Chapter 7

You're Mine

“Father!” Jongup begged, desperately restraining the older man. Jongup was completely bewildered by the sudden turn of events. The moment he stepped into the house, hoping to tell his parents all about his day, only to meet his distraught-looking father; apparently hugging a large bag in his arms, looking ready to burst out of the house. His mother sat on the couch, staring blankly into space; her hands gripped her own head so tightly, they were slightly trembling and veins became visible.

Not only that, the house was in a terrible state. It looked as if a hurricane had come and left, leaving a massive trail of destruction. There were broken chairs, glass pieces, windows smashed and food splattered on the ground. To Jongup’s horror, his mother was also bleeding from the ankle. His father seemed to have several bruises on his face as well.

What the bloody hell was going on?!

The next thing he knew, his father attempted to push him aside and head for the door.

“Father! Where are—“ He battled against his father’s strength, refusing to let go of his arms.”-- you going? What’s going on?”

“Let go, you imbecile!” His father screeched for the first time in Jongup’s memory of their blissful family life, looking like a man who had been pushed to his limits. He gave one final exertion, twisting Jongup’s wrist; bone fracture sounds resounding eerily in the silent living room, leaving his son to scream in pain while earning the few moments of freedom to run out of the house.

Never to come back again.

Jongup gripped onto his wrist, howling painfully at the sensation.

It hurt so much.

His heart shattered completely.

He wailed, he bawled and he screamed. He tried to find some answers; but his mother merely gave him hollow looks, completely lost from that day onwards.

A blissful family of three.

Broken overnight.


The bowl crashed onto the ground, smithereens flying everywhere. Jongup bit on his lower lip, before bending over to pick up the pieces.

His mother had yet again rejected the food, shrieking about how Jongup’s father should die a horrible death for causing the family’s downfall. She went on and on, gripping onto Jongup’s shirt and tearing it in the process.

“You look just like him.” She would say repeatedly. “You look just like him. Both of you are devils!”

“Devils!” She roars. “Devils sent to torture me!”

Jongup left the room silently, locking the sounds inside the room. It had been a year, and no amount of medicine could cure his mother’s depression and anger.

It was such a traumatic experience for the both of them; learning that Moon Junghyun’s business had collapsed, and before that happened, he had an on-going affair with his secretary. In his attempt to recoup losses, Moon Junghyun had lost all his properties as well, including the house they have lived in for the past 18 years. Unable to bear the embarrassment , guilt and responsibility of it all,  he chose to escape.

Leaving Jongup and his mother to fend for themselves, haunted by countless of triads, forcing them to pay up.

They were evicted. They had nowhere to live, had nothing to even live on.

Until his cousin came by, offering to put up with them. She had a very rich boyfriend, so they were able to live comfortably; Jongup was terribly guilty, he took Hyosung’s kindness as a loan. Hyosung was able to help him settle a part of the debts as well, and Jongup swore he would never, ever forget her kindness.

He took up countless types of jobs, the ones that would pay in advance, those with the greatest pay. As a fresh high school graduate, his career options were limited. Even with his fantastic grades, he could only serve as a temporary secretary. He had no university qualifications; it was tough finding a well-paying job.

He never gave up, trying to repay Hyosung bit by bit.

All the while, Daehyun had no clue what was going on in Jongup’s life. Jongup lied about being busy with his university admissions, and they had fewer and fewer meetings together.

Jongup hid it so well though, despite his horrifying schedules, Daehyun hardly detected any anomalies in their relationship. Daehyun was busy with his career to begin with anyway.

They were so much in love, Jongup didn’t want to let Daehyun go at all. He firmly believed that they will pull through this; his determination further strengthened when he asked Daehyun if he would abandon him someday, and Daehyun’s response was that he would “rather die than to leave” him.

Daehyun was his only pillar of support. The one whom he could truly trust himself with. The one that he was going to spend the rest of his life with.

Daehyun showered him with so much affection, love and understanding that at one point, Jongup was going to confess everything. But why would someone as perfect as Daehyun be willing to stand by him when he was in such disastrous circumstances? Jongup had so much insecurities, he had in particular developed trust issues after being betrayed by his beloved father.

Jongup would have persevered for another 6 months when he foresees clearing the debts, when he would be confident enough to Daehyun what has been going on his life; that he wasn’t going to enter university at all but was in fact killing himself to pay off his father’s debts. If not, for that small incident, that left such a huge impact upon him.

On that one fine afternoon, Daehyun insisted on dropping Jongup off at Hyosung’s residence. Jongup had lied about staying with Hyosung for a while his own house being renovated.

The two of them shared a kiss at the car porch.

Jongup waved goodbye to Daehyun, promising to turn up for the coming Saturday’s date, turned around to see his mother glaring fiercely at him; she had seen them from the window.

Fierce was an understatement. The entire house was shaking from her fury.

“You filthy bastard! !” She spat, wearing an expression that caused Jongup to, truly from the bottom of his heart, fear for his life. “How dare you kiss..” Her face reddened further, before gasping angrily.

“…a man?! You dirty little—I’ll kill you!” She screeched, before snapping up a knife and starting to swing it recklessly at her own son.

Jongup screamed and screamed, begging someone to help him. Daehyun was long gone. Hyosung and her husband were away on a couple trip.

No one was there to help him this time.

He was completely petrified, frozen as his mother brought down the knife down harshly, stabbing deep into his right thigh.

Jongup rasped in agony; he was going to die.

 A blinding white light washed over him, sending him into darkness.

He never did turn up for the date.

And he swore never to see Jung Daehyun again.


“That will be 5 million won for this month, Mr Moon.” Jongup carefully placed an envelope onto the registration counter, feeling at great ease as the lady confirmed the amount to be accurate, and handed him the receipt.

He walked past Room 507, looking through the transparent screen. His mother was grinning like a kid, waving the colorful lollipop in her hand. He waved a small goodbye, earning more frantic waves from the woman. The doctor was smiling at him as well; he nodded back in recognition.

“See you, Mum!”

Jongup mouthed, feeling a rush of happiness.

Another month. Just 3 more months to go,

And they can all be together again.


Jongup sat stonily on the wooden floor, blankly staring at the portrait of Jung Eunyoung; his mother looking more youthful and bright than he had ever seen her for the past 3 years, ever since his father left.

White flowers decorated the sides of the portrait; a small petal drops. He bends slightly to pick it up; before holding it close to his chest. The throbbing ache on the left side of the chest was overwhelming, tears ran profusely down his cheeks.

It was just a week before his mother would get discharged from the asylum.

Just a week and they would be reunited.

He had all sorts of plans for them; he would rent a house in the countryside, and have them lead a peaceful life. He had even planned to marry a girl in the United States, as he had repeatedly promised her. She would have many grandchildren, and happily live the rest of her life.

But alas, fate was cruel. His mother had suffered so much pain, and was almost reaching a phase of her life where she could have aged happily with her son by her side. Yet, she hung herself, leaving a letter full of apologies, written during her rare moments of consciousness.

She was so terribly sorry that Jongup had to suffer so much because of her. She deserved to die a long time ago. The woman couldn’t bear living in peace with how she had treated Jongup during her periods of madness.

Her mental illness was chronic, incurable. She could never predict when she would explode again, as she did for the 3 times since the first occurrence, leaving Jongup with terrible wounds; both physical and mental pain inflicted upon him.

She was better off dead.

And Jongup was left alone in this world.

With no one to care.


Jongup is wailing again at this point; Daehyun is tearing as well, unable to believe how much Jongup has gone through.

These tears are merely the tip of the iceberg. Daehyun knows Jongup can hardly ever be able to express the true extent of his pain.

He presses his forehead against the crying boy’s, as the younger one trembles furiously; his lithe figure wrecked with sobs.

Jongup feels a load lighter; though his heart is hurting terribly from the re-opened wounds. He has finally said it all.

Daehyun sums up his feelings perfectly, as he states simply.

“It’s all over, Jongup.”

Daehyun leans a little closer, till his lips ghosted over the younger boy’s trembling ones.

“It’s all over.”

Their lips lock.

And the world caught fire.





A/N: Long time no see everyone, omg i just vomitted 1700 words. Officially....BRAIN-DEAD.

Sorry I have no idea why I love angst..... -.-

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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 9: Squeetastic that is all //@^@//
Saaaam #2
Chapter 5: iijdsujcxiufmjdxiawhudfhthhhhhhfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+ppp````'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''icjvnvj ncfdjn
hanabira #3
Chapter 9: thank you for writing~~~~~ ^^
hope you will make another daejong fic later.. ^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhhh sooo good :) oh how I've missed this story so much :) I'm so glad it was a good ending :)
Kacichan #5
Chapter 8: Ah, Daehyun-ah, why so sweet?
Chapter 8: *claps* Yay Jongup I hope your happy with Daehyunnie
Chapter 8: odfjosidfjiawf sooo good =] Jongup is finally able to let Daehyun in his life... and accept it =] yay =]