Chapter 2

You're Mine

“Jongup-ah.” Daehyun breathes in disbelief.

Moon Jongup is standing at the entrance, clad in a white t-shirt and pants. Sporting a neat brown cut, he looked just like how Daehyun remembered him.

Daehyun thinks he is going to faint and die without any regrets.

Jongup is still alive and well.

He slowly makes his way towards the boy, who has apparently frozen in his steps. Avoiding all sorts of eye contact, Jongup apprehensively takes a few steps back.

Before running out of the café.

“Jongup-ah!” Daehyun yells, giving chase.

Oh hell no.

No ing way.

He is not going to let him disappear from his sight again.


Why is he here? Of all places, why?

Jongup is sprinting with all his might for several streets right now; Daehyun still hot on his trail, bellowing his name.

All he knows now is that he has to leave this place. As soon as possible. Catch the earliest train to the airport. He grabs his phone, and presses a few buttons anxiously.


He mutters feverishly, feeling his leg muscles aching terribly.

He quickly darts into the alley, a shortcut that he hopes the man does not know about.

His only chance to shake him off.

He squats behind the bin, panting heavily as he waited for his friend to pick up the call. He watches as a figure dash past, and he silently congratulates himself.

But it isn’t the time to celebrate just yet.

Wiping his face with the back of his hand, he realizes that his face is wet.

With tears.

“Oh Jongup-ah!”

Hyosung finally chirps through the receiver, bringing a great sense of relief to the boy. He covers his face with his hand, and opts to keep his voice low.

“Noona! This is really urgent! I need you to buy me the earliest train ticket to the airport. And a plane ticket to…anywhere. I just need to get out of here as soon---“ He is cut off by the screeching girl.

“Why why why?! What the is going on!”

“Don’t ask any questions!”

“What the , Jongup! I don’t care. What the hell is going on?! Oh my god, did you borrow illegal money? Are you being hunted down? What the I thought you had Aunt’s medical bills covered! Ohmygodohmygod O-M-G” The girl is on the verge of a mental breakdown.

“Y-yah! SHUT UP!” He nearly shrieks. Hyosung goes silent at the other end; only silent sobs can be heard.

“Just do as I say!” Jongup lets out a frustrated breath, hissing angrily into the receiver and feeling the back of his head burning with anxiety.

“I don’t care! You get your back here first!”

And the line goes dead.

Jongup’s jaw drops, cursing all sorts of vulgarities that he knows.

This day cannot get any better.

He really needs to get back. Jongup prays with all his heart that Daehyun gives up finding him.

His vision goes blurry again as he scans the area for signs of the older man.


And he sprints towards his destination, wiping his face every now and then..


Hyosung watches as the boy furiously packs all his clothings, sending several items crashing onto the floor in his haste. His face is flushed and wet, a flustered expression plastered across his face.

She is certain that Jongup has never looked so…disturbed… and anxious before.

“Who is chasing you, Jongup? Will you ing tell me already? Do you know how scared I was when I received your call? What the is going on man! Haven’t you settled Aunt's medical bills already?” Hyosung realizes something, pausing in between as she sends disbelieving glances at Jongup.

“Is it Uncle's debts? I thought you cleared them long ago! Did you ing lie, Jongup?!”

On the other hand, the younger boy has already frozen.

Oh .

In his hurry, he has forgotten his priorities. He is supposed to visit his mother’s grave today.

He smacks himself on the forehead.

“Aish!” Jongup launches himself onto his bed and starts to ram his head against the mattress.

Hyosung thinks she is being unwillingly put on an emotional rollercoaster ride. Her cousin is acting really strangely and she has no ing idea why. She places a hand over her forehead, wishing to faint.

The bell rings, startling the both of them.

Hyosung sends another glare in Jongup’s direction.

“ing confusing bastard.” She spits, before stomping down the stairs.

Jongup feels slightly sorry at the moment, but is now more worried about his escape from this town. He definitely has to visit the graves.

He groans in despair, realizing that he has not yet purchased his mother’s favourite coffee.

“!” He screams into his pillow.

Jongup seeks to regain his composure; he doesn’t have the luxury of time to freak out now. He should take the chance to tender his resignation at the café and kindergarten. And leave right after visiting the graves.

He cannot leave the place today, that’s for sure. There’s quite a number of things to wrap up first.

Just one more day.

He bites and gnaws that the pillow furiously, before collapsing fully on the mattress. Fatigue takes over; Jongup is more than certain that he has enough chaos for today.

He needs to get a good rest.


And as if fate has not played enough tricks…

His bedroom door, slightly ajar, is being pushed open further.

Jongup jumps up, an uneasy feeling taking over his entire being.

And his fears are immediately proven to have come true.

Because Jung Daehyun is standing right in front of him.








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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 9: Squeetastic that is all //@^@//
Saaaam #2
Chapter 5: iijdsujcxiufmjdxiawhudfhthhhhhhfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa+ppp````'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''icjvnvj ncfdjn
hanabira #3
Chapter 9: thank you for writing~~~~~ ^^
hope you will make another daejong fic later.. ^^
Chapter 9: Ahhhhh sooo good :) oh how I've missed this story so much :) I'm so glad it was a good ending :)
Kacichan #5
Chapter 8: Ah, Daehyun-ah, why so sweet?
Chapter 8: *claps* Yay Jongup I hope your happy with Daehyunnie
Chapter 8: odfjosidfjiawf sooo good =] Jongup is finally able to let Daehyun in his life... and accept it =] yay =]