greeted with faint nods from the others. He sighs once again before rising from his seat, leaving the dorm in search of N.

“N! Wait!” Ken calls out as he catches up to N, grabbing onto his arm.

N turns and glares at him angrily, “What do you want?”

“I’m sorry okay, I didn’t mean it.”

“Don’t lie to me,” N snarls as he pulls away from Ken, “Every word you said is true isn’t it? Am I really that heartless?”

“No it’s not, I didn’t mean what I said,” Ken said softly as he brushed a tear from N’s cheek.

“How can I believe you?” N asks softly, turning his head away.

Ken grasps N’s chin, pulling him closer to him until N could smell the faint mint scent in his breath.

“I promise I will never lie to you,” Ken says seriously.

N moves closer, closing the gap between them. He gently pushes his lips against Ken’s. Ken freezes in shock, unable to fathom this new feeling. N raises his hand to gently caress his cheek. After a moment N slowly pulls away, allowing Ken to regain his composure.

“Thankyou Dongsaeng,” N whispers with a small smile before walking back down the hall, entering the dorm once again.

Ken leans against the wall, slowly sliding down till he slumps to the floor, burying his head into his arms. He begins to sob quietly, his tears flowing freely. 



Chapter 3 done!! I was gonna post this a couple of days ago but our internet modem kinda got struck by lightnight (what are the chances eh?) haha so I had to wait a while...IT WAS HORRIBLE!! NO INTERNET FOR 3 DAYS!! I MISSED YOU ALL!!!

I originally wasn't gonna have any couples just happened ^.^ I'm hoping I won't get any hate for it.... Anywho, I'm quite happy with it, it's cute! Thanks for all the comments, they all made me smile <3 Saranghae!

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The last chapter should be up in an hour or so!


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vixxcha #1
Chapter 14: woahh...this is so amazing..everybody is insane especially hakyeon..and poor hongbin tho,
tq for the story authornim ^_^
Chapter 14: From the beginning up until the end....omg. I loved it.
I was like: oh no author-nim just don't kill them-oh god why?! and then at the end....
My heart is now completely broken....... TT____________TT

BUT STILL AUTHOR-NIM I LOVE YOUR STORY <3 N's character is just... woah. It really suits him xD
KimHanAh #3
I actually didn't get the ending XD poor myself :v
Angel-princess #4
Chapter 1: Did you just KILL HONGBINNIE. He is my bias. How dare you!!!!!!
Chapter 14: Gosh! I felt so helpless with all this situation! OMG! BUT THE END WAS PRICELESS! WHAT LEO DID WAS AWESOME! (I kinda like twisted stories, so I loved the end) And is soooo in awesome how all this match their last song "Voodoo Doll" LOOOVEEEED IT! (although may be a bit of other couples would be nice). AWEEEESOME!
hsh0795 #6
Chapter 14: Wow, I'm so happy to find a murder Vixx story, it was incredible and the final was unexpected but great, I'm not used to ship N and Ken but N was so mean and devil, a new side of him to me, and Leo in the end, wow just an odd dead, the poor Hyuk he can't stand the situation and Wonshik, Wonshik was just another victim like Hongbin, everything went wrong with them!!
Chapter 14: What did I just read? it made me go insane. So sad, yet so good. I cant describe my feeling right now. /sob/