A week too long

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Kris' POV

I stared at my boss as if the man had just committed a crime. “I have to what?” I practically spat out at him.

“Go on a week long business trip.” My boss repeated.

“But my wife-”

“Is pregnant, I know.” He cut me off and said. “That's why you'll only be gone for a week.”


“She'll be fine, I'm sure.” He positively replied. If the guy wasn't my boss I'd probably punch his face for separating me from my wife and interrupting me so many times.


Changmin, who heard the whole conversation, stepped in to help, “Does he have to go? Can't I choose someone else to go with me?” Even if his younger sister didn't live with him anymore, that didn't mean he didn't stop worrying about her. And he too thought his boss was insane for wanting to send his brother in law away for a whole week while his younger sister was pregnant. With twins!

“You two are my best duo. I need you two together to get the job done.” Our boss shook his head, not persuaded at all by our protests and reasoning. “When you get home today, you better start packing. You two will be leaving in two days.” With that last comment, he walked away, not wanting to listen to any of our complaints any more. I dropped down in my office chair and released a frustrated groan. I was never happy when I had to go on business trips and leave ~~~ by herself at home. It was great when she would at times accompany me but she usually preferred to stay in the comforts of our home.

“Why don't you bring her along?” Changmin suggested, looking down at my troubled form.

“I don't think staying at a hotel is the right environment for a pregnant woman.” I answered with a sigh and ran a hand through my hair. “~~~ will be much more comfortable at our house.”

He nodded in agreement. “Cheer up Kris.” Changmin attempted to comfort me. “My sister will be fine, she's a strong girl.”

“I know but that doesn't mean I want to leave her.” I voiced, already troubled at how I was going to break the news to her at dinner. “She's pregnant and needs all my attention.”

Changmin chuckled and clapped my back, “I'm glad I left my sister in your hands.”


I dropped my head into my hands and released another groan. I can't concentrate on any of my work anymore, not when my mind was playing wild scenarios of what might happen to ~~~ while she was alone. Out of all the workers here, why do I, the one with a currently pregnant wife, had to leave for a whole week? Why couldn't the other single guys go? I yanked out my phone from my pocket and unlocked it, ~~~'s smiling face coming to view. Even if ~~~ was still her independent self, I've notice that since she has become pregnant that she has been more needy. Not that I minded or anything, in fact I loved it but she's been needing me a lot more then she has ever had before. I'd just hate to see her disappointed face when she finds out about the news. 


I entered my house that evening with a distracted mind. I know ~~~ wasn't going to over react or anything but that didn't make telling her any easier. I walked into the living room and didn't see her so I quietly walked into the kitchen, finding her standing in front of the stove, stirring something in a pot. 

~~~ turned around with an asparagus end , her eyes lighting up when she saw me, “Oppa!” She shuffled towards me and threw her arms around my waist, “Did you just get back now? I didn't even hear the door open.”

My face scrunched up in amusement, momentarily forgetting about my earlier problems, “Sweetie, you aren't suppose to eat the ends of the asparagus.”

“The taste good though.” She muttered with a full mouth.

“Can you even chew it down?” I asked, finding her actions to be adorable.

“Kinda.” She answered. 

I frowned and bent down a bit to match her height, “Spit it out.” She shook her head and continued trying to chew down the asparagus ends. “Come on, it might ruin your teeth. Ah.” I gently urged.

“No.” She said.

“Do I have to do it the hard way?” I warned. Her eyes widened in alarm, knowing what it was that I was going to do. She yelped whe

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MrsDuckbutt #1
Chapter 27: I superlove this fanfic!! I just wished you named OC.. I get confused when i see her name ~~~! Heheh
Superlove the fluff!!
it's a cute n fluffy story,i loved it..
n kris is such a protective n a romantic husband..^^
stephanie1138 #3
As awesome as unexpected love!!!! Lovvveee iitttt
Jicandy #4
Chapter 21: sheeeeeet. congrats for kris btw
ReinaPark #5
Chapter 27: It's so cute... I love it
Good job author nim
Freespirited_drummer #6
Chapter 27: They are so cute as family! Thank you for writing such wonderful story, author-nim!
ayamimi #7
hhhhh very funny
sharonsky #8
Chapter 27: Yay what a cute ending
Chapter 23: Cute story !!!
liting97 #10
Chapter 1: Hii I love this story its great♡ I was wondering if I can repost this story and give you credit?