Desperate Measures

Russian Roulette


A number of weeks have passed and the boys have become more paranoid than ever. N still hadn’t returned and there was absolutely no sign of him. The others were beginning to doubt that he would return. The police have been showing up more often, their questions becoming more and more persistent. The police were simply waiting for one of them to break down and confess. Unfortunately for them, that time was yet to come.


“Do you think this is the right time to get rid of the gun?” Ken questions one afternoon while they were all seated on the couch, watching children’s cartoons on the television.

Leo shrugs, “No time like the present.”

“Where is it?”

Leo rises from his seat. He walks to the corner of the room and digs his fingers under the carpet, revealing the secret compartment. He lowers his hand into the gap and searches for the gun.

“Hurry up,” Ken calls impatiently.

Leo mutters something inaudibly in response.


“I can’t find it, it’s gone.”

“Where is it then?!” Ravi panics.

“How am I supposed to know?” Leo spits angrily.

“You have got to be kidding me! What are we supposed to do now? Maybe the police have it by now!” Ravi cries as he stands and begins to pace the room nervously.

“Ravi calm down,” Ken groans, “Did either of you move it?”

Leo and Ravi both shake their heads.

“Well maybe N or Hyuk moved it, I’m sure it’s fine,” Ken says reassuringly.

“Even if they did, we don’t know where it is now. We can’t be sure that no one will find it if we don’t,” Ravi says before sighing heavily.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find it,” Leo replies as he lays a hand supportively on Ravi’s shoulder.


The three of them spend the next few hours desperately searching the dorm and after 2 hours their patience was wearing thin. The longer they searched the more anxious Ravi became.

“We can’t find it! It’s gone!” Ravi cries once again before knocking some items off the bench in frustration.

“Ravi, stop! It’s fine,” Ken groans, the thought of smacking him over the head was becoming increasingly tempting.

“Enough is enough, we didn’t ever really think that we would get away with this, did we? We shouldn’t have started this pathetic game to begin with. We killed Hongbin, there’s no way of avoiding it. We need to pay the price for the crime and take the punishment, whatever it may be.”

“Things may seem bad now but they will improve. Just calm down and try to think rationally,” Leo sighs.

“No, this is enough, I’m done. I’m going to go confess to the police, this has gone too far. I’m sorry but this is the only way,” Ravi says as he walks to the coat rack beside the door and pulls on a dark grey overcoat, “Will you come with me?”

A voice behind him causes him to suddenly freeze, “They’re not going anywhere and neither are you.”

“N...” Leo mumbles.

“Where have you been this whole time? Do you have any idea how worried we were and how much we needed you?” Ken scolds angrily.

N simply ignores him and watches Ravi, waiting intently for his next action.

“You’re not going to stop me. I’m finishing this once and for all,” Ravi states firmly.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” N mumbles as he pulls the lost gun from the pocket of his black winter jacket.

“You took that before you left didn’t you?”

N gives a faint nod before lifting the gun up, pointing it a Ravi’s chest.

“You won’t actually do it, I know you won’t,” Ravi smirks.

“I just might, it all depends on you.”

Ravi scoffs before turning and pulling the door open, he freezes in his place one again when he hears N flick over the trigger with his fingernail.

“Do it then,” Ravi mutters, his back still turned to him.

“Be careful what you wish for....” N mumbles before pulling the trigger. A loud bang erupts from the gun, echoing throughout the door as Ravi slumps to the ground. His blood flowing steadily from the bullet wound in his back.

“What the N!!” Leo cries as he pushes past him to attend to Ravi.

“What have you done?” Ken whispers, looking up to N, disappointment clearly visible in his eyes.

“I simply did what was necessary, nothing more.”

I'm sorry Ravi..... I hope you like this chapter, I did rush it a little so I'm not so sure about it..... Thankyou for all the support! Please comment, subscribe and vote! <3

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The last chapter should be up in an hour or so!


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vixxcha #1
Chapter 14: woahh...this is so amazing..everybody is insane especially hakyeon..and poor hongbin tho,
tq for the story authornim ^_^
Chapter 14: From the beginning up until the end....omg. I loved it.
I was like: oh no author-nim just don't kill them-oh god why?! and then at the end....
My heart is now completely broken....... TT____________TT

BUT STILL AUTHOR-NIM I LOVE YOUR STORY <3 N's character is just... woah. It really suits him xD
KimHanAh #3
I actually didn't get the ending XD poor myself :v
Angel-princess #4
Chapter 1: Did you just KILL HONGBINNIE. He is my bias. How dare you!!!!!!
Chapter 14: Gosh! I felt so helpless with all this situation! OMG! BUT THE END WAS PRICELESS! WHAT LEO DID WAS AWESOME! (I kinda like twisted stories, so I loved the end) And is soooo in awesome how all this match their last song "Voodoo Doll" LOOOVEEEED IT! (although may be a bit of other couples would be nice). AWEEEESOME!
hsh0795 #6
Chapter 14: Wow, I'm so happy to find a murder Vixx story, it was incredible and the final was unexpected but great, I'm not used to ship N and Ken but N was so mean and devil, a new side of him to me, and Leo in the end, wow just an odd dead, the poor Hyuk he can't stand the situation and Wonshik, Wonshik was just another victim like Hongbin, everything went wrong with them!!
Chapter 14: What did I just read? it made me go insane. So sad, yet so good. I cant describe my feeling right now. /sob/