
The Blind Kid

It was a Friday. Taemin was coming back from the copy room when he saw 2 familiar figures standing by Minho’s doorway waiting for him.


“What are you guys doing here?”


“We’re going to a party. Thought we’d come by and bust you out,” Onew joked. They had heard about Taemin’s sentencing.


“Thanks, but no.” Taemin smiled. “Thought I’d hang out with Minho hyung some more.”


“Oh that’s right, I forgot.” Onew smiled evilly, tucking his skateboard under his arm. “Taeminnie has a boyfriend he dedicates all of his precious time to now. What was his name again? Minhyuk?”


“It’s Minho.” Taemin said his hands turning into fists.


“I didn’t know you had a for the blind.”


“Shut up, Onew.” Taemin growled.


“Is that why we never dated?” Jonghyun joined in.


“ off, Jonghyun!”


“God, Taemin. Look at you,” the older boys laughed. They found it amusing that the younger male was getting all worked up over nothing.


“So have you fallen in love with him yet?” Jonghyun mocked.


“I’m not here because I want to be, okay? I’m here to get stuff done so I won’t have a ty as record. He needs me to fetch things for him. Like he’d ever mean anything to me.” Taemin spat, his stomach knotting.


“I get it. You’re his .” Jonghyun said snapping his fingers.


Taemin wanted to punch him in his face, but bit his lip instead.


“Whatever,” Onew said. “You’re loss. We’ve gotta go.”


“Nice friends,” Minho scoffed as soon as he heard Taemin’s footsteps. He had grown used to them. They were light and sloppy. Just like Taemin. He pretend to be busy with work.


“You heard that?” Taemin often forgot how well Minho’s other senses were. Especially his hearing.


“What does it matter?” Minho said. “You should go to that party. It’s probably a lot more fun than hanging around here with some blind kid.”


Taemin stayed quiet, biting his bottom lip not knowing what to say. He felt ty for saying what he did, but how was supposed to explain to Minho how he really felt?


“I’m sorry.” He finally said. Not being able to stand the ugly silence. “I don’t know why I said that. I don’t even care what they think.”


 “Like hell you don’t!” Minho shouted becoming angry.


“I don’t!” Taemin said again raising his voice as well.


“Then why lie?”


Again Taemin stayed quiet not sure how to answer.


“The decent thing was for you to defend your friend.” Minho sighed. “For the record, you need me a hell of a lot more than I need you. Scared of what’ll show up on your record when you’re older?” Minho stated more than asked.


 “Look-” Taemin stopped, realizing that even if Minho wanted to he couldn’t. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath. “Listen, I’m only doing this because it gets me out of doing community service. We’re not friends, we’re not buddies. We don’t owe each other anything! I’m here to babysit you for 8 hours a day, arasso?” He couldn’t believe he was saying this. Minho was probably the first and only true friend he had ever had, but he was too mad to think now. Hurtful words were flowing out of his mouth and he couldn’t stop it. These feelings were confusing.


“Do you actually think I need you?” Minho scoffed suddenly turning cold. There was another side to him. A side Taemin had never seen. He didn’t like it. “I was born blind. My parents died when I was four. The only reason I’m in this place is because I’m a blind freak who’s good with numbers! I’ve been fine to this day on my own. I don’t need you.” Minho said with emphasis on the “need” part.


They both just stood there saying nothing. It was Minho to speak first again.


“Do us both a favor. Stop coming,” he said, turning his back to his work.


Taemin was left speechless. He wasn’t stupid. He knew Minho well enough to see he was being serious. With no more words left to exchange he his heels and departed.


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Chapter 12: Loved it :)
fireheart6v6 #2
Chapter 11: loved it :)
Chapter 12: Such a nice story ❤
Chapter 12: Read it again ^_^
Chapter 12: The story is indeed beautiful.really like it!


Thank U!
aigoo_q #6
Chapter 11: This is so beautiful. Why did it have to end?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 11: well.........It was really good!.........I dint know what to say!
good job(^_^)
Chapter 11: Finding this, and reading it all within a good half an hour, I have to say I'm quite pleased!
This was such a cute and adorable story, with the fluff and little angst, it was just perfectly all wrapped into one!
I also loved the short based chapters, not to long and not too short all with enough detail till the end!

You have a beautiful talent, and I'm very glad you shared it with us!
Cephei #9
Chapter 11: omg this is beautiful <3 I'm sure I've commented on this fic years ago when I first read it, but I stumbled upon it again and I still love it. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!
Secreteyes #10
Chapter 12: This storie was just so beautiful. Woww It really touched me congrats it's awsome... just one last question. WHY DID IT END?!