
Devil's Breath *HIATUS*

Changmin returned home through a portal. He walked into his condo. He laid down on the couch, clutching his heart.


Changmin's heart was still beating quickly. He couldn't believe he actually kissed Seohyun and liked it. She was a new

experience for him. He was fascinated by her dazzling beauty and charming smile. He then shook his head. "I can't fall

for a mere human! It's against the rules!" He yelled out to himself. He closed his eyes. "Hyung, hurry and come back..I need

your help..." He muttered to himself as his eyelids becamse heavy.



Seohyun and Sulli returned home to find the lights off and silence. "What the heck? We were gone for only 30 minutes."

Sulli complained. "Oh well..We can just make the cake ourselves. They slipped into the their slippers entered the kitchen.

Big Beautiful Kitchen

Sulli took out the eggs and flour, setting it on the counter while Seohyun took out all of the ingredients and tools. They

washed their hands and began to work. After mixing the ingredients in the mixing bowl and pouring it into the large

circular pan, Seohyun stuck the pan into the oven. They cleaned up the mess, did the dishes, and heard the timer ding.

Seohyun took out of the cake and put it on the counter. "Want to put on the icing?" Seohyun asked, holding the bowl of

icing. Sulli nodded. Seohyun handed her the icing and finished the dishes. "Done!" Sulli announced as she the icing

from her fingers. Seohyun took out a plate, cut 2 pieces out of the cake, and handed it to Sulli. "Thanks, Unnie." Sulli

smiled. "No problem. Do you want some milk?" Seohyun asked. Sulli nodded. "Go into the living and turn on the TV. I'll be

there in a minute." Sulli left Seohyun. Seohyun took out another plate for herself, 2 cups, poured milk into the cups, and cut

out 2 slices of cake for herself. She exited the kitchen and entered the living room. Seohyun found Sulli watching a drama.

She sat down next to her sister and watched the drama with her. When the drama was over and the cake finished, Seohyun

took their dishes, put them in the dish washer, and started it. "Sulli-ah, I'm going to upstairs. Don't stay up too late and make

sure to turn off the TV. Night!" Seohyun said as she passed the living room. "Yeah..Bye.." Sulli responded as her eyes were

glued to the screen. "Aigoo..This kid.." Seohyun muttered under breath. Seohyun made her way upstairs into her room

and shut the door. She went into her bathroom, took off her clothes, and took a shower. After a long and relaxing shower,

Seohyun got out of the shower, dried herself off, and slipped into her pajamas. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, and

jumped into bed. Chubbi cuddled into her arms. "Aigoo..Today was so long.." she mumbled to herself and fell into a deep




"Miss Seo. Your father has requested me to wake you up. Your father said you have 20 minutes to get ready to go to work

with him." A maid shook Seohyun gently. Seohyun opened up her eyes  and sat up. The maid bowed and left her room,

closing the door behind her. Seohyun got to her feet and walked into her bathroom. She washed her face, brushed her

teeth, and did her makeup. There was no need to curl her hair because it was already naturally curly. She walked back into

her room and looked into her closet. She picked out something office like and slipped into it.


Seohyun walked downstairs. As usual, Chubbi trotted by her side. Maids and butlers scurried around. Her parents were

sitting at the dining table eating breakfast. Her father was reading the newspaper and her mother walked the morning

news. "Good morning, Father." Seohyun greeted her father as she kissed him on the cheek. "Good morning, Mother."

Seohyun kissed her mother on the cheek as well. "Sit down, dear." Ms. Seo ushered to the seat next to her. Seohyun

gladly sat down. A butler quickly attended to her, setting out a plate along with some juice and pancakes. Seohyun

began to eat her breakfast. Mrs. Seo turned her attention to Seohyun. "Joohyun-ah, have you been taking your iron

supplements?" She asked. Seohyun nodded. It was a lie. She hadn't been taking her pills because she's been too lazy

to. "Good. So how are you and Kyuhyun?" Asked Mrs. Seo. "We're good." Seohyun responded. "Your father and I are

thinking about moving up your wedding.." Mrs. Seo told Seohyun. "WHAT?!" Seohyun yelled in shock. "You heard me. You

getting to the age where you can take over the company." Mrs. Seo said calmly. "H-How soon are we talking about?"

Seohyun asked. "In about 3 months." Mrs. Seo answered. "Mom..I still too young to get married. And have you even asked

Kyuhyun about this?" Seohyun asked. "He's agreed to moving it up." Mrs. Seo responded. "B-But..Dad, I don't want to get

married that soon. Help me out." Seohyun pleaded her father. "We only want the best for you." Mr. Seo agreed with his wife.

"I'm moving up the wedding whether you like it or not. Now, honey, you must be on your way. You don't want to be late for

work." Seohyun shoved the last of her pancakes into and gulped down her juice. "Let's go, Joohyun." Mr. Seo

told his daughter as he got up and made his way to the front door. Seohyun jogged up to her room, grabbed her heels,

purse, and phone, and sprinted back downstairs. She went to the front door, took off her slippers, and slipped into her 

heels. She darted outside to her father's car. She slid into the driver's side and put on her seat belt. She started up the car

and they drove to the Seo Company.


Seohyun parked the car in the underground lot. Seohyun and her father got out of the car and walked inside of the building.

Everwhere they walked, workers bowed to welcome their boss and his daughter. When they reached his office, Mr. Seo

said "Joohyun-ah, sort this paperwork and review these reports. I have a buisness conference to go to so I'm putting you

in charge of everyone. This will be good practice for you. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Make sure to have everything

done." "Yes, Father." Seohyun bowed to her father as he left with his attendant. Seohyun sat down at her father's desk.

She stared blankly at the 2 huge stacks of papers sitting in front of her. "How the hell am I going to get this done? Aish.."

She said to herself. She began to sort through the first pile of reports. All of her focus was going into reading she didn't

notice that someone was watching her carefully. Changmin leaned against the doorway, watching Seohyun lovingly. "She

looks so cute when she concentrates." Changmin chuckled to himself. He then knocked on the door trying to get Seohyun's

attention. It didn't work. Seohyun was absorbed in the reports. Changmin laughed and walked over to the desk Seohyun

was sitting at. He gently tapped the table. Seohyun glanced up to find Changmin staring. "Good morning, Changmin-ssi."

Seohyun greeted cheerfully. "Good morning, Miss Seo. I'm here to finish our conversation from last night." Changmin said.

"Oh. I see. Please shut the door." Seohyun kindly commanded. Changmin walked over to the door and shut it quiet.

Seohyun got to her feet and ushered to the conference table. "Please sit." She said. Seohyun and Changmin seated

themselves. "About last night..I'm sorry for making you cry." Changmin apologized. Seohyun smiled. "It's fine. I'm very glad

of what you said. It made me realize that I must live my days to the fullest..since I'm going to die soon." "No. You won't die.

I'll protect you. Like I said before, I don't want to bring an innocent person into this. And plus, I do have some power from

my homeland. I'm the son of the ruler." Changmin proudly said. "I am very sorry, your majesty, for being rude to you. Forgive

me." Seohyun joked. Changmin laughed at Seohyun's joke. "But in all seriousness, I won't let you die." Changmin told

Seohyun as he placed his hand on top of hers. "Thank you." Seohyun said. " there anything you want to know about

me or where I came from?" Changmin asked. "Why did you come here?" Seohyun replied. "I was sent here to find out

more what humans are like. My people were told you humans are evil creatures. Turns out that they were wrong." Seohyun

blushed. "Umm..What exactly are you? A vampire?" Changmin shook his head. "No. I'm actually a demon." "Why do you

blood? I thought vampires blood." "You humans mistaken demons for vampires. There's actually no such thing

as vampires. We demons only blood when the full moon is out and the sky is clear." Changmin said. "Hmm..That

makes a little more sense. So it was a full moon when you my blood?" Changmin nodded. "What does it feel like

when you someone's blood?" Seohyun asked out of curiosity. Changmin froze. "You said I could ask questions."

"I don't know how to explain it. The moment you sink your fangs into someone, you in their memories and feelings as

well. You share a mutual bond with you prey. I guess it feels relaxing?" Changmin let out a laugh. Seohyun's neck began

to tingle. "So where exactly are you from and who was that man a couple days ago in the park?" "That man is my half

brother. My father was extremely busy when made us." He chuckled and continued. "I'm actually from the Underworld. It's

what you people call Hell. My father is Satan." Seohyun's body shuddered. Changmin saw Seohyun shudder. "Don't worry!

He's not as bad as legends make him out to be." Seohyun nodded slowly. "Any other questions?" Changmin asked.

Seohyun shook her head. "My brother will be back in a week or so. He went back to Hell to find something out about

something that caught his attention. Time in the Underworld moves slower than Earth's time." "I see.." Seohyun said.

Changmin glanced at the piles of paper on the desk behind them. "Do you need help with that?" He asked. "No. It's fine.

My father told me to do it myself. Thank you for the offer though." Seohyun said sweetly. "I'll probably get going. I have my

own work to do." Both Seohyun and Changmin laughed. "I'll walk you to the door." Seohyun said. They both stood up and

walked to the door. Changmin opened up the door. "Thank you again, Changmin-ssi." Seohyun thanked. "No problem!

And Seohyun..make sure to watch out for anything out of the ordinary. And remember, I'll make sure nothing happens to

you." Changmin said serious. "Goodbye." Seohyun bowed. "Don't bow. It makes me feel awkward." Changmin said. "Oh.

Sorry." Seohyun laughed. "Make sure to watch out for me. I'm your own personal stalker." Changmin joked. "Have a good

day now." Changmin patted Seohyun on the head and left. Seohyun went back to sit at the desk. Far away, someone had

witnessed the friendly scene between Seohyun and Changmin. He was full of rage and jealousy. He balled up his fist, 

making the bag of sweet potatoes crunch. "I can't believe it! She's cheating on me!" Kyuhyun yelled in rage. He stormed




I hope you enjoyed this update! ^^ If you have any suggestions for this story, please leave comments below! As usual, don't

mind my spell errors! Thanks for reading! <3


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shimseo #1
Chapter 1: Even i've loved it from the first chapter
sitinur #2
Chapter 21: Author.... Update soon, please. I like this story.
Chapter 1: update soon please
shionpark #4
i don't know how to upvote.can you tell me?
Chapter 20: Continue this please ? I really like this
shionpark #6
authonim I love your story very muchhhh.
Holmesanhxtanh #7
Chapter 21: please continueee ^^
Chapter 21: Continueee~ but really, I wouldn't mind either way. :)
Chapter 21: just continue this story, please... n_n
Chapter 21: continue..please....