At All Costs

Russian Roulette


“You….can’t be serious,” Ravi stutters, his eyes glued to the small hand gun held in Ken’s hand.

“Don’t be a , there aren’t any actual bullets in it, just blanks,” Ken smiles as he lifts the gun up, pointing it a Ravi’s forehead. Ravi’s eyes widen in surprise and he begins to twitch nervously.

“Put it down,” Leo says as he gently pushes Ken’s arm down, letting it fall limply to his side.

“What was the game again?” Hongbin asks, his curiosity overpowering his fear.

“It’s called Russian Roulette, basically what happens is one bullet is put into the gun, in this case it’s a blank. Then the cylinder is spun so we don’t know which chamber the bullet is in. Then we take turns pulling the trigger against our heads. Whoever gets shot loses.” Ken states simply.

Ken slowly looks at them, their facially expressions varying from curiosity, to excitement, to pure fear.

“So are you guys in?” Ken asks with a small, sweet smile.

The others hesitate for a moment and slowly nod.

“No real bullets right?” N asks.

Ken shakes his head briskly, “Nope but to make it interesting, let’s make a little bet,” He pauses for a moment, lost in thought, “Ahhh! Got one, whoever loses has to cook breakfast for everyone for a week. Sound good?”

The others ponder for a moment, eventually smiling and nodding in approval.

Ken sits down at the wooden table beside Hyuk, who still seems to be relatively nervous.

“I’ll go first!” Ken calls cheerfully, hoping to lighten the mood.

Ken holds the gun up against his temple, looks at the others one by one and slowly begins to pull the trigger. He sighs in relief when the gun makes a small click, no bullet. He turns to Hyuk, offering the gun to him. Hyuk stares at it, too afraid to touch it.

“Just take it,” Ken groans impatiently as he shoves the gun into Hyuk’s hand.

Hyuk looks at it for a moment and then at the others, hoping that someone will stop this game. He swallows nervously, a lump beginning to form in his throat. He slowly lifts the gun up to his head, pressing it against his temple. The cold chill from the metal, only causes Hyuk to become more hesitant. He breathes in sharply as he pulls the trigger. Another small click, he was safe.

“Thank god…” Hyuk mutters inaudibly.

Hyuk looks away as he hands the gun to Leo, who is sitting on his left. Leo sighs lifts the gun to his head and without any hesitation whatsoever, quickly pulls the trigger, flinching when he hears the small click. Safe, Leo thinks to himself.

Leo lowers the gun and hands it to Ravi, on his left. He looks as him carefully, “Are you okay.”

Ravi sighs and nods, “Yeah.”

Ken groans in annoyance, “Don’t be a , it’s a blank it can’t kill you.”

Ravi throws an angry look at him as he lifts the gun up to his head. He closes his eyes and slowly pulls the trigger, scared for what is to come. The small click echoes through the room and Ravi slowly opens his eyes. A sense of relief washes over him. He hands the gun to Hongbin who smiles gently at him, successfully suppressing his fear. Hongbin holds the gun tightly in his hand, looking around the room at each of them.

“So….It’s either N or me,” Hongbin lets out a small laugh, attempting to lighten the mood, “I really don’t want to cook.”

He holds the gun up to his head, smiling gently. He takes in a deep breath, “Hana, dul, set.” He counts slowly before pulling the trigger. Time seems to freeze as a loud bang echoes through the room. The gun drops from his grip and clatters loudly as it falls to the floor. Hongbin slips off his chair and drops to the floor, blood steadily flowing from the wound in his head.

“Hongbin!” Hyuk cries out as he stands up and rushes over to him, His chair clattering to the floor. He grabs hold of Hongbin, placing his head gently into his lap. Inspecting the fatal wound. N and Leo rush to his side, dropping to their knees. Ken abruptly stands up from his chair, unable to fully comprehend the situation.

“What did you do?! You said it was a blank!” Ravi yells angrily as he kicks his chair over in pure rage.

“I..I tho..thought it was,” Ken stutters, tears beginning to stain his cheeks.

The others are now crowded around Hongbin’s body, all clinging to him, sobbing. Ken begins to shake and his legs give way. He falls to the ground with a thud. The others ignore him, preoccupied by Hongbin’s pale corpse.

“Wh..What are we going to do?” Leo stutters, looking up at N.

N furrows his brows, looking down at Hongbin.

What can we do? Call the police? Ken would get locked up for sure, and the rest of us might get in trouble too. Are we meant to hide the body and pretend it never happened? I really can’t handle this, I know I’m the leader and I’m meant to take care of everyone and take responsibility for everything but this is really too much.

N slowly shrugs his shoulders, no resolution.

“Why can’t we just call the police?” Hyuk whimpers.

Ravi shakes his head briskly, “Ken will get charged for murder.”

Ken looks up in shock, shaking his head in denial, “No..It…It was an accident I swear!” Ken cries out.

N walks over to him and kneels beside him, taking his hand in his own, “We won’t let that happen, we can’t let that happen. We just lost one of us; we aren’t going to lose another. We can fix this, everything will be okay.”

“How are we meant to fix this?!” Ravi yells in frustration.

N pauses for a moment, deep in thought. They each turn to look at him expectantly, their hopes lying in their Hyung’s hands.

“We are going to hide the body,” N states calmly.

There is a short silence, each of them looking at him in disbelief.

“What?” Leo mutters in confusion.

N sighs, “You heard me, we’re going to hide the body.” He looks at each of them, registering the various facial expressions before he continues to speak, “We must protect each other, at all costs.”

Hyuk stares down at the limp body in his arms, brushing a strand of hair out of Hongbin’s face.

At all costs? Isn’t this a bit much?

“How are we going to hide him?” He whimpers as he brushes away one of his tears that fell onto Hongbin’s cheek.

There is a long silence, each of them deep in thought, thinking of various solutions, each of them becoming more and more unrealistic. A few minutes pass and they begin to become frustrated with their lack of ideas and inspiration.

“No matter where we hide him, the police are going to find him,” Ravi growls.

No one responds, ignoring his negative comment. The room falls into silence once again, the only sounds are the soft whistle of each of them breathing and the occasional sniffle.

“….The Han river….” Ken mutters inaudibly.

“We can hide him in the Han river,” Ken states, louder this time. Each of them pulled from their thoughts, looking up at him.

“You mean just throw him in and walk away?” Leo questions.

There is a short silence which is soon interrupted by N, “There’s nothing else left to do.”

He slowly stands up and wanders over to one of the cupboards, violently flinging the door open. He pulls out a large black rug and drags it back over to the others, leaving the cupboard open. He approaches Hongbin’s lifeless body, half heatedly pushing Hyuk out of his way. Hyuk Hongbin’s cheek one last time before shuffling back, leaving N beside the body. Hyuk curls up into a ball, burying his head into his knees. He jumps as he feels arms wrapping around his waist, pulling him back. He looks up to see Ken holding him tightly, resting his chin on Hyuk’s head. Tears rolling down his cheeks, disappearing into Hyuk’s hair. Hyuk grabs onto Ken’s arms pulling him closer, turning his head, burying his face into Ken’s chest.

N spreads the rug out onto the floor, straightening it out. N wordlessly motions Leo over to help move the body. Together they lift Hongbin up, Leo holding his legs and N holding his arms. As he is lifted up, the flow of blood from the wound becomes more rapid, covering N’s feet in the warm thick liquid. Together they carry him over to the rug, laying him down on one of the edges. N lifts up the edge, beside Hongbin’s body and begins to roll the rug up, pushing the body along with the rug. Once he has tucked in the corners, he steps back, inspecting his work.

“How are we supposed to get him out without anyone noticing?” Ravi questions worryingly.

N flicks his wrist, looking at his watch, “Well it’s 2:07am, I don’t think there will be many people.”

Ravi sighs in defeat, his somewhat subtle attempts of stopping this, failing yet again.

“Who’s gonna carry him?” Ken asks quietly.

Each of them slowly turn their head to look up at Ravi who glares back at them, “Why me?!”

N smirks, “You don’t work out all the time for nothing do you?”

Ravi rolls his eyes in annoyance and he squats down beside the rolled up rug and in one quick movement, lifts up the bundle and throws it over his shoulder, using his hand to support it.

Ravi sighs, looking up at the door, “So…Are we going to go?”

Ken releases Hyuk from his grip, offering him his hand to help him stand up. They all wander out of the dorm in complete silence, Hongbin’s body still hanging limply over Ravi’s shoulder. N and Leo lead the way, watching out for people.

“All clear,” N whispers, beckoning for Ravi to follow him. They move quickly through the building in search of an exit.

“Stairs or elevator?” Ken questions when they reach the elevator, a door leading to the fire escape stair to the right.

“Stairs, less people,” Hyuk mutters. The others nod as Leo pushes the door open. They hurry down the stairs, Ravi further back walking slower. His arms are beginning to ache and feels as if they will give way any moment.

“Hurry up Ravi!” N calls from the bottom of the stairs, staring up at him.

“You try and carry him then!” Ravi growls in frustration as he continues to slowly step down the stairs.

N scoffs as he pushes the door at the bottom of the stairs, leading out into the cold city night. He walks through the door, holding it open for the others. Ravi hesitates as he stands before the door, raising an eyebrow at the leader.

“Don’t worry, no one is out there,” N replies softly with a small grimace.

Ravi gives a small nod before slowly pushes through the door, walking out onto the street. The 5 minute walk to their destination passed very slowly. Surprisingly none of the public question the black rug hung over Ravi’s shoulder. After what seemed to them like hours they arrived at the water edge.

“So we just throw him in?” Hyuk whimpers, his tears threatening to spill once again.

Ken lets out an exasperated sigh, “I guess so.”

Ravi wades through the water until it reaches his upper thighs, the cold water chilling him to the bone. He begins to shiver violently as he kneels down, lifting the weight off his shoulder. He slowly drops the rug into the water and lightly pushes it, allowing the rapid to take it. Ravi stands back up and watches the rug glide slowly sinks to the bottom, the current slowly dragging it away. He sniffles, biting back his tears as he turns to the others.

Hyuk lays on the ground sobbing uncontrollable as N his back comfortingly. Leo stands straight, his face buried into his hand. Ken stands, staring up at the sky, his legs beginning the shake underneath him, his knees give way and he collapses onto the rocks, his tears rapidly spilling down his face.

“I can’t believe I killed him,” Ken whimpers as he begins to beat his fists into the rock. He continues pounding his fists into the rock, blood beginning to seep from the wounds, dripping down his arm. As he brings his fist down once again, he feels a tight grip around his wrist. He slowly looks up to see Leo holding his wrist and looks down at him, his cheeks stained with tears.

“It wasn’t your fault, everyone here is to blame,” He mutters almost inaudibly.

“It was my idea, my gun, my bullets, therefor my fault!” Ken cries, violently pulling his arm from Leo’s grip.

“We hid the body; doesn’t that make us equally responsible?” Leo says slowly as he grabs onto Ken’s arm again and quickly pulls him to his feet. Ken begins to wobble, losing his balance. Leo grabs onto his shoulder to steady him. After a moment Ken lightly pushes Leo’s hand away. Ken brushes away his tears with his sleeve and walks up the bank, waiting at the top for the others who quickly follow behind him.

The walk back to the dorm is, yet again, spent in complete silence. The only sounds are the city traffic passing by.

Ravi sighs gently before humming a tune softly. Ken turn back, throwing him an angry look, he immediately stops and again the silence continues.

They enter the dorm; Hyuk gently closes the door behind him. They each return to their seats at the table, glancing at the now empty chair.

“So what happens now?” Ravi asks, brushing a few strands out hair out of his face.

“Do we report him missing?” Hyuk questions.

N gently shakes his head, “Maybe tomorrow.”

Leo glances down at the large pool of blood beside the empty chair, his eyebrows furrow in thought, “Who’s going to clean that up?”

They look up at Ken who glares back at them in annoyance, “Really?” He groans, rolling his eyes.

Ravi, Leo, N and Hyuk wordlessly prepare to go to bed, retreating to their rooms, leaving Ken to clean up the blood.

6 subscriber already with just a preview? Saranghae!!

I think this song really suits the story ^.^

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The last chapter should be up in an hour or so!


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vixxcha #1
Chapter 14: woahh...this is so amazing..everybody is insane especially hakyeon..and poor hongbin tho,
tq for the story authornim ^_^
Chapter 14: From the beginning up until the end....omg. I loved it.
I was like: oh no author-nim just don't kill them-oh god why?! and then at the end....
My heart is now completely broken....... TT____________TT

BUT STILL AUTHOR-NIM I LOVE YOUR STORY <3 N's character is just... woah. It really suits him xD
KimHanAh #3
I actually didn't get the ending XD poor myself :v
Angel-princess #4
Chapter 1: Did you just KILL HONGBINNIE. He is my bias. How dare you!!!!!!
Chapter 14: Gosh! I felt so helpless with all this situation! OMG! BUT THE END WAS PRICELESS! WHAT LEO DID WAS AWESOME! (I kinda like twisted stories, so I loved the end) And is soooo in awesome how all this match their last song "Voodoo Doll" LOOOVEEEED IT! (although may be a bit of other couples would be nice). AWEEEESOME!
hsh0795 #6
Chapter 14: Wow, I'm so happy to find a murder Vixx story, it was incredible and the final was unexpected but great, I'm not used to ship N and Ken but N was so mean and devil, a new side of him to me, and Leo in the end, wow just an odd dead, the poor Hyuk he can't stand the situation and Wonshik, Wonshik was just another victim like Hongbin, everything went wrong with them!!
Chapter 14: What did I just read? it made me go insane. So sad, yet so good. I cant describe my feeling right now. /sob/